2003-11-20 9:22 PM
Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 47,826 Likes: 8
Hip To Be Square 15000+ posts
Hip To Be Square 15000+ posts
Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 47,826 Likes: 8 |
Anyone who can be arse,post your record collections here!
2003-11-20 9:23 PM
Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 47,826 Likes: 8
Hip To Be Square 15000+ posts
Hip To Be Square 15000+ posts
Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 47,826 Likes: 8 |
I'll start things off with my albums collection which includes all three formats!
Numerals 24-7 Spys- Harder than you 38 Special- Bone against steel
A Aaron,Lee- Lee Aaron Project Aaron,Lee- Metal Queen Aaron,Lee- Call of the wild Aaron,Lee- Lee Aaron Aaron,Lee- Bodyrock Aaron,Lee- Some girls do Aaron,Lee- Power line:The best of Aaron,Lee- Emotional rain AC/DC- High voltage (Aus) AC/DC- TNT (Aus) AC/DC- High voltage AC/DC- Dirty deeds done dirt cheap AC/DC- Let there be rock AC/DC- Powerage AC/DC- You want blood,you`ve got it AC/DC- Highway to hell AC/DC- Back in black AC/DC- For those about to rock (we salute you) AC/DC- 74 Jailbreak AC/DC- Flick of the switch AC/DC- Fly on the wall AC/DC- Who made who AC/DC- Blow up your video AC/DC- Razors edge AC/DC- Live AC/DC- Ballbreaker AC/DC- Stiff upper lip Accept- Restless & wild Accept- I`m a rebel/Breaker Accept- Eat the heat Adams,Bryan- Reckless Aerosmith -Aerosmith Aerosmith -Toys in the attic Aerosmith -Night in the ruts Aerosmith -Live bootleg Aerosmith -Gems Aerosmith -Greatest hits Aerosmith -Done with mirrors Aerosmith -Permanent vacation Aerosmith -Classics live II Aerosmith -Pump Aerosmith -Get a grip Aerosmith -Big ones Aerosmith -Nine lives Aerosmith -Made in America Aerosmith -Just push to play Aerosmith -Young lust:The Aerosmith anthology Alcatrazz- No parole from rock n roll Alcatrazz- Live sentence Alien Ant Farm- ANThology Allison- One Almighty- Blood,fire & love Almighty- Blood,fire & live Almighty- Soul destruction Almighty- Powertrippin Almighty- Crank Almighty- Just add life Almighty- Almighty American Dog- Last of a dying breed American Hi Fi- American Hi Fi American Pearl- American Pearl Anderson,Angry- Beats from a single drum Anderson,Angry- Blood from a stone Anthem- No smoke without fire Anthrax- Fistful of metal Anthrax- Spreading the disease Anthrax- State of euphoria Anthrax- Persistance of time Anthrax- Attack of the killer B`s Anthrax- Sound of white noise Anthrax- Stomp 442 Anthrax- Moshers 1986-1991 Anti-Nowhere League- The complete singles collection Arcade- Calm before the storm Arcade- A/2 Armored Saint- Raising fear ASAP- Silver & gold Audioslave- Audioslave
B Babylon AD- Nothing sacred Backyard Babies- Making enemies is good Bad News -The cash in compilation Badlands- Badlands Badlands- Voodoo highway Balaam & The Angel- Live free or die Balaam & The Angel- Days of madness Balaam & The Angel- Prime time Bang Gang- Love sells Bang Tango- Psycho café Bang Tango- Dancin on coals Bang Tango- Aint no jive live Bang Tango- Greatest tricks Bangalore Choir- On target Bar 7- The world is a freak Barren Cross- State of control Baton Rouge- Shake your soul Baton Rouge- Lights out on the playground Batten,Jennifer- Above,below & beyond Beau Nasty- Shake it (promo) Beautiful Creatures- Beautiful Creatures Beauvoir,Jean- Bare to the bones Beggars & Thieves- Beggars & Thieves Belladonna- Belladonna Big Bang Babies- Black market Big House -Big House Black Crowes- Shake your moneymaker Black Sabbath- Black Sabbath Black Sabbath- Paranoid Black Sabbath- Master of reality Black Sabbath- Vol.4 Black Sabbath- Sabotage Black Sabbath- Sabbath bloody sabbath Black Sabbath- Never say die Black Sabbath- Heaven & hell Black Sabbath- The collection Black Sabbath- Tyr Black Sabbath- Reunion Black Sabbath- Best of Blackeyed Susan- Electric rattlebone Blink 182- Dude ranch Blink 182- The Mark,Tom & Travis show Blonz- Blonz Bloodgood- Detonation Bloodhound Gang- Use your fingers Bloodhound Gang- One fierce beer coaster Bloodhound Gang- Hooray for boobies Bloom,Conny- Psychonaut Blue Blood- Universal language Blue Murder- Blue Murder Blue Murder- Nothin but trouble Blue Oyster Cult- Career of evil:The metal years Blue Tears- Blue Tears Bodimead,Jackie- Don’t believe in love Body Count- Born dead Body Count- Violent demise:The last days Bomb,Adam- Pure S.E.X. Bon Jovi- Bon Jovi Bon Jovi- 7800o Fahrenheit Bon Jovi- Slippery when wet Bon Jovi- New Jersey Bon Jovi- Keep the faith Bon Jovi- Crossroads Bon Jovi- These days (+bonus CD) Bon Jovi- Crush Bon Jovi- One wild night Bon Jovi- Bounce Bon Jovi- Hyde Park 2003 (bootleg) Bon Jovi- This left feels right (+bonus DVD) Bon Jovi,Jon- Blaze of glory Bon Jovi,Jon- Destination anywhere (+bonus CD) Bon Jovi,Jon- John Bongiovi Bone Machine- Dogs Bone Machine- Search & destroy Bone Machine- Disappearing inc. Bonfire- Point blank Bonham- The disregard of timekeeping Borden,Lizzy- Menace to society (+Bonus tracks) Borden,Lizzy- Master of disguise Borden,Lizzy- Best of Boy George- Cheapness & beauty Britny Fox -Britny Fox Britny Fox -Boys in heat Britny Fox -Bite down hard Broken Glass- A fast mean game Broken Homes- Wing & a prayer Bubble- Total harmonic distortion Buckcherry- Buckcherry Buckcherry- Timebomb Bulletboys- Bulletboys Bulletboys- Freakshow Bulletboys- Za Za Burning Tree- Burning Tree
C Carr,Eric- Rockology Cats In Boots- Kicked & klawed Chastain- For those who dare Cheap & Nasty- Beautiful disaster Cheap Trick- In color Cheap Trick- Heaven tonight Cheap Trick- Standing on the edge Cheap Trick- Lap of luxury Cheap Trick- Busted Cheap Trick- Greatest hits Cheap Trick- Woke up with a monster Cheap Trick- Cheap Trick Cheap Trick- Authorised greatest hits Child,Desmond- Discipline Childs Play- Rat race Cinderella- Night songs Cinderella- Long cold winter Cinderella- Heartbreak station Cinderella- Still climbing Cinderella- Once upon a…. Cinderella- Bad attitude 1986-1994 Cinderella- Live Cinderella- Live at the Key Club Cinderella- The collection Circus Of Power- Still alive Circus Of Power- Vices City Girls` Boys- City Girls` Boys Clarke,Gilby- Pawnshop guitars Contraband- Contraband Cooper,Alice- Killer Cooper,Alice- Schools out Cooper,Alice- Flush the fashion Cooper,Alice- Constrictor Cooper,Alice- Trash Cooper,Alice- Beast of Cooper,Alice- Hey stoopid Cooper,Alice- Last temptation Cooper,Alice- Super hits Cooper,Alice- Classicks Cooper,Alice- Fistful of Alice Cooper,Alice- Brutal planet Cooper,Alice- Mascara & monsters Coverdale,David- Whitesnake/Northwinds Coverdale,David- Into the light Coverdale/Page- Coverdale/Page Crazyhead- Some kind of fever Crown Of Thorns- Crown Of Thorns Crown Of Thorns- Raw thorns Crown Of Thorns- Breakthrough (+bonus CD) Crown Of Thorns- 21 thorns Cry Wolf- Crunch Crystal Roxx- Pass the buck Cult,The- Best of Rare Cult
D D`Molls- D`Molls D`Molls- Warped DAD- No fuel left for the pilgrims DAD- Riskin it all Damn Yankees- Damn Yankees Damn Yankees- Don’t tread Danger Danger- Danger Danger Danger Danger- Screw it Danger Danger- Dawn Danger Danger- Four the hard way Danger Danger- Thereturnofthegreatgildersleeves Danger Danger- Cockroach Dangerous Toys- Dangerous Toys Dangerous Toys- Helacious acres Dangerous Toys- The rtist 4merly known as Dangerous Toys Dante Fox- Under suspicion Dare- Blood from stone Dead Boys- We have come for your children Deep Purple- Anthology Def Leppard- On through the night Def Leppard- High n dry Def Leppard- Pyromania Def Leppard- Hysteria Def Leppard- Adrenalize Def Leppard- Live at Earls Court (bootleg) Def Leppard- Retroactive Def Leppard- Vault (+bonus CD) Def Leppard- Slang (+bonus CD) Def Leppard- Euphoria Def Leppard- X Demolition 23- Demolition 23 Desolation Angels- English bastards (demos) Desperado- Bloodied but unbowed Dickinson,Bruce- Tattooed millionaire Dickinson,Bruce- Balls to Picasso Dickinson,Bruce- Skunkworks Dickinson,Bruce- Accident of birth Dickinson,Bruce- The chemical wedding Dickinson,Bruce- Best of Dio- Lock up the wolves Dio- Dream evil Dio- Anthology Dirty Deeds- Real world Dirty Looks- Turn of the screw Discharge -The nightmare continues Dogs D`Amour- Graveyard of empty bottles Dogs D`Amour- Errol Flynn Dogs D`Amour- Straight Dogs D`Amour- Dogs hits & the bootleg album Dogs D`Amour- More unchartered heights of disgrace Dokken- Under lock & key Dokken- Beast from the east Dokken,Don- Up from the ashes Domain- Our kingdom Dominique,Lisa- Rock n roll lady Dominique,Lisa- Gypsy ryder Donnas,The- The Donna`s Donnas,The- Teenage American rock n roll machine Donnas,The- Get skintight Donnas,The- Turn 21 Donnas,The- Spend the night Doro- Doro Dread Zeppelin- Un-led-ed Dread Zeppelin- 10,000,000 Dread Zeppelin- De-ja voodoo Drowning Pool- Sinner
E Electric Boys- Funk-o-metal carpet ride Electric Boys- Groovus maximus Electric Boys- Freewheelin Enuff Z`Nuff- Enuff Z`Nuff Enuff Z`Nuff- Strength Enuff Z`Nuff- Animals with human intelligence Enuff Z`Nuff- 1985 Enuff Z`Nuff- Tweaked Enuff Z`Nuff- Live Enuff Z`Nuff- Seven Enuff Z`Nuff- Peach fuzz Enuff Z`Nuff- Paraphernalia Enuff Z`Nuff- 10 Enuff Z`Nuff- Welcome to Blue Island Erotic Suicide- Abusement park Erotics,The- 21st century S.O.B. Europe- Europe Europe- Wings of tomorrow Europe- Final countdown Europe- Out of this world Europe- Prisoners in paradise Europe- 1982-1992 Every Mothers Nightmare- Every Mothers Nightmare Every Mothers Nightmare- Wake up screaming Extreme- Extreme Extreme- Pornograffitti Extreme- III sides to every story Extreme- Waiting for the punchline Extreme- Best of EZO- Fire fire
