(A) Just my thoughts but:
I don't think it's music that causes kids to lash out. The problems are already there. Blame it on what you will...society, bad parenting...I think music lets people identify with situations that already exist, especially if music is self-expression. You can listen to music, but you don't relate to every kind. I watched a tv thing with M. Manson and his fans....and his fans love him because they relate to him. They too feel freakish and it's an outlet. Can he put ideas into people that weren't there before? Of course. But the door was already open for that.
Maybe in realizing that we aren't alone gives us strength to act, but I don't think it's actually the music itself.
Violence in media? I'm not so sure about. You do see cases where a child will pop a cap in another because he was imitating something he saw on television, and it was really innocent...there was no intent to kill there. Or jumping from trees trying to fly like Superman.
Same for sex. When you see it earlier, you're curious earlier, and sometimes it's just too early to try and explain things. On the other hand, sex on tv is a good tool....can you imagine "the talk" about sex with your parent(s) if you had no idea what they were referring to?
I used to would say - kids acting up...blame it on the parents...but now I see that you can't protect your children from everything out there and the only thing you can do is to explain to them early on, hope they get it the first time, and just be open when they have questions.
(Q) Interesting Question, Lor, in that with the sex and violence I'd like to hear another opinion. So, more thoughts?