Re: the open letter to G.W. Bush quoted above.

What a snot-nosed raging schmuck. A classic example of how impossible it is to argue with know-it-all liberals who are not open to any possibility but their own rhetoric.

1. For openers, the economy Moore complains about was one that President G.W. Bush inherited from the Clinton Administration. The recession had lasted about a year prior to the November 2000 election. But the biased liberal press was quick to paint the myth that the economy was great under Clinton, and that Bush ruined it.

2. G.W. Bush also had no control over September 11th, which caused the decline of an economy that was just rising out of recession (as leading economic indicators were showing) when 9/11/01 occurred.

3. And again, Bush pursued a hardline against Al Qaida that has so far prevented another attack.

4. Under a President Gore (whose petty clinging to the election he lost caused a huge loss in the stock market over a five-week period in November/December 2000, by the way) we would still be debating whether to put economic sanctions on Afghanistan, and Al Qaida would be free to launch numerous attacks on the U.S., that the liberal-condemned invasion of Afghanistan and Al Qaida's bases (under Bush) PREVENTED.

But sure, whatever, Mr Moore, believe whatever you like. You and the millions of other similar liberals across the U.S., who go beyond dissention and call Bush an idiot and so forth.

There is absolutely nothing civil about this kind of civil disobedience.

[ 03-25-2003, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: Dave the Wonder Boy ]