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I'm not going to argue with you over Bush and Gore. I'm entirely uncertain why you think Clinton did nothing about Israel and Palestine. Seems to me he did more than anyone else. As for Clinton's security record, here is a post from someone else, elsewhere: quote:
The following is from a Washington Post article, written by staff writer, Barton Gellman, December 20, 2001:
"President Bill Clinton and his advisers reached a pivot point in their grasp of the terrorist threat by the end of 1995. In his second term, the president reshaped his government in response. By degrees the national security establishment shifted its view of terrorism from tactical nuisance to strategic challenge, sharpening its focus on bin Laden after the 1998 embassy bombings in East Africa.
"By any measure available, Clinton left office having given greater priority to terrorism than any president before him. His government doubled counterterrorist spending across 40 departments and agencies. The FBI and CIA allocated still larger increases in their budgets and personnel assignments. Clinton devoted some of his highest-profile foreign policy speeches to terrorism, including two at the U.N. General Assembly. An interagency panel, the Counterterrorism Strategy Group, took on new weight in policy disputes from the Justice Department to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the foreign policy cabinet, by the time it left office, had been convening every two to three weeks to shape a covert and overt campaign against al Qaeda."
I have a lengthy timeline of the terrorist attacks and Clinton's response - too long for this forum. To very briefly summarize: the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred on Feb. 23, 1993 (6 killed) - hard to blame Clinton on this one since he had been in office for a month. A subsequent attack occurred in Saudi Arabia in 1996 (19 US soldiers killed); US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed in 1998 (223 killed); and the USS Cole was bombed in October 12, 2000 (17 soldiers were killed).
In the 80s - terrorist attacks included the Lebanon Marine barracks, the Lebanon embassy, hijackings, the Achille Lauro and Pan Am 103.
Moving on, on your point on the economy:
Many LIBERALS described it that way !
Again, the recession began under Clinton, after the prime rate was raised five quarters in a row, before the effect of the first few raisings could be seen, and this excessively slowed growth. Again, the recession had begun a year before G.W. Bush was inaugurated.
It's pure and simple biased propaganda to blame the recession on Bush. Up until 9-11-01, indicators were that the economy was beginning to move out of recession.
I found a rebuttal in today's International Herald Tribune, in an article on Greenspan. Greenspan got it wrong in 1990, when he said America was not in a recession.
The National Bureau of Economic Research which officially defines the peaks and troughs of economic cycles, concluded later that a recession had begun that very month. The Fed soon began cutting interest rates, but the slowdown persisted and contributed mightily to the defeat of President George Bush in the 1992 election.
So the first Bush couldn't do anything to stop recession (on the back of a decade of Republicans in the White House), which cost him his presidency. How do you blame Clinton for the next one?
Finally, the parallels between Saddam and Hitler are weak. On the one hand, both like invading their neighbours, both have no qualms about genocide, and both have moustaches. On the other hand, Germany could unopposed build up its armed forces over an 8 year period, while Iraq's were smashed and its economy crippled over a 12 year period after its first (premature) effort at taken the equivalent of Sudatenland. Iraq has not had the ability to do more than fire Scuds into Israel for the past 12 years. Iraq in 2003 is not Nazi Germany. In 1991, the parallel was much clearer - Iraq had one of the largest standing armies on earth.
As I've said, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be kicked out of power.