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#236091 2002-04-26 3:28 AM
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i started this up in the "off topic" section a while ago, but figured mebbe id start one in here (with hopes that responses would stay a lil more serious, and conversation more on topic).

basic rules, you have to answer the question posed in the previous post, then ask a new question of your own.

Q: wait, how do you play?

#236092 2002-04-26 3:29 AM
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A: like this.
Q: if you saw someone drop a $100 bill, would you take it? or tell them?

#236093 2002-04-26 2:33 PM
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A: Tell them and give it back, duh.

Q: If you saw a hurt animal would you stop and help it?

Be warned be kind!

#236094 2002-04-26 4:57 PM
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A epends on what kind of animal it is.If it's a dog or cat,then yes I would.If it's a deer or a bear,I call the game commision to let them know what kind of animal it is & what looks to be the problem.

Q:If a good friend you work with was stealing,would you turn him/her in(i.e. tell your boss)?

#236095 2002-04-26 4:58 PM
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A: depends on the situation. highway driving? odds are, prolly not.
Q: do you believe in (a) god?

#236096 2002-04-26 6:11 PM
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A: Yes, I beleive in a God. Jesus Christ our lord and savor.

Q: Do you think the best things in life are free?

#236097 2002-04-26 9:02 PM
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A)NO.To get something you have to give something.

Q)When is it ok to kill another person?

#236098 2002-04-26 10:52 PM
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A: During war, battleing for our country.

Q: Which of the virtues is the most important?

#236099 2002-04-28 11:25 PM
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A: I find them all of equal importance. It's hard, if not impossible, to place any one of them as loftier than any of the others.

Q: Do animals have souls? (i.e. Will animals be in heaven?)

#236100 2002-04-29 4:43 AM
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A)I could be wrong about this,I recall reading somewhere in the bible that animals do not have souls.Perhaps they are the lucky ones.An animals actions are not based on good or evil.

Q)What age would you like to live to?

#236101 2002-04-29 4:46 AM
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A: 55, just long enough to have lived enough of life to know what's going on, but not long enough to suffer through my grandchildren's generation

Q: What is the one thing on earth that you would most want to have/see/do and what would you give to get it?

#236102 2002-05-25 3:35 AM
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A) I want a job I can feal good about and an employer I can trust.To obtain that I am going back to school and getting more education and than a better job.

Q)Which is your favorite movie?

#236103 2002-05-26 4:58 AM
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A I have many!!!!!
Planes Trains and Automobiles
Batman Returns (yes numerous plot holes but love the characters!0
Marx Brothers Night at the Opera.

Q Which public personality do YOU really believe to be the anti-christ?

#236104 2002-05-26 1:37 PM
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A: Martha Stewart

Q: What would be the best way for you to celebrate Memorial Day (or the equilivant in your own country)?

#236105 2002-05-26 9:32 PM
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Q. Making time and a half at work!!!

A. Whos more important family or friends?

#236106 2002-05-29 2:57 AM
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A)Family.friends come and go,but your stuck with family.

Q)Would you lie to cover for a friend?

#236107 2002-05-29 3:12 AM
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(A) Yes, but only if it wouldn't come back to bite me in the ass later. If I'm going down for someone, I'm not going down alone.

(Q) Star Wars or Star Trek?

#236108 2002-05-29 12:28 PM
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A: Star Wars all the way!!

Q: The fate of sports lays in your hands. You must choose one sport that will survive the test of time for the entire planet (and face the backlash if you choose poorly)...which single sport (if it's not olympic, then I'm not going to consider it a true sport) will you choose to survive them all?

#236109 2002-05-29 1:12 PM
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A: Soccer!

Q: How important to you is it to recyle?

#236110 2002-05-29 1:30 PM
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A) That depends..if it is REAL recycling or the governments version of recycling?

Q) Have you been in love? If so why did it not last?

#236111 2002-05-30 1:42 AM
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(A) It's love all the way until you start to argue about the little things.

(Q) Where do they find the people on Jerry Springer? Does it say something bad that they are STILL finding them?

#236112 2002-05-30 2:36 AM
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A)Arkansas, and not really, people will do anything to be on television.

Q)What age would you say it's ok for someone to have sexual relations(can have different answer for male/female if choose so)?

#236113 2002-05-30 8:31 AM
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A) 18 is ok.That way the parents don't have to be legaly responsible for a pregnancy.

Q) Should Presidents be allowed to run for as many terms of office as they want?

[ 05-30-2002, 06:45 AM: Message edited by: Lothar of The Hill People ]

#236114 2002-05-30 2:26 PM
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A: depends on if the prez was a good prez or not.

Q: do you or would you donate to charity?

#236115 2002-05-30 9:25 PM
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A) I give away old clothes but on a whole most charities are stuffing their own pockets instead of the people its supposed to go to.
Face the President of the United Way's home in the Caribeen is paid by your donation.

Q) Should the US have a legal drinking age?

#236116 2002-05-31 12:37 AM
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(A) Yes. But it should be the same age that you can be drafted and sent to war, I think.

The drinking age is good because it allows people to mature to a point where maybe they would take more responsibility when drinking. For example, a 21 year old is better to deal with the consequences of a wreck or a death with drunk driving than a 16 year old. And a bunch of drunk thirteen-year-olds is never good.

However, it's not fair that you can die in a war but you can't drink or smoke. It should all be the same age.

(Q) Where do you see comics in ten years? Do you see yourself still reading?

#236117 2002-05-31 1:04 AM
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A)I see myself writing them. Hopefully. That may require a drastic decline in sales though [Wink]

Q)What's the best movie ever made?

#236118 2002-05-31 5:31 AM
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A) Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom.

Q) Which is better: beer or soda?

#236119 2002-05-31 5:54 AM
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A)Soda, Beer tastes like piss(though I'm probably one of ten people who would admit that)

and to elaborate on that:

Q)Pepsi or Coke?

#236120 2002-05-31 8:29 AM
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(A) Fear. I like to leave the seat up.

(Q) Buffy the movie or Buffy the series?

#236121 2002-05-31 10:48 AM
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A)Buffy the movie.Don't ask why cuz I don't know.

Q)Which decade that you've lived in is the best one to you?

#236122 2002-05-31 1:36 PM
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A: i live for the present -- so this one.

Q: if you could live (not visit) anywhere, where would that be?

#236123 2002-05-31 10:46 PM
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A: I'd stand by him, support him, but wouldint get involved to much office wise. I'd let him defened him self but be there behind him.

Q: If your two best friends, whom are married, suddenly died and had no other relatives, would you adopt their child which you love also?

#236124 2002-05-31 10:59 PM
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A. Without question I would!

Q. Whats your first act as President of the US?

#236125 2002-05-31 11:05 PM
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A)Lift the embargo on Cuba
Q)Are you bored with this yet?

#236126 2002-05-31 11:13 PM
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A) No i want some Havana Cigars!!

Q) Are YOU gonna make it to NB Con?

#236127 2002-05-31 11:17 PM
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q)when is it again?

#236128 2002-05-31 11:42 PM
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A) July 5th through 8th although theo comes in the 2nd....and mebbe Nowhereman too...

B) If you come how many days would you like to hit Hooters?

[ 05-31-2002, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: THE Franta ]

#236129 2002-06-01 12:19 AM
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a)early and often!
q)have you heard from HK lately, is he still plannin on goin?

#236130 2002-06-01 12:32 AM
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A) All depends on his little lady's work schedule..

Q) What is your drink of choice.....?

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