Also, France isn't so much anti-war as pro-Saddam. They have 60 billion (I assume this was converted to American dollars, but someone might want to double-check that figure) in Iraq oil. If the US goes to war, there will be a regime change. And France will not get the 60 billion Saddam owes them. Chirac and Saddam have been buddies since 1974. He helped build a nuclear reactor that was destroyed in the early 80s.
In that case, it is Chirac, not the French, that the majority of anti-French sentiment needs to be redirected to. Chirac was acting on his own and separate from France's government. Valerie Giscard D'Estaing, the former French President, said that in 1994. When President D'Estaing found out about this deal, he ditched it. Chirac man is buddies with Saddam. If we win, he will be ruined. Politcally, and possible financially.
This is about anti-Americanism too. The French (at least, the loundest members of their country) hate America. They hate our wealth, and they hate our sucess. And it burns them to see that we are one of the stongest countries in the world.