F Faster Pussycat- Faster Pussycat Faster Pussycat- Wake me when its over Faster Pussycat- Whipped Faster Pussycat- Greatest hits Fastway- Trick or treat Fastway- Bad,bad girls Fastway- Say what you will (live) Feeder- Echo park Femme Fatale- Femme Fatale Fight- War of words Filthy Lucre- Pop smear Fiona- Heart like a gun Firehouse- Firehouse Firehouse-Hold your fire Firehouse- 3 Firehouse- Good acoustics Firehouse- Category 5 Firehouse- Super hits Firehouse- Bring em out live Firehouse- O2 FM- Indiscreet FM- Tough it out FM- Taking it to the streets FM- Aphrodisiac FM- No electricity required FM- Only the strong FM- Dead mans shoes FM- Paraphernalia (Jap) Ford,Lita- Out for blood Ford,Lita- Dancin on the edge Ford,Lita- Lita Ford,Lita- Live at Wembley (bootleg) Ford,Lita- Stiletto Ford,Lita- Dangerous curves Ford,Lita- Best of Ford,Lita- Greatest hits Ford,Lita- Black Fozzy- Fozzy Fozzy- Happenstance Freak Of Nature- Freak Of Nature Freak Of Nature- Gathering of freaks Freefall- Rebel hard Frehley,Ace- Trouble walkin Frehley,Ace- 12 picks Frehley,Ace- Loaded deck Frehleys Comet- Second sighting Frehleys Comet- Live + 1 Funhouse- Generation generator
G Gamma Ray- Heading for tomorrow Generation X- Generation X Generation X- Valley of the dolls Generation X- Best of Generation X- Perfect hits:1975-1981 Georgia Satellites- Land of salvation & sin Georgia Satellites- Let it rock:Best of Giant- Last of the runaways Giant- Time to burn Girl- Sheer greed Girl- Wasted youth Girl- Live at the Marquee Girl- My number:The anthology Girlschool- Hit n run (red vinyl) Girlschool- Best of Gods Hotel- Gods Hotel Godsmack- Godsmack Godsmack- Awake Gorky Park- Gorky Park Great White- Recovery:Live Great White- Once bitten Great White- …Twice shy Great White- Hooked Great White- Psycho city Great White- Sail away (+bonus CD) Great White- Latest & greatest Green Day- Dookie Gringos Locos- Punch drunk Gun- Taking on the world Gun- Gallus Gun- Swagger Guns N` Roses- Appetite for destruction Guns N` Roses- Lies Guns N` Roses- Use your illusions I Guns N` Roses- Use your illusions II Guns N` Roses- Demos Guns N` Roses- Live at Wembley (bootleg) Guns N` Roses- Spaghetti incident? Guns N` Roses- Live era 87-93 Guns,Tracii- Killing Machine Gypsy Rose- Prey
H Hagar,Sammy- Sammy Hagar Hagar,Sammy- Unboxed Hanoi Rocks- Two steps from the move Hanoi Rocks- Best of Hanoi Rocks- Tracks from a broken dream Hanoi Rocks- Decadent,dangerous,delicious Harlow- Harlow Hatton,Susie- Body & soul Havanah Black- Exiles in mainstream Heart- Dreamboat Annie Heart- Magazine Heart- Dog & butterfly Heart- Heart Heart- Bad animals Heart- Brigade Heart- Rock the house Heart- Desire walks on Heart- The road home Heavy Bones- Heavy Bones Heavy Pettin- Big bang Heavys- Metal marathon Helix- Back for another taste Helloween- Pink bubbles go ape Helloween- Chameleon Helloween- Time of the oath Helloween- Master of the rings Helloween- Better than raw Helloween- Metal jukebox Hollywood Underground- Hollywood Underground Honeycrack- Prozaic Hughes,Glenn- From now on Hughes,Glenn- Feel Hughes,Glenn- Addiction Hughes,Glenn- The way it is Hughes,Glenn- Return of crystal karma (+bonus CD) Hughes,Glenn- Songs in the key of rock Hurricane- Slave to the thrill
I Icon- Between the eyes Idol,Billy- Rebel yell (remastered + bonus tracks) Idol,Billy- Whiplash smile Idol,Billy- Vital Idol Idol,Billy- Idol songs:11 of the best Idol,Billy- Charmed life Idol,Billy- Cyberpunk Idol,Billy- Greatest hits Impellitteri- Stand in line Iron Maiden- Iron Maiden Iron Maiden- Killers Iron Maiden- Number of the beast Iron Maiden- Piece of mind Iron Maiden- Powerslave Iron Maiden- Live after death Iron Maiden- Somewhere in time Iron Maiden- Seventh son of a seventh son Iron Maiden- No prayer for the dying Iron Maiden- Fear of the dark Iron Maiden- A real live one Iron Maiden- A real dead one Iron Maiden- Live at Donington Iron Maiden- The X factor Iron Maiden- Best of the beast Iron Maiden- Virtual XI Iron Maiden- Brave new world Iron Maiden- Dance of death
J Jackyl- Jackyl Jackyl- Push comes to shove Jagged Edge- Trouble (EP) Jagged Edge- Fuel for your soul Jaimz,Steevi- Damned if I do:The best of Jellyfish- Spilt milk Jerusalem Slim- Jerusalem Slim Jesse Strange- Jesse Strange Jett,Joan- I love rock n roll (remastered + bonus tracks) Jett,Joan-Bad attitude (remastered + bonus tracks) Jett,Joan-Good music Jett,Joan-Up your alley Jett,Joan-Hit list Jezebelle-Bad attitude Johnny Crash-Neighbourhood threat Jones,Steve-Mercy Jones,Steve-Fire & gasoline Jordan,Sass-Tell somebody Jordan,Sass-Rats Journey-Arrival Judas Priest-British steel Judas Priest-Defenders of the faith Judas Priest-Ram it down Judas Priest-Painkiller Judas Priest-Living after midnight Junebug-Ticket to hell
K Kid Rock-The history of Rock Kik Tracee-No rules Kik Tracee-Field trip Killing Machine-Killing Machine King Kobra-III King Kobra-Hollywood trash Kingdom Come-In your face Kingofthehill-Kingofthehill Kings X-Out of the silent planet Kiss-Kiss Kiss-Hotter than hell Kiss-Dressed to kill Kiss-Alive Kiss-Destroyer Kiss-Rock n roll over Kiss-Love gun Kiss-Double platinum Kiss-Peter Criss Kiss-Ace Frehley Kiss-Gene Simmons Kiss-Paul Stanley Kiss-Dynasty Kiss-Unmasked Kiss-(Music from) The elder Kiss-Creatures of the night Kiss-Killers Kiss-Lick it up Kiss-Asylum Kiss-Animalize Kiss-Crazy nights Kiss-Smashes thrashes & hits Kiss-Hot in the shade Kiss-Revenge Kiss-Unplugged in Australia (bootleg) Kiss-Made in the USA (bootleg) Kiss-MTV unplugged Kiss-Carnival of souls Kiss-Psycho circus (+bonus CD) Kix-Hot wire Kotev,Nikolo-Nostradamus Kotzen,Richie-Fever dream Kotzen,Richie-Electric joy Kravitz,Lenny-Greatest hits Kyle,Jaime-The passionate kind Kyle,Jaime-Back from Hollywood
L LA Guns-LA Guns LA Guns-Cocked & loaded LA Guns-Hollywood vampires LA Guns-Cuts LA Guns-Vicious circle LA Guns-American hardcore LA Guns-Hollywood rehearsal (Jap) LA Guns-Wasted LA Guns-Shrinking violet LA Guns-Best of & black beauties LA Guns-A nite on the strip Live! LA Guns-Cocked & reloaded LA Guns-Man in the moon (signed) LA Guns-Waking the dead Laffy,Gerry-Money & magic Laine,Paul-Stick it in your ear Laine,Paul-Cant get enuff Larin,Liz-Test your faith Last Hard Men-Last Hard Men Lawnmower Deth-Ooh crikey its… Lawnmower Deth-Return of the fabulous metal bozo clowns Leatherwolf-Endangered species Leatherwolf-Street ready Led Zeppelin-Four symbols Led Zeppelin-Remasters Lee,Tommy-Never a dull moment Lewis,Phil -More purple than black Lewis,Phil- Access denied Life Sex & Death- The silent majority Lillian Axe- Lillian Axe Lillian Axe- Love is war Lillian Axe- Poetic justice Limp Bizkit- Chocolate starfish & the hotdog flavoured water Little Angels- Don’t prey for me Little Angels- Young gods Little Angels- Jam (+bonus CD) Little Angels- A little of the past Little Angels- Too posh to mosh,too good to last Live Tongue- Live Tongue Loudness- Soldier of fortune Love/Hate- Black out in the red room Love/Hate- Lets rumble Loverboy- Big ones Lynch Mob- Wicked senstation Lynch Mob- Lynch Mob Lynch Mob- Smoke this Lynyrd Skynyrd- Street survivors/First & last Lynyrd Skynyrd- Gold & platinum Lynyrd Skynyrd- Southern by the grace of God Lynyrd Skynyrd- Skynyrds innyrds Lynyrd Skynyrd- Whats your name Lynyrd Skynyrd- 1991 Lynyrd Skynyrd- The essential Lynyrd Skynyrd
M Macc Lads- Beer,sex,chips & gravy Macc Lads- The lads from Macc Magnum- Goodnight LA Make A Difference Foundation- Stairway to heaven,highway to hell Malfunkshun- Return to Olympus Malmsteen,Yngwie- Rising force Malmsteen,Yngwie- Marching out Malmsteen,Yngwie- Trilogy Malmsteen,Yngwie- Odyssey Malmsteen,Yngwie- Trial by fire:Live in Leningrad Malmsteen,Yngwie- Eclipse Malmsteen,Yngwie- The collection Malmsteen,Yngwie- Fire & ice Malmsteen,Yngwie- The seventh sign Malmsteen,Yngwie- I cant wait EP (Jap) Malmsteen,Yngwie- Magnum opus Malmsteen,Yngwie- Inspirations (+bonus CD) Malmsteen,Yngwie- Live Malmsteen,Yngwie- Alchemy Mamas Boys- Growing up the hard way Mammoth- Mammoth Manic Eden- Manic Eden Manic Street Preachers- Everything must go Manic Street Preachers- This is my truth,tell me yours Manic Street Preachers- Know your enemy Manitobas Wild Kingdom- …and you? Manson,Marilyn- Antichrist superstar Marino- After forevers gone Marshall Law- Marshall Law Marvelous 3- Hey! Album Marvelous 3- Readysexgo McKagan,Duff- Believe in me MD45- The craving Meat Loaf- Bat out of hell Meat Loaf- Dead ringer Meat Loaf- Midnight at the lost & found Meat Loaf- Bad attitude Meat Loaf- Hits out of hell Meat Loaf- Blind before I stop Meat Loaf- Bat out of hell II Meat Loaf- Welcome to the neighbourhood Meat Loaf-The very best of Megadeth- Killing is my business Megadeth- Peace sells.. Megadeth- So far..so good..so what Megadeth- Rust in peace Megadeth- Countdown to extinction Megadeth- Youthanasia Megadeth- Hidden treasures Megadeth- Cryptic writings Megadeth- Risk Megadeth- Capitol punishment:The Megadeth years Megadeth- The world needs a hero (+ poster) Megadeth- Rude awakening Meliah Rage- Solitary solitude Mellencamp,John- The best that I could do Melodica- Long way from home Metallica- Kill em all Metallica- Ride the lightning Metallica- Master of puppets Metallica- …& justice for all Metallica- Metallica