A: I think its just a womens way of dealing with things, I guess. Ive noticed alot of wimmen do let alot of stuff walk all over them especially a loved one usally male. Like my mom for example shes been threw heck and back and she still doesnt want to make it better for her self.
I dunno if its how the girls are being raised or what like maybe they were taught at a very young age that males are the saperiour ones and the women should not fight back or what the deal is. Ive also noticed it is in certain age ranges the most.
Or perhaps its just in our natures and just more so in other and not so much in others. If you look female animals are known to be more submissive then the males. So yeah perhaps thats the reason. Better yet thats probolly is the answer.
I on the other hand am not so submissive. A fighter to the very end. But I trained myself to be that way and learned that its okay to fight back and to win. But of course I'm a bit amazon-ish anyway, So yeah I think its mostly in our natures.
Okay got off track just a bit but thats okay :)
Q: With all the new technowlogy and new biznesses poping up and whatnot do you think that one day in the future perhaps the world will become over run with pavement?
[ 06-25-2002, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Lor ]