Thats not how I read it.
The way I read Mxys comments is that the Beatles progressed as they went,they started off as a rock n roll band then adapted & changed taking on many new styles where as The Who stayed with the same blueprint pretty much all of their careers.
I will be the first to admit they lost me with all that eastern mystisim,but I cant deny the impact it made at the time.
The fact that more bands will point to the Beatles as inspiration that The Who is also something that strengthens Mxys argument!
What you have to realise is that Mxy is a fan of both bands as well so he isnt just trying to create a war of words because he hates The Who,he is merely pointing out facts.
Oh and Mxy also said that a lot of people say Revolution is the first heavy metal song,he also said that he thought that was going too far!