Originally posted by Dave:
And when is the West going after the other would be Hitlers in North Korea (nukes), Myanmar (systematic rape), Iran (soon-to-have nukes), Libya, Zimbabwe, Sudan and half a dozen other African countries?

cuz we've had so much sucess in getting support against the mid-east hitler, right?

regarldess, when will the west handle the other problems? like so often, before everyone else. and in bigger fashion. for example, here is an article about the US bringing bombers and other artilary to north korea

nk should really (i think) be a major chinese focus. especially since they're fellow communists, deal in daily trade, and right next door to one another (not to mention the US is obviously trying to handle other things at the moment). however, i've heard little-to-nothing about china taking any type of action to their now-nuclear powered and embittered little neighbor.

nor have i heard any aggressive statements from france, germany, or russia on the nk build up (or iraq's, for that matter), chosing instead, to focus on american or british policy, and various levels of success in debating it.

confronting and dealing with our world's various hitlers should be an easy decision. it should be overtly logical to depower any dictator in that fashion. it should be something that is apparent or obvious to not only government higher-ups, but their children.

however, and confusingly, its not.

look at all of the opposition just against saddam's removal. and this isn't a fight from a hippie or whatever -- its opposition from highly educated individuals: country leaders, government officials, etc. hell, there are thousands, if not millions, of people living in a post 9-11, hated-by-iraq america that feel we shouldn't rid ourselves of saddam.

and dcu fans were confused how luthor be prez!