Metallica- Old skulls for the new ceremony (bootleg) Metallica- Load Metallica- Re-Load Metallica- Garage inc. Methods Of Mayhem- Methods Of Mayhem Michaels,Bret- Letter from death row Michaels,Bret- Country demos Michaels,Bret- Letter from death row remixed & remastered Michaels,Bret- Show me your hits:Tribute to Poison Mindwarp,Zodiac & The Love Reaction- Tattooed beat messiah Mindwarp,Zodiac & The Love Reaction- Hoodlum thunder Money,Eddie- Eddie Money Money,Eddie- No control Money,Eddie- Nothing to lose Money,Eddie- Right here Money,Eddie- Love & money Money,Eddie- Good as gold Money,Eddie- Ready Eddie (+bonus CD) Money,Eddie- You cant keep a good man down Monroe- Cherry street Monroe,Michael- Not fakin it Monroe,Michael- Life gets you dirty Monster Magnet- God says no Mother Love Bone- Mother Love Bone Mothers Finest- Black radio wont play this album Motley Crue- Too fast for love (remastered+bonus trax) Motley Crue- Shout at the devil (remastered+bonus trax) Motley Crue- Theatre of pain (remastered+bonus trax) Motley Crue- Girls girls girls (remastered+bonus trax) Motley Crue- Raw tracks (Jap) Motley Crue- Dr.Feelgood (remastered+bonus trax) Motley Crue- Decade of decadence Motley Crue- Live at the Marquee (bootleg) Motley Crue- Motley Crue (remastered+bonus trax) Motley Crue- Quatenary (Jap) Motley Crue- Generation swine (remastered+bonus trax) Motley Crue- Greatest hits Motley Crue- Supersonic & demonic relics Motley Crue- Live entertainment or death Motley Crue- New tattoo Motorhead- Another perfect day Motorhead- Welcome to the beartrap Motorhead- Meltdown Motorhead- 1916 Motorhead- Blitzkrieg on Birmingham Motorhead- All the aces Motorhead- Bastards Motorhead- Fast,loose & live Mott The Hoople/Ian Hunter- The collection Mr. Big- Mr. Big Mr. Big- Lean into it Mr. Big- Bump ahead MSG- Perfect timing MSG- Save yourself MSG- Armed & ready Murderdolls- Beyond the valley of the Murderdolls Myles,Alannah- Alannah Myles
N Nashville Pussy- Let them eat pussy (+bonus CD) Nashville Pussy- High as hell Nashville Pussy- Say something nasty Neil,Vince- Exposed Neil,Vince- Carved in stone Nelson- After the rain Nelson- Because they can Neon Bomb- Trail of destruction (EP) Neurotic Outsiders- Neurotic Outsiders Nevada Beach- Zero day New American Shame- New American Shame Nickelback- The state Nickelback- Silver side up Night Ranger- Seven Nirvana- Nevermind Nitro- O.F.R. No Doubt- No Doubt No Doubt- Tragic kingdom No Doubt- Multicultural trampoline machine (bootleg) No Doubt- Return of saturn No Doubt- Rock steady No Respect- No Respect No Sweat- No Sweat Noisy Mama- Everybody has one Norum,John- Out of control Nova,Aldo- Aldo Nova Nova,Aldo- Subject Nova,Aldo- Twitch Nova,Aldo- Blood on the bricks Nugent,Ted- Ted Nugent Nugent,Ted- Free for all Nugent,Ted- Cat scratch fever Nugent,Ted- Weekend warriors Nugent,Ted- State of shock Nugent,Ted- Scream dream Nugent,Ted- If you cant lick em…lick em Nugent,Ted- Spirit of the wild Nugent,Ted- Full bluntal Nugity Nugent,Ted- The ultimate Ted Nugent
O Offspring- Smash Offspring- Ixnay on the hombre Offspring- Americana Offspring- Conspiracy of one Oliver/Dawson Saxon- Re://Landed Osbourne,Ozzy- Blizzard of Ozz Osbourne,Ozzy- Bark at the moon Osbourne,Ozzy- Diary of a madman Osbourne,Ozzy- Speak of the devil Osbourne,Ozzy- Ultimate sin Osbourne,Ozzy- Tribute Osbourne,Ozzy- No rest for the wicked Osbourne,Ozzy- Just say Ozzy Osbourne,Ozzy- No more tears Osbourne,Ozzy- Ozzmosis Osbourne,Ozzy- The Ozzman cometh Osbourne,Ozzy- Down to Earth
P Page,Jimmy- Outrider Paradise Lost- One second Perry,Joe Project- Let the music do the talking Peter & The Test Tube Babies- The shit factory Phantom Blue- Phantom Blue Phantom Blue- Phantom Blue (picture disc) Phantom Blue- Built to perform Phoenix Down- Under a wild sky Poison- Look what the cat dragged in Poison- Open up & say ahh.. Poison- Open up & say ahh.. (Aus) Poison- Flesh & blood Poison- Swallow this live (signed) Poison- Native tongue Poison- Greatest hits Poison- Crack a smile & more Poison- Power to the people Poison- Hollyweird Poorboys- Pardon me Pop,Iggy- The idiot Pop,Iggy- Naughty little doggy Pop,Iggy- Nude & rude:The best of Pop,Iggy- Avenue B Precious Metal- That kind of girl Precious Metal- Precious Metal Pretty Boy Floyd- Leather boyz with electric toyz (+5 bonus trax) Pretty Boy Floyd- Demos (bootleg) Pretty Boy Floyd- A tale of sex,drugs &… Pretty Boy Floyd- Porn stars Pretty Boy Floyd- Live at the Pretty ugly club Pretty Boy Floyd- The vault (signed) Pride & Glory- Pride & Glory
Q Queen- II Queen- Greatest hits Queen- A kind of magic Queen- The miracle Queen- Greatest hits II Queen- Made in heaven Queensryche- Rage for the order Queensryche- Operation mindcrime Queensryche- Empire Quiet Riot- Metal health Quiet Riot- Quiet Riot Quiet Riot- Winner takes all Quiet Riot- The Randy Rhodes years Quiet Riot- Terrified Quiet Riot- Greatest hits Quiet Riot- Guilty pleasures Quireboys- A bit of what you fancy Quireboys- Live (recorded round the world) Quireboys- Bitter sweet & twisted Quireboys- From Tooting to Barking Quireboys- This is rock n roll
R Rachelle,Stevie- Who the hell am I? Rachelle,Stevie- Since sixty six Rage Against The Machine- Rage Against The Machine Ramones- Ramones Ramones- Rocket to Russia Ramones- Its alive Ramones- Ramones mania Ramones- Brain drain Ramones- Mondo bizarro Ramones- Acid eaters Ramones- Adios amigos Ramones- Anthology Ratt- Ratt EP (Jap) Ratt- Dancin undercover Ratt- Out of the cellar Ratt- Invasion of your privacy Ratt- Reach for the sky Ratt- Detonator Ratt- Ratt n roll 81 91 Ratt- Collage Ratt- Ratt Redd Kross- Show world Reed,Dan- Adrenaline sky Reed,Dan Network- Dan Reed Network Reed,Dan Network- Slam Reed,Dan Network- The heat Reed,Dan Network- Mixin it up Rhino Bucket- Rhino Bucket Rich Rags- Psycho deadheads from outer space Riot- The privelege of power Riverdogs- Riverdogs Roadhouse- Roadhouse Roberts,Kane- Kane Roberts (Jap) Roberts,Kane- Saints & sinners Rock & Hyde- Under the volcano Rockhead- Rockhead Rollins,Henry- The boxed life Romeos Daughter- Romeos Daughter Romeos Daughter- Delectable Roth,David Lee- Crazy from the heat Roth,David Lee- Eat em & smile Roth,David Lee- Skyscraper Roth,David Lee- A lil aint enough Roth,David Lee- Your filthy little mouth Roth,David Lee- The DLR band Roxx Gang- Things you`ve never done before Roxx Gang- Love em & leave em Roxx Gang- Drinkin TNT & smokin dynamite Roxx Gang- Bodacious ta tas Roxy Blue- Want some? Runaways- & now the Runaways
S Sabu- Heartbreaker Salas,Stevie- Electric pow wow Salas,Stevie Colorcode- Stevie Salas Colorcode Salty Dog- Every dog has its day Samantha 7- Samantha 7 Sambora,Richie- Stranger in this town Sambora,Richie- Undiscovered soul Samson- And there it is.. Samson- Refugee Samson- Live at Reading 81 Santana- Black magic woman:The best of Santana- Supernatural Saraya- Saraya Saraya- When the blackbird sings Satrianni,Joe- Surfing with the alien Satrianni,Joe- Flying in a blue dream Satrianni,Joe- The extremist Satrianni,Joe- Crystal planet Savatage- Fight for the rock Savatage- The wake of Magellan (Jap) Saxon- Wheels of steel Saxon- Power & the glory Saxon- A collection of metal Saxon- Heavy metal thunder Scorpions- Tokyo tapes Scorpions- Blackout Scorpions- World wide live Scorpions- Hurricane rock Scorpions- Best of rockers & ballads Scorpions- Crazy world Scorpions- Face the heat Scream,The- Let it scream Sea Hags- Sea Hags Sex Pistols- Nevermind the bollocks Sex Pistols- The great rock n roll swindle Shameless- Back street anthems Shameless- Queen 4 a day Shark Island- Law of the order Shaw/Blades- Hallucination Sheer Greed- Sublime to the ridiculous Shokk Paris- Steel & starlight Shotgun Messiah- Second coming Shotgun Messiah- I want more Shy- Misspent youth Shy- Welcome to the madhouse Sic Vikki- Kiss me in French Sic Vikki- Streetside Picasso Skid Row- Skid Row Skid Row- Slave to the grind Skid Row- B-side ourselves Skid Row- Subhuman race Skid Row- 40 seasons:The best of Skin- Skin (+bonus CD) Skin- Lucky Skin- Experience electric Skull- No bones about it Slam St. Joan- Saved by grace Slammin Gladys- Slammin Gladys Slash`s Snakepit- It`s five o`clock somewhere Slash`s Snakepit- Aint life grand Slaughter- Stick it to ya Slaughter- Stick it live Slaughter- The wildlife Slaughter- Fear no evil Slaughter- Revolution Slaughter- Eternal live Slaughter- Back to reality Slave Raider- Taking on the world Slave Raider- What do you know about rock n roll Sleez Beez- Screwed blued & tattooed Slide- Down so long Slik Toxik- Doin the nasty Slik Toxik- Irrelevant Snakepit Rebels- Snakepit Rebels Snider,Dee- Never let the bastards wear you down Sniders,Dee SMFs- Live:Twisted forever Snowball- Snowball Sons Of Angels- Sons Of Angels Southgang- Tainted angel Southgang- Group therapy Spinal Tap- This is Spinal Tap Spread Eagle- Spread Eagle Spread Eagle- Open to the public Squier,Billy- Best of Stage Dolls- Stripped Stage Dolls- Stage Dolls Status Quo- Rocking all over the world Status Quo- 12 gold bars Status Quo- 12 gold bars II Status Quo- Aint complaining Status Quo- Rocking all over the years Steele,Chrissy- Magnet to Steele Steelheart- Steelheart Steelheart- Tangled in the reins Steinman,Jim- Bad for good Stevens,Steve Atomic Playboys- Steve Stevens Atomic Playboys Storm,The- The Storm Storm,The- Eye of the storm Stradlin,Izzy- Izzy Stradlin & The Ju Ju Hounds Stradlin,Izzy- 117o Stradlin,Izzy- River Stryper- The yellow & black attack Stryper- Soldiers under command Stryper- To hell with the devil Stryper- In God we trust Stryper- Against the law Stryper- Cant stop the rock Stuck Mojo- Violate this Styx- Compact hits Sun Red Sun- Sun Red Sun Survivor- Vital signs Sven Gali- Sven Gali Sven Gali- Inwire Sweet FA- Stick to your guns Sweet,Michael- Michael Sweet Sweet,Michael- Real Sweet,Michael- Trust
