New Documents from Saddam Hussein's Archives

    Following are the ABC News Investigative Unit's summaries of Iraqi documents from Saddam Hussein's government, which were released by the U.S. government Wednesday.

    The full documents can be found on the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Office Web site:

    Note: Document titles were added by ABC News.

    "Election Campaign Laws in France"

    Documents dated July-August 1999

    Correspondence regarding election campaigns in France. This includes a document from the Iraqi intelligence service classified as "secret," ordering the translation of important parts of a 1997 report about campaign financing laws in France. It also includes a document from the foreign minister's office indicating the report was attached. The attached translated report included very detailed information about all the regulations regarding financing of election campaigns in France. Translation was done by someone called "Salam Abdul Karim Mohammed."

    (Editor's Note: This is an intriguing document which suggests Saddam Hussein's regime had a strong interest in the mechanics and legalities of financial contributions to French politicians. Several former French politicians are implicated in receiving oil vouchers from Iraq under the U.N. Oil for Food program.)