""Helter Skelter". Some call it the first Heavy Metal song. I think that's going too far, but it's definetely hard rock way before it's time.
"Helter Skelter". Some call it the first Heavy Metal song. I think that's going too far, but it's definetely hard rock way before it's time."
That is patently absurd. Sorry. But the Who (among others) were rocking far harder than HELTER SKELTER by the time Macca wrote and recorded it. (compare HELTER SKELTER from 1968 to the Who's performance on The Smothers Brothers, Sept. 1967 if you don't believe me) In fact, it's widely said that Macca saw the Who perform and wrote HELTER SKELTER as the Beatles' attempt at that kind of rock.
Sorry. I know it bursts so many bubbles, but the Beatles didn't invent the totality of pop and rock music. Let's give credit where it's due, shall we? And the Beatles don't get it all.