T Tangier- Four winds Tangier- Stranded Tattooed Love Boys- No time for nursery rhymes Taylor,Andy- Dangerous Tempest,Joey- A place to call home Ten- Ten Ten- Name of the rose Tenacious D- Tenacious D Terraplane- Black & white Terraplane- Moving target Terrorvision- Formaldehyde Terrorvision- How to make friends & influence people Terrorvision- Regular urban survivors Terrorvision- Shaving peaches Terrorvision- Good to go Terrorvision- Whales & dolphins:The best of Tesla- Mechanical resonance Tesla- Great radio controversy Tesla- Psychotic supper Tesla- Five man acoustical jam Tesla- Bust a nut Therapy?- Nurse Therapy?- Troublegum Therapy?- Infernal love Thunder- Back street symphony Thunder- Laughing on judgement day Thunder- Behind closed doors Thunder- Their finest hour (& a bit) Thunder- The thrill of it all (signed) Thunder- Live Thunder- The raw,the rare & the rest Thunder- Giving the game away Thunder- Gimme some Thunder Thunder- They think its all over... ...it is now Thunder- They think its all acoustic… …it is now (Jap) Thunder- Symphony & stage Thunder- Shooting at the sun (signed) Thunderhead- Behind the eightball Thunderhead- Busted at the border Tigertailz- Young & crazy Tigertailz- Young & crazy (picture disc) Tigertailz- Bezerk Tigertailz- Bezerk (picture disc) Tigertailz- Wazbones Tigertailz- You lookin at me? Tigertailz- Original sin Tipton,Glenn- Baptism of fire Toby & The Whole Truth- Ignorance is bliss Tokyo Blade- Aint misbehavin Tora Tora- Surprise attack Tora Tora- Wild America Torme- Back to Babylon Toy Dolls- Best of Treat- Treat Treat- Organised crime Trixter- Trixter Trixter- Hear Trixter- Undercovers Tuff- What comes around goes around Tuff- Religious fix Tuff- Decade of disrespect Tuff- Regurgitation Tuff- The history of Tuff Turner,Erik- Demos for diehards Turner,Joe Lynn- Nothings changed Turner,Joe Lynn- Slam (signed) Twisted Sister- Under the blade Twisted Sister- You cant stop rock n roll Twisted Sister- Stay hungry Twisted Sister- Come out & play Twisted Sister- Love is for suckers Twisted Sister- Big hits & nasty cuts Twisted Sister- Live at Hammersmith Twisted Sister- Club daze vol.1 Twisted Sister- Never say never:Club daze vol.2 Tygers Of Pan Tang- The cage Tygers Of Pan Tang- On the prowl:The best of Tyketto- Don’t come easy (signed) Tyketto- Strength in numbers Tyketto- Shine Tyketto- Take out & served up live Tyla- Life & times of a ballad monger
U UDO- Faceless world Ugly Kid Joe- As ugly as they wanna be Ugly Kid Joe- Americas least wanted Ugly Kid Joe- Menace to sobriety Ugly Kid Joe- Motel California Ugly Kid Joe- As ugly as it gets Uncle Kracker- Double wide Union- Union Union- The blue room
V Vai,Steve- Passion & warfare Vai,Steve- Passion & warfare (picture disc) Vain- No respect Valentine- Valentine Van Halen- Van Halen Van Halen- Van Halen II Van Halen- Women & children first Van Halen- Fair warning Van Halen- Diver down Van Halen- 1984 Van Halen- 5150 Van Halen- OU812 Van Halen- For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge Van Halen- Right here right now Van Halen- Daves back (bootleg) Van Halen- Balance Van Halen- Best of Van Halen- 3 Various Artists- American pie:The wedding soundtrack Various Artists- Appetite for reconstruction Various Artists- Armageddon soundtrack Various Artists- Axe attack Various Artists- Back in black:A tribute to AC/DC Various Artists- Best air guitar album in the world ever Various Artists- Best air guitar album in the world ever II Various Artists- Best rock album in the world ever Various Artists- Bill & Teds bogus journey soundtrack Various Artists- Bill & Teds excellent adventure soundtrack Various Artists- Days of Thunder soundtrack Various Artists- Dazed & confused soundtrack Various Artists- Detroit rock city soundtrack Various Artists- Dragon attack Various Artists- ECW:Extreme music Various Artists- Epic records:solid rock sampler (promo) Various Artists- Forever mod Various Artists- Gladiator soundtrack Various Artists- Glam metal noize 1983-1990 Various Artists- Guitars that rule the world Various Artists- Hollywood shocks Various Artists- Hot for remixes Various Artists- House of hammer (promo) Various Artists- House of hammer 2 (promo) Various Artists- Howard The Duck soundtrack Various Artists- Humanary stew Various Artists- Indulgence in:A tribute to Motley Crue Various Artists- Kiss my ass Various Artists- Last action hero soundtrack Various Artists- Leather & lace the second chapter Various Artists- Less than zero soundtrack Various Artists- Masters of metal Various Artists- Metal killers kollection Various Artists- More than a feeling Various Artists- Music For Nations presents (promo) Various Artists- Nativity in black Various Artists- Protect the innocent Various Artists- Punk chartbusters vol.4 Various Artists- Punk tribute to Metallica Various Artists- Ready to rumble soundtrack Various Artists- Red hot metal Various Artists- Robocop-The series soundtrack Various Artists- Rock classics:The earthquake album Various Artists- Rock classics from the 80s Various Artists- Rock the nations Various Artists- Shocker soundtrack Various Artists- Smoke on the water Various Artists- The song remains remixed Various Artists- Spacewalk Various Artists- Spider-Man soundtrack Various Artists- Spiked Various Artists- Still crazy soundtrack Various Artists- Strangeland soundtrack Various Artists- Super Mario brothers soundtrack Various Artists- True Brits Various Artists- 2000:Tribute to Van Halen Various Artists- Union vol.4 Various Artists- Waynes world soundtrack Various Artists- Welcome to the jungle:A tribute to GNR Various Artists- WWE Anthology Various Artists- WWF aggression Various Artists- WWF forceable entry Various Artists- WWF the music Vol.3 Various Artists- WWF the music Vol.4 Various Artists- WWF the music Vol.5 Vaughn- Soldiers & sailors by riverside Vaughn- Fearless VD- Vicious delite Vertex- Vertex Vice- Made for pleasure Vicious,Sid- Sid sings Vincent,Vinnie Invasion- Go off Vixen- Vixen Vixen- Rev it up Vixen- Tangerine Von Groove- Von Groove Voodoo X- Vol 1:The awakening Vow Wow- V Vow Wow- Helter skelter
W Walker,Butch- Left of self centered Warlock/Doro- Rare diamonds Warrant- D.R.F.S.R Warrant- Cherry pie Warrant- Cherry pie (USA extra track) Warrant- Dog eat dog Warrant- Ultraphobic Warrant- Best of Warrant- Belly to belly Warrant- Live Warrant- Greatest & latest Warrant- Under the influence WASP- WASP (remastered + bonus tracks) WASP- Last command (remastered + bonus tracks) WASP- Inside the electric circus WASP- Live in the raw WASP- Headless children (remastered + bonus tracks) WASP- Crimson idol (remastered + bonus tracks) WASP- First blood,last cuts WASP- Still not black enough WASP- Helldorado WASP- Best of the best Wenzel,Scott- Heart like thunder Westworld- Westworld Wheatus- Wheatus White Lion- Pride White Lion- Big game White Lion- Mane attraction White Lion- Best of White Trash- White Trash White Trash- Se o si que? Whitecross- At their best Whitecross- Equilibrium Whitesnake- Trouble Whitesnake- Ready n willing Whitesnake- Live in the heart of the city Whitesnake- Slide it in Whitesnake- 1987 Whitesnake- Slip of the tongue Whitesnake- Greatest hits Whitesnake- Restless heart Whitesnake- Starkers in Tokyo Widowmaker- Blood & bullets Widowmaker- Stand by for pain Wildhearts- Earth vs The Wildhearts Wildhearts- Don’t be happy,just worry Wildhearts- P.H.U.Q Wildhearts- Fishing for luckies (fan club vers) Wildhearts- Fishing for more luckies Wildhearts- Fishing for luckies Wildside- Under the influence Wildside- Wildside Winger- Winger Winger- In the heart of the young Winger- Pull Winger- The very best of Winger,Kip- Thisconversationseemslikeadream (signed) Wolfsbane- Live fast,die fast Wolfsbane- All hells breaking loose… Wolfsbane- Down fall the good guys Wolfsbane- Wolfsbane Wrathchild- Stakk atakk Wrathchild- Stakk atakk (Picture disc) Wrathchild- Trash queens Wrathchild- The bizz suxx Wrathchild- Delirium
X XYZ- XYZ XYZ- Hungry
Z Zander,Robin- Robin Zander Zappa,Dweezil- My guitar wants to kill your mama Zappa,Dweezil- Confessions Zombie,Rob- The sinister urge ZZ Top- Eliminator ZZ Top- Afterburner ZZ Top- Recycler ZZ Top- Best of ZZ Top- Antenna
2003-11-20 9:51 PM
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 1,978
1500+ posts
1500+ posts
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 1,978 |
This is actually the record collection of three people, since I collect communally with my two brothers who are also music nuts. Just to put things into perspective, last year I lost almost everything I owned - I lost my home a few days into the new year but I went to great lengths to make sure that the records that I owned stayed out of the hands of the debt collectors. We haven't finished archiving the entire collection - there's actually about 400 more discs and about 20 box sets to put on record. The three of us are fucking crazy about all kinds of music.
Artist/Band Title 1 Giant Leap ST 13th Floor Elevators (The) All The Highs 13th Floor Elevators (The) The Psychedelic Sounds Of.../Easter/Live/Bull 16 Horsepower Haw 16 Horsepower Hoarse 16 Horsepower Secret South 3 Colours Red This Is My Hollywood 4 Non Blondes Bigger Better Faster More 6ths (The) Hyacinths & Thistles 6ths (The) Wasp's Nests A Camp ST A Perfect Circle 3 Libras A Perfect Circle Judith A Perfect Circle Mer De Noms A.C. 40 More Reasons To Hate Us A.R.E. Weapons Street Gang Abandoned Pools Humanistic Abba Arrival (Remaster) Abba The Visitors (Remaster) Abba The Definitive Collection Abbc Tete a Tete Abner Burnett Calavera Above All Domain Acid Mothers Temple Family Do Whatever You Want… Adam Green ST Add N To (X) Avant Hard Add N to (X) On The Wires Of Our Nerves Add N to (X) Revenge Of The Black Regent Add N to (X) Metal Fingers In My Body Add n to (x) Little Black Rocks In The Sun Add N to (X) Add Insult To Injury Adult Resusitation Adventures In Stereo Alternative Stereo Sounds Aerial M ST Afel Bocoum,Damon Albarn,Tolimani Diabate & … Mali Music Afghan Whigs (The) Gentlemen Aiden Smith At Home With Aimee Mann Bachelor No.2 Aimee Mann Lost In Space Aimee Mann I'm With Stupid Air Moon Safari Air The Virgin Suicides Air 10,000 Hz Legend Alabama 3 La Peste Alabama 3 Exit On Coldharbour Lane Alec Empire Miss Black America Alex Lloyd Black The Sun Alexander Spence Oar Alfie If You Happy With, You Need Do Nothing Alice In Chains Dirt Alice In Chains Live Alice In Chains ST (Purple Case) Alice In Chains Grind Alice In Chains Facelift Alice In Chains Jar Of Flies/Sap America America's Greatest Hits American Music Club Mercury American Music Club California American Music Club Everclear American Music Club The San Francisco Collection Amps (The) Pacer Anathema A Fine Day To Exit And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead ST And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead Source Codes & Tags And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead Madonna Andrew Hill Dusk Andrew W.K. Party Hard Andy Partridge Fuzzy Warbles 2 Andy Partridge Fuzzy Warbles 1 Andy Prieboy Upon My Wicked Son Angel Corpus Christi I (Heart) NY Angel Corpus Christi White Courtesy Phone Angelo Badalamenti Music From Twin Peaks Angels Of Light Everything Is Good Here/Please Come Home Angels Of Light (The) New Mother Angels Of Light (The) How I Loved You Angie Stone Black Diamond Anita Lane Dirty Pearl Anita Lane Sex O'Clock Anita Lane The World's A Girl Annette Peacock An Acrobat's Heart Aphex Twin Come To Daddy Aphex Twin Come To Daddy Remixed Aphex Twin Window Licker (2) Aphex Twin Drukqs Aphex Twin Window Licker Aphex Twin 26 Mixes For Cash Appleton Everything's Eventual Aqualung Strange & Beautiful Aqualung ST Arab Strap Mad For Sadness Arab Strap The Week Never Starts Around Here Arab Strap The Red Thread Arab Strap Philophobia Arab Strap Elephant Shoe Arab Strap Monday At The Hug And Pint Arlenes (The) ST Arlenes (The) Stuck On Love Arnold Bahama Ash Interglactic Sonic 7"s Ash Free All Angels Ashby Power Ballads At Swim Two Birds Quigley's Point At The Drive In Relationship Of Command Atari Teenage Riot Live At The Brixton Academy 1999 Atari Teenage Riot 60 Second Wipeout Athlete Vehicles & Animals Atmosphere Collection Early Cape Morning Atmosphere Collection Thunderstorm Atmosphere Collection Island Jungle Atmosphere Collection Sunset Surf Atmosphere Collection Timber Wolf In The Tall Pines Atmosphere Collection Midnight Rainshower Audioslave ST Autechre Confield Autechre Draft 7.30 Autechre Peel Sessions 2 Autechre Peel Sessions Vol 1 Autechre Chiasti[:Slide Auteurs (The) New Wave Auteurs (The) After Murder Park Auteurs (The) Now I'm A Cowboy Auteurs (The) Back With The Killer Again EP Auteurs (The) The Rubettes Auteurs (The) Chinese Bakery Auteurs (The) Light Aircraft On Fire Auteurs (The) Kids Issue Auteurs (The) Lenny Valentino Auteurs (The) How Could I Be Wrong Avalanches (The) Since I Left You Baader Meinhof ST Baby Bird Dying Happy Baby Bird I Was Born A Man Baby Bird Fatherhood Baby Bird The Original Lo-Fi Baby Bird Bad Shave Baby Bird The Happiest Man Alive Bad Brains Black Dots Bad Brains Rock For Light (Remaster) Bad Brains Quickness (Remaster) Bad Livers Delusions Of Banjer Bad Livers Dust On The Bible Bad Livers Horses In The Mines Bad Livers Hogs On The Highway Bad Livers Industry & Thrift Badly Drawn Boy About A Boy (Soundtrack) Badly Drawn Boy The Hour Of Bewilderbeast (Original Cover) Badly Drawn Boy Have You Fed The Fish? Bambi Molesters (The) …In Sonic Bullets - 13 From The Hip Band (The) To Kingdom Come Band (The) ST (Remaster) Band (The) Music From The Big Pink Barbara Manning and The Go luckys! Transatalntic trips Barbara Morgenstern Nichts Muss Barry Adamsom The Negro Inside Me Barry Dransfield ST Bartok Concertos Bather (The) Pandemonia Bathers (The) Sunpowder Bathers (The) Kelvingrove Baby Bauhaus Bela Lugosis Dead Baxter Dury Len Parrot's Memorial Lift Be Good Tanyas (The) Blue Horse Beach Boys (The) Good Vibrations Beach Boys (The) Carl & The Passions/Holland Beach Boys (The) Pet Sounds (Remaster) Beach Boys (The) Smiley Smile/Wild Honey Beach Boys (The) Surf's Up/Sunflower Beach Boys (The) Endless Harmony Soundtrack Beach Boys (The) Friends/2020 Beasite Boys Aglio E Olio Beat Happening ST Beatles (The) Magical Mystery Tour Beautiful People Introducing… Beck Mellow Gold Beck Odelay Beck Clock Beck Seachange Beck Deadweight Beck Midnight Vultures Beck One Foot In The Grave Becker & Fagen Tempus Fugit Beethoven Symphony No. 9 Beethoven Symphonies Nos. 1 & 7 Beethoven Symphonies 5 & 6 'Pastoral' Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 Beethoven Symphony No. 3 Belle & Sebastian Tigermilk Belle & Sebastian Dog On Wheels Belle & Sebastian Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like A Peasant Belle & Sebastian I'm Waking Up To Us Belle & Sebastian Legal Man Belle & Sebastian Jonathan David Belle & Sebastian Storytelling Belle & Sebastian 3,6,9, Seconds Of Light Belle & Sebastian Lazy Line Painter Jane Belle & Sebastian First Three EPs Belle & Sebastian If You're Feeling Sinister Belly The Best Of Ben & Jason Hello Ben & Jason Emoticons Ben Folds Rockin' The Suburbs Ben Folds Five Naked Baby Photos Ben Folds Five Whatever & Ever Amen Ben Harper The Will To Live Benchwood Sparks Make The Robot Cowboys Cry Bernard Butler People Move On Bernard Butler Stay Bernard Butler Not Alone Bert Jansch ST/It Don't Bother Me Bessie Smith The Complete Recordings Vol 1 Bessie Smith The Complete Recordings Volume 2 Bessie Smith The Complete Recordings Volume 4 Beta Band (The) The Three E.P.s Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man Out Of Season Big Black The Rich Man's Eight-Track Big Chief ST Big Chief Mack Avenue Skullgame Big Chief Platinum Jive Big Star #1 Record/Radio City Big Star Third/Sister Lovers Big Tobacco ST Bill Hicks Relentless Bill Hicks Dangerous Bill Hicks LoveLaughterAndTruth Bill Hicks Flying Saucer Tour Vol. 1 Bill Hicks Rants In E-Minor Bill Hicks Arizona Bay Bill Janovitz Lonesome Billy Billie Holiday The Very Best Of… Billy Bragg & Wilco Mermaid Avenue Birthday Party (The) Hits Birthday Party (The) The John Peel Sessions Bjork Debut Bjork Homogenic Bjork Post Bjork Vespertine Black Box Recorder The Facts Of Life (2) Black Box Recorder These Are The Things Black Box Recorder The Art Of Driving (1) Black Box Recorder The Facts Of Life (1) Black Box Recorder Child Psychology Black Box Recorder Passionoia Black Box Recorder The Facts Of Life Black Box Recorder The Worst Of… Black Box Recorder England Made Me Black Crowes (The) By Your Side Black Crowes (The) Shake Your Money Maker Black Crowes (The) Three Snakes & One Charm Black Crowes (The) The Southern Harmony & Music Companion Black Crowes (The) Amorica Black Flag Damaged Black Flag Everything Went Black Black Flag In My Head Black Grape Stupid Stupid Stupid Black Grape Get Higher Black Grape Stupid Stupid Stupid Black Grape It's Great When You're Straight...Yeah Black Heart Procession (The) Three Black Heart Procession (The) Amore Del Tropico Black Lung The Depopulation Bomb Black Lung The Psychocivilised Society Black Moses Emperor Deb Black Rebel Motorcycle Club B.R.M.C. Black Swan Network The Late Music Blind Lemon Jefferson Vol 2 (1927) Blondie Atomic: The Very Best Of… Blondie Paralell Lines (Remaster) Blue Nile (The) A Walk Across The Rooftops Blue Nile (The) Hats Blue Nile (The) Peace At Last Bluetones (The) Science & Nature Blur Music Is My Radar Blur Modern Life Is Rubbish Blur Parklife Blur The Best Of… Blur Think Tank Blur 13 Blur ST Blur Leisure Blur Out Of Time Boards Of Canada Geogaddi Boards Of Canada Peel Sessions Boards Of Canada In A Beautiful Place In The Country Bob Dylan Good As I Been To You Bob Dylan Live 1966 Bob Dylan The Bootleg Series Vol. 5: Live 1975 Bob Dylan Love & Theft Bob Dylan Time Out Of Mind Bob Dylan Desire Bob Dylan Bringing It All Back Home Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited Bob Dylan Blonde On Blonde Bob Mould Black Sheets Of Rain Bob Mould Workbook Bob Mould Poison Years Bob Mould ST Bob Mould The Last Dog & Pony Show Bob Mould Modulate Body Lovers (The) One Of Three Bomb 20 Field Manual Bomb The Bass Clear Bonnie Prince Billie Master And Everyone Bonnie Prince Billy Blue Lotus Feet Bonnie Prince Billy Ease Down The Road Bonny Billy & The Marquis De Tren Get On Jolly Boom Bip Seed To Sun Boom Bip & Doseone () Boredoms Vision Creation Newsun Boston ST (Remaster) Bottle Rockets The Brooklyn Side Bouncing Souls (The) The Good, The Bad & The Argyle Boys Life Departures And Landfalls Brave Captain Go With Yourself Breakbeat Era Ultra Obscene Breeders (The) Pod Breeders (The) Title TK Brian Eno Apollo Atmospheres & Soundtracks Brian Eno My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts Brian Eno Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy Brian Wilson I Just Wasn't Made For These Times… Brian Wilson Live At The Roxy Theartre Brian Wilson Imagination Brian Wilson ST Brian Wilson & Van Dyke Parks Orange Crate Art Bright Eyes Every Day & Every Night Bright Eyes Letting Off The Happiness Bright Eyes Lifted… Bright Eyes 3 More Hit Songs From… Bright Eyes Fevers & Mirrors Broadcast The Noise Made By People Broadcast Extended Play Two Broadcast Work & Non-Work Broadcast The Book Lovers EP Broadcast Come On Lets Go Broadcast The Booklovers Broadcast Pendulum Broadcast Extended Play EP Bronte Brothers The Way Through The Woods Bruce Springsteen Darkness On The Edge Of Town Bruce Springsteen The Ghost Of Tom Joad Bruce Springsteen The Rising Bryan Ferry Boys & Girls (Remaster) Bryan Ferry As Time Goes By Buddy Miller Poison Love Buena Vista Social Club ST Buffalo Tom Sleepy Eyed Built To Spill There's Nothing Wrong With Love Bush, The Tree And Me (The) How To Get Home Butthole Surfers Rembrandt Pussyhorse Butthole Surfers Electriclarryland Butthole Surfers Independent Worm Saloon Butthole Surfers Locust Abortion Technician Buzzcocks Singles Going Steady Byrds (The) Sweetheart Of The Rodeo (Remaster) Byrds (The) Fifth Dimension (Remaster) Calexico The Black Light Calexico The Ballard Of Cable Hogue Calexico Service & Repair Calexico Feast Of Wire Calexico Crystal Frontier Calexico Hot Rail Califone Sometimes Good Weather Follows Bad People Califone Chicago Califone Quicksand/Cradlesnakes Califone ST Califone Declaration Two Califone Roomsound Camper Van Beethoven Cigarettes And Carrot Juice: The Santa Cruz Years Camper Van Beethoven Tusk Can Monster Movie Can Cannibalism Candidate Nuada Canned Heat Let's Work Together (The Best Of…) Canyon Empty Rooms Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band Dust Sucker Cara Dillon ST Caretaker (The) Selected Memories From The Haunted Ballroom Carole King Tapestry (Remaster) Carolyn Wennblom Bees To The Honey Carter Family (The) Anchored In Love Carter Family (The) On Border Radio Vol 1 Cassandra Wilson Blue Light 'Til Dawn Cassandra Wilson New Moon Daughter Cassandra Wilson Travelling Miles Cast Finetime Cat Power You Are Free Cat Stevens Teaser & The Firecat (Remaster) Cat Stevens Catch A Bull At Four Cat Stevens Tea For The Tillerman (Remaster) Cathal Coughlan The Sky's Awful Blue Cathal Coughlan Black River Falls Cathal Coughlan Grand Necropolitan Cathedral The Carnival Bizarre Catherine Irwin Cut Yourself A Switch Catherine Wheel Delicious Catherine Wheel Waydown Catherine Wheel Balloon Catherine Wheel Crank Catherine Wheel I Want To Touch You Catherine Wheel Chrome Catherine Wheel Wishville Catherine Wheel Happy Days Catherine Wheel Ma Solituda Catherine Wheel 30 Century Man Catherine Wheel Ferment Catriona MacDonald Bold Cave In Antenna Centromatic All The Falsest Hearts Can Try Channel Light Vessel Excellent Spirits Chappaquiddick Skyline ST Charlatans Wonderland Charlatans Melting Pot Charles Lloyd The Water Is Wide Charles Lloyd Hyperion With Higgins Charles Lloyd Canto Charles Mingus 1959 Charlie Haden Nocturne Charlie Haden with Michael Brecker American Dreams Chemical Brothers (The) The Private Psychedelic Reel Cheralee Dillon Citron Cheralee Dillon Pool Chet Baker Best Of (Sings) Chicane Firebombs Chris & Carla Swinger 500 Chris & Carla Life Full Of Holes Chris Cornell Euphoria Morning Chris Morris Blue Jam Chris Potter Travelling Mercies Chris Robinson New Earth Mud Chris Starling Planet Painkiller Christoph De Babalon If You're Into It, I'm Out Of It Chuck E. Weiss Extremly Cool Chumbawumba Readymades Cinema Your Introductory Record Clangers Original Television Music Clash (The) Super Black Market Clash (Remaster) Clash (The) ST (Remaster) (Epic) Clash (The) London Calling (Remaster) Clash (The) Sandinista (Remaster) Clash (The) Give 'Em Enough Rope (Remaster) Clash (The) Combat Rock (Remaster) Clearlake Lido Clearlake Almost The Same Clearlake Cedars Clinic Walking With Thee Clinic ST Clinic Internal Wrangler Clinic Distortions Clive Carrol Sixth Sense cLOUDDEAD ST Cocteau Twins Treasure Cocteau Twins BBC Sessions Cocteau Twins Blue Bell Knoll Coldplay Parachutes Coldplay A Rush Of Blood To The Head Come Gently Down The Stream Common Electric Circus Common One Day It'll All Make Sense Compulsion Comforter Compulsion The Future Is Medium Concrete Blonde Caroline Concrete Blonde Mexican Moon Concrete Blonde Still In Hollywood Concrete Blonde Free Concrete Blonde Walking In London Concrete Blonde Walking In London Concrete Blonde Group Therapy Concrete Blonde Ghost Of A Texas Ladies' Man Concrete Blonde Bloodletting Concrete Blonde Someday Concrete Blonde Y Los Illegals ST Coral (The) Skeleton Key Coral (The) ST Cornelius Fantasma Cornershop When I was Born For The 7th Time Cosmetique I Was Born In A Disco Fun Pub Cosmic Rough Riders Enjoy The Melodic Sunshine Cotton Mather Kontiki Counting Crowes Hard Candy (Special Edition) Counting Crowes This Desert Life Counting Crowes Angels Of The Silences Counting Crowes Mr Jones Cousteau ST (Original Album) Cousteau Sirena Cousteau ST Cowboy Junkies The Trinity Sessions Cowboy Junkies Open Cowboy Junkies Black Eyed Man Cowboy Junkies The Caution Horses Cowboy Junkies Rareties, B-Sides & Slow, Sad Waltzes Cowboy Junkies The Radio One Sessions Cramps (The) Flamejob Cranes EP Collection Volumes 1 & 2 Cranes Self.Non.Self Cranes La Tragedie D'Oreste Et Electre Cranes Population 4 Cranes Loved Crowded House ST/Temple Of The Low Men/Woodface Crowded House Recurring Dream (Best Of - With Live Album) Crowded House Afterglow Cult (The) Ceremony Curtis Mayfield Superfly (Remaster) Czars (The) The Ugly People Vs The Beautiful People Czars (The) Before…Only Longer Dada American Highway Flower Daft Punk Discovery Damien Jurado Rehearsals For Departure Damon & Naomi With Ghost Damon & Naomi Playback Singers Danzig I Luciferi Danzig ST Danzig Black Acid Devil Danzig Lucifuge Danzig III: How The Gods Kill Danzig 4 Danzig Thrall / Demonsweatlive Danzig Dirty Black Summer Dar Williams The Beauty Of The Rain Dar Williams Mortal City Dar Williams The Green World Dar Williams Out There Live… Darkstar Twenty Twenty Sound Dave Brubeck 1954-1966 Dave Bruebeck Bruebeck Plays Bruebeck Dave Graney 'n' The Coral Snakes The Soft 'n' Sexy Sound David Ackles American Gothic David Axelrod ST David Bowie 1. Outside David Bowie Heathen David Bowie BBC Radio Theartre David Bowie Station To Station David Bowie Diamond Dogs David Bowie Ziggy Stardust (Remaster) David Bowie Hours (Hologram Case) David Bowie The Man Who Sold The World (Remaster) David Bowie Aladdin Sane David Bowie Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars (30th Ann) David Bowie Heroes David Bowie Bowie At The Beeb David Bowie Alladdin Sane (Remaster) David Bowie Ziggy Stardust (30th Anniversary Edition) David Bowie Survive David Bowie Low David Graney & The Coral Snakes Night Of The Wolverine David Gray A New Day At Midnight David Holmes Lets Get Killed David Holmes Don't Die Just Yet David Holmes Bow Down To The Exit Sign David Munyon Code Name: Jumper David Munyon Acrylic Teepees David Newton Trio Halfway To Dawn David Sylvian Dead Bees On A Cake David Sylvian Brilliant Trees Davy Graham Fire In The Soul Dead Can Dance 1981-1998 Death In Vegas Dead Elvis Death In Vegas The Contino Sessions Decadent Ape ST Dee-Lite World Clique Delgardos Hate Delgardos (The) The Great Eastern Delicatessen There's No Confusing Some People Delicattessen Skin Touching Water Depeche Mode Singles 81-98 Depeche Mode Exciter Desaparecidos Read Music/Speak Spanish Desert Sessions Vols: 7 & 8 Desert Sessions (The) Vols 1 & 2 Desert Sessions (The) Vols 5 & 6 Desert Sessions (The) Vols 3 & 4 Deus The Ideal Crash Devendra Banhart Oh Me Oh My… Dexy's Midnight Runners Don't Stand Me Down (The Director's Cut) Diamanda Galas Plague Mass Diamanda Galas The Singer Diamanda Galas Malediction & Prayer Dinosaur Jr Take A Run At The Sun Dinosaur Junior Hand It Over Dirty 3 (The) Whatever You Love, You Are Dirty Three ST Dirty Three She Has No Strings Apollo Dirty Three Sad & Dangerous Dirty Three Horse Stories Divine Comedy (The) A Secret History Divine Comedy (The) Casanova Divine Comedy (The) Gin Soaked Boy Divine Comedy (The) Regeneration Divine Comedy (The) Fin De Siecle Divine Comedy (The) Love What You Do (1) Divine Comedy (The) A Short Album About Love Divine Comedy (The) RE: Regeneration Divine Comedy (The) A Secret History - Best Of DJ Shadow The Private Press DJ Shadow High Noon DJ Shadow Entroducing DJ Shadow Stem DJ Shadow Dark Days DJ Shadow You Can't Go Home Again DJ Shadow/Cut Chemist Product Placement Don Henley Building The Perfect Beast Donald Fagan The Nightfly Donald Fagan Kamakiriad Doors (The) The Complete Studio Recordings Doors (The) Movie Soundtrack Doors (The) Bright Midnight Doors (The) ST Doors (The) Strange Days Doors (The) Live In Stockholm Vol 1 (actually Vol 2) Doors (The) The Soft Parade Doors (The) Live In Stockholm Volume Two Doors (The) Live In Hollywood Doors (The) New York 1970 Doors (The) Strangedays Doors (The) Best Of (2000) Doors (The) ST Doors (The) In Concert Doors (The) Waiting For The Sun Doors (The) Morrison Hotel Doors (The) LA Woman Doors (The) L.A. Woman Doors (The) Waiting For The Sun Doors (The) Morrison Hotel Doors (The) Live At The Hollywood Bowl Doors (The) The Doors Box Set Doors (The) Best Of '97 Box Set Doors (The) Live In Seattle Dot Allison We Are Science Dot Allison Mo' Pop Dot Allison Afterglow Doves The Last Broadcast Doves There Goes The Fear Doves Lost Souls Dr Robert The Coming Of Grace Dream Academy (The) ST Dream Syndicate (The) Live At KPFK's September 5th 1982 Dream Syndicate (The) Ghost Stories Dream Syndicate (The) The Days Of Wine & Roses (Remaster) Dream Theatre Images & Words Dropkick Murphys Sing Loud, Sing Proud! Drugstore Songs For The Jet Set Drunk Tableside Manners Duran Duran Greatest Dusty Springfield Dusty In Memphis (Remaster) Dusty Trails ST Dwarves (The) The Dwarves Are Young And Good Looking Eagles One Of These Nights (Remaster) Eagles Hotel California (Remaster) Eagles (The) The Best Of Earl Brutus Tonight You Are The Special One Earl Brutus The S.A.S. & The Glam That Goes With It Earl Brutus Your Majesty…We Are Here Earl Brutus Come Taste My Mind East River Pipe The Gasoline Age Ed Harcourt Here Be Monsters Ed Harcourt From Every Sphere Eels Beautiful Freak Eels Mr E's Beautiful Blues Eels Daisies Of The Galaxy Eels Soul Jacker (Special Edition) Einsturzende Neubauten Tabula Rasa Einsturzende Neubauten Silence Is Sexy Einsturzende Neubauten ST (English Edition) Elastica ST Elastica The Radio One Sessions Elastica The Menace Elbow Asleep At The Back/Coming Second Elbow Asleep In The Back (Original Album) Electrelane Rock It To The Moon Electric Light Orchestra Out Of The Blue Electric Soft Parade (The) Holes In The Wall Elemental/Heather Duby ST Eliza Carthy Angels & Cigerettes Eliza Carthy Red Rice Elliot Smith XO Elliot Smith Figure 8 Elliot Smith Roman Candle Elton John Jump Up Elton John Madman Across The Water Embrace All You Good Good People Embrace One Big Family EP Embrace All You Good Good People Embrace Fireworks Emmylou Harris Red Dirt Girl Engine 88 Snowman Entombed Wolverine Blues Equation The Lucky Few Equation Hazy Daze Equation Return To Me Eric Bogle The Gift Of Years Eric Clapton Unplugged Eric Matthews It's Heavy In Here Erland Oye Unrest Erykah Badu Baduizm Estrella Morente My Songs & A Poem Etienne De Crecy …Presents Super Discount Eva Cassidy By Heart Evan Dando Live At The Brattle Theatre/Griffith Sunset EP Evan Dando Baby I'm Bored Evie Sands Women In Prison Eyes Adrift ST Fairport Convention Unhalfbricking (Remaster) Fairport Convention Liege & Lief (Remaster) Faith No More King For A Day, Fool For A lifetime Faith No More Ricochet Faith No More The Real Thing Fall (The) Cerebral Caustic Fall (The) Shift-Work Fall (The) 458489 A SIDES Fall (The) The Collection Fall (The) Middle Class Revolt Fall (The) Extricate Fall (The) Code: Selfish Fall (The) The Unutterable Fall (The) Levitate Fall (The) The Infotainment Scam Fall (The) (The Marshall) Suite Family Cat (The) Furthest From The Sun Fatboy Slim Sunset (Bird Of Prey) Faultline Your Love Means Everything Fela Zombie (Remaster) Fela & Roy Ayers Upside Down / Music Of Many Colours Field Mice (The) Where'd You Learn To Kiss That Way? Finger (The) Punk's Dead Lets Fuck Finley Quaye Vanguard Fisherspooner #1 Flaming Lips Zaireeka Flaming Lips (The) The Soft Bulletin Flaming Lips (The) Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Flaming Lips (The) Clouds Taste Metallic Flaming Lips (The) Finally The Punk Rockers Are Taking Acid 1983-1988 Fleetwood Mac Rumours Fleetwood Mac Tusk Fog ST Foo Fighters One By One Foo Fighters ST Foo Fighters The Colour & The Shape Foo Fighters This Is A Call Foo Fighters There Is Nothing Left To Lose For Carnation (The) ST Fountains Of Wayne Utopia Parkway Four Tet Pause Francoise Hardy The Vogue Years Frank Black & The Catholics Dog In The Sand Frank Black And The Catholics Black Letter Days Frank Black And The Catholics Devil's Workshop Frank Sinatra In The Wee Small Hours Frank Sinatra Watertown Frank Zappa Hot Rats Fred Neil The Many Sides Of… Free Design (The) Cosmic Peekaboo Free Design (The) Best Of Friends Of Dean Martinez Retrograde Friends Of Dean Matinez The Shadow Of Your Smile Fu Manchu California Crossing Fuck Pardon My French Fugazi Furniture Fugazi Red Medicine Fugazi The Argument Future Pilot AKA Tiny Waves, Mighty Sea Future Sound Of London Papua New Guinea Galaxie 500 Copenhagen Galaxy 500 ST Gallon Drunk Black Milk Gallon Drunk Traitor's Gate Gallon Drunk Two Clear Eyes Gallon Drunk In The Long Still Night Gallon Drunk Bear Me Away Gallon Drunk Things Will Change Gallon Drunk Fire Music Gallon Drunk From The Heart Of Town Gallon Drunk You, The Night… And The Music Gamine Sabotage Garbage Milk Garbage Version 2.0 Garbage Beautiful Garbage Garbage ST Garcia, Grisman & Rice The Pizza Tapes Gary Heffern Painful Days Gavin Bryars The Sinking Of The Titanic/Jesus Blood Gavin Bryars Jesus Blood Never Failed Me Yet Gay Dad Leisure Noise Gay Dad Now Always & Forever Gay Dad Transmission Gemma Hayes Night On My Side Gemma Hayes Work To A Calm Gemma Hayse 4.35am Gene Rising For Sunset Gene Revelations Gene Sleep Well Tonight Gene Libertine Gene Clark Flying High Gene Clark Echoes Gentle Waves (The) Falling From Grace Gentle Waves (The) Swansong For You Gentle Waves (The) The Green Fields Of Forever Land… Geraldine Fibbers (The) Butch Geraldine Fibbers (The) ST Gerry Rafferty City To City GG Allin & The Murder Junkies Terror In America GGFH The Very Beast Of Vol 1 Giant Sand Glum Giant Sand Cover Magazine Giant Sand Storm Giant Sand Giant Songs: The Best Of (Vol 1) Giant Sand Giant Songs 2 (Best Of…) Giant Sand Selections Circa 1990-2000 Giant Sand Backyard Barbeque Broadcast Giant Sand Chore Of Enchantment Giant Sand Official Bootleg Series Vol 1 Gillian Welch Time (The Revelator) Gillian Welch Hell Among The Yearlings Gin Blossoms New Miserable Experience (Deluxe Version) Glenn Danzig Black Aria Go Betweens (The) Spring Hill Fair (Remaster) Go Betweens (The) Bright Yellow Bright Orange Go Betweens (The) The Friends Of Rachel Worth Go Betweens (The) 16 Lovers Lane God's Lonely Man Demo Godspeed You Black Emperor Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antenna To Heaven Godspeed You Black Emperor Slow Riot For Zero Canada Godspeed You Black Emporer Infinity Golden Smog Weird Tales/Old Mainstream Golden Smog Down By The Old Mainstream Golden Smog On Golden Smog Goldfrapp Black Cherry Goldfrapp Train Goldfrapp Human Goldfrapp Lovely Head Goldfrapp Felt Mountain Goldie Saturnz Return Goldie Timeless Gomez Bring It On Gomez Liquid Skin Gomez In Our Gun Gomez Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline Gordon Lightfoot A Painter Passing Through Gorillaz ST Gorky's Zygotic Mynci Barafundle Gorky's Zygotic Mynci Singles & Eps 94-96 Gorky's Zygotic Mynci Spanish Dance Troupe Gorky's Zygotic Mynci The Blue Trees Graham Coxon The Golden D Graham Coxon The Sky Is Too High Gram Parsons Grievous Angel/GP Grand Drive True Love & High Adventure Grandaddy The Crystal Lake Grandaddy He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's The Pilot Grandaddy The Sophtware Slump Grandaddy The Broken Down Comforter Collection Grant Lee Buffalo Homespun Grant Lee Buffalo Fuzzy Grant Lee Buffalo Storm Hymnal Grant Lee Buffalo Mighty Joe Moon Grant Lee Phillips Mobilize Grateful Dead (The) Live/Dead Grateful Dead (The) Anthem Of The Sun Grateful Dead (The) Wake Of The Flood Grateful Dead (The) Built To Last Green On Red Gas Food Lodging / Green On Red Green Velvet Constant Chaos Grieg/Sibelius Peer Gynt/Pelleas Et Melisande op. 46 Groky's Zygotic Mynki How I Long To Feel That Summer… Guided By Voices Do The Collapse Guided By Voices Under The Bushes Under The Stars Guided By Voices Universal Truths & Cycles Guided By Voices Alien Lanes Guided By Voices Bee Thousand Guided By Voices Mag Earwhig! Gun Club <<Death Party>> Gun Club (The) In Exile Gun Club (The) Fire Of Love Gun Club (The) Lucky Jim Gun Club (The) Early Warning Gun Club (The) Pastoral Hide & Seek/Divinity Guns & Roses Appetite For Destruction Gwei-Lo ST Handsome Family (The) Twilight Handsome Family (The) In The Air Handsome Family (The) Milk & Sissors Hank Williams Live At The Grand Olde Opry Hank Williams Limited Edition Box Set Hank Williams 40 Greatest Hits Hazeldine How Bees Fly Hefner We Love The City Hefner Boxing Hefner Hefner Breaking God's Heart Her Space Holiday Home Is Where You Hang Yourself Her Space Holiday Manic Expressive High Llamas Gideon Gaye High Llamas Snowbug High Llamas Buzzle Bee High Llamas (The) The Sun Beats Down High Llamas (The) Checking In, Checking Out High Llamas (The) Hawaii High Llamas (The) Nomads High Llamas (The) Retrospective Hitchin' Post (The) Roadmap Hitchin' Post (The) Death Valley Junction Hole Live Through This Holst The Planets Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions Bavarian Bread Fruit Howe Hisser Howe Confluence Howe Home (Giant Sand) The Listener Howlin' Wolf The Genuine Article (Best Of) Hunter S. Thompson Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas Husker Du Warehouse Songs & Stories Husker Du The Living End Husker Du New Day Rising Husker Du Eight Miles High /Makes No Sense At All Husker Du Flip Your Wig Husker Du Zen Arcade I Am The World Out Of The Loop Ibrahim Ferrer Buenos Hermanos Icebreaker Trein Maersk Icebreaker Distant Early Warning Idlewild The Remote Part Idlewild Hope Is Important Idlewild 100 Broken Windows Iggy & The Stooges Raw Power (Remaster) Iggy Pop Lust For Life Immense Evil Ones And Zeros Interpol Turn On The Bright Lights Iron & Wine The Creek Drank The Cradle Iron Maiden Edward The Great It's Jo & Danny Lank Haired Girl To Bearded Boy Ivor Cutler A Flat Man J. Church The Ecstacy Of Communication Jack The End Of The Way It's Always Been Jack Kerouac Kicks/Joy/Darkness Jack Kerouac Reads 'On The Road' Jack Kerouac Readings By… Jack Kerouac Legends Jack Logan Mood Elevator Jack Logan Bulk Jack Logan & Bob Kimbell Little Private Angel Jackson Brown Late For The Sky Jacques To Stars James Millionaires James Best Of James Yorkston & The Athletes Tender To The Blues James Yorkston & The Athletes St Patrick James Yorkston & The Athletes Moving Up Country Jane's Addiction Ritual De Lo Habitual Jane's Addiction Nothing's Shocking Jane's Addiction Kettle Whistle Jane's Addiction ST Janis Joplin The Ultimate Collection January I Heard Myself In You Jarboe Sacrificial Cake Jaws OST Jeff Buckley The Grace Eps Jeff Buckley Grace Jeff Buckley Mystery White Boy Jefferson Airplane Surrealistic Pillow Jeffrey Lee Pierce Wildweed Jeremy Gluck I Knew Buffalo Bill Jerry Cantrell Degredation Trip Jerry Cantrell Degredation Trip Vols. 1 & 2 Jerry Cantrell Boggy Depot Jerry Goldsmith The Blue Max (Soundtrack) Jesse Malin The Fine Art Of Self Destruction Jesus Lizard (The) Bang Jill Scott Who Is Jill Scott Jim Carrol Band (The) I Write Your Name Jim Carrol Band (The) Best Of Jim Carroll Praying Mantis Jim Morrison An American Prayer Jim O' Rourke Insignificance Jim O' Rourke Eureka Jim Tomlinson Brazilian Sketches Jim White No Such Place Jimi Hendrix Experience (The) Are You Experienced? Jimmy Cliff The Harder They Come Jimmy Page & Robert Plant Walking Into Clarksdale Jimmy Scott Love Is A Wonderful Thing JJ72 ST Joanna MacGregor Neural Circuits Joanna MacGregor Perilous Night Joanna MacGregor Play Jocelyn Pook Untold Things Joe Jackson This Is It Joe Meek The Alchemist Of Pop. Home Made Hits & Rarities Joey Ramone Don't Worry About Me John Cale Close Watch John Cale 5 Tracks John Coltrane A Love Supreme (Deluxe Edition) John Fahey The Transfiguration Of Blind Joe Death John Lee Hooker Mr Lucky John Lydon Psycho's Path John Martyn Solid Air (Remaster) John Martyn Solid Air John Parish How Animals Move John Parish & Polly Jean Harvey Dance Hall At Louse Point Johnny Cash Love/God/Murder Johnny Cash American IV: The Man Comes Around Johnny Cash American Recordings Johnny Cash Unchained Johnny Cash American IV: When The Man Comes Around (Reissue) Johnny Cash American III. Solitary Man Johnny Dowd Wrong Side Of Memphis Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (The) Now I Got Worry Jonathan Fire Eater Wolf Songs For Lambs Jonathan Fire Eater Tremble Under Boom Lights Jonathan Fire*Eater When The Curtain Calls For You Joni Mitchell Blue (Remaster) Joni Mitchell The Hissing Of Summer Lawns Joni Mitchell Travelogue Josh Rouse Under The Cold Blue Stars Josh Rouse Under The Cold Blue Stars Joy Division Unknown Pleasures Joy Division Heart & Soul Joy Division Substance Joy Division Les Bains Douches Joy Division The Complete BBC Recordings Joy Division Closer Joy Zipper ST Juliana Hatfield Bed Juliana Hatfield Juliana's Pony: Total System Failure Juliana Hatfield Beautiful Creature June Of 44 The Anatomy Of Sharks June Of 44 Tropics & Meridians June Of 44 Engine Takes To Water June Of 44 Four Great Points June Of 44 The Anatomy Of Sharks K.Low ST Karamasov On Arrival Kasamarov Divorce Your Loved Ones With Dignity Kate & Anna Mc Garrigle Matapedia Kate & Anna McGarrigle The McGarrigle Hour Kate Bush Kick Inside Kate Bush The Red Shoes Kate Rusby Hourglass Kate Rusby Cowsong Kate Rusby Hourglass Kate Rusby 10 Kate Rusby Little Lights Kate Rusby & Katherine Roberts ST Kate St. John Indescribable Night Kathryn Williams Little Black Numbers Kathryn Williams Old Low Light Kathryn Williams Dog Leap Stairs Katy Carr Screwing Lies Katy Carr Passion Play Keep Of Kalessin Agnen: A Journey Through The Dark Keep Of Kalessin Through Times Of War Kelly Deal 6000 (The) Go To The Sugar Altar Kelly Deal 6000 (The) Boom! Boom! Boom! Kelly Willis What I Deserve Kenickie The John Peel Sessions Kenickie At The Club Kent Isola Killing Joke Pandemonium Kim Salmon Hey Believer Kimya I'm Sorry That Sometimes I'm Mean King Crimson Beat King Crimson Discipline Kingsbury Manx (The) ST Kingsbury Manx (The) Let You Down Kinks The Singles Collection / Waterloo Sunset Kinks Face To Face (Remaster) Kinks (The) BBC Sessions 1964-1977 Kinks (The) The Ultimate Collection Kinks (The) State Of Confusion (Remaster) Kinky Friedman Sold American Kinobe Soundphiles Kraftwerk Trans Europe Express Kristen Hersh Hips & Makers Kristen Hersh Sunny Border Blue Kristen Hersh The Grotto Kula Shaker K Kula Shaker Peasants, Pigs & Spacemen Kyuss & The Circus Leaves Town Kyuss Welcome To Sky Valley Kyuss Blues For The Red Sun L7 Bricks Are Heavy Laika Good Looking Blues Laika Lost In Space Vols 1 & 2 Lamb ST Lambchop Nixon Lambchop Thriller Lambchop Is A Woman Lambchop What Another Man Spills Langley Schools Music Project (The) ST Larry Barrett The Big Slowdown Larry Barrett Beyond The Mississippi Larry Barrett Flowers Laura Nyro New York Tendaberry (Remaster) Laura Nyro Eli & The Thirteenth Confession (Remaster) Laura Nyro Stoned Soul Picnic Laura Nyro and Labelle Gonna Take A Miracle (Remaster) Lauren Laverne Take These Flowers Away Laurence Ferlinghetti A Coney Island Of The Mind Laurie Anderson Bright Red Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy Led Zeppelin Remasters Led Zeppelin The Song Remains the Same (Soundtrack) Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti Lee Hazelwood These Boots Are Made For Walkin' Lee Hazelwood Requiem For An Almost Lady Lee Hazelwood Trouble Is A Lonesome Town Lee Hazelwood Cowboy In Sweden Lee Hazelwood The Cowboy & The Lady Lee Hazelwood 13 Lee Hazlewood For Every Solution, There's A Problem Lee Scratch Perry Arkology Leech Woman 33 Leftfield Rythmn & Stealth Leila Courtesy Of Choice Leila Like Weather Lemon Jelly Lost Horizons Lemonheads (The) Come On Feel The… Lemonheads (The) It's A Shame About Ray Lemonheads (The) Car Button Cloth Lena Wilson Vol 1 (1922-1924) Leonard Cohen Songs Of Love & Hate Leonard Cohen New Skin For The Old Ceremony Leonard Cohen Songs Of… Libertines (The) Up The Bracket Lightning Seeds (The) Like You Do Lilys Better Can't Make Your Life Better Lisa Germano On The Way Down From Moon Palace Lisa Germano Lullabye For Liquid Pig Lisa Germano Happiness Lisa Germano Excerpts From A Love Circus Lo-Fidelity Allstars Disco Machine-Gun Locust Fudge Flush Locust Fudge Royal Flush Lodestar Down In The Mud Loftus ST Lone Pigeon Concubine Rice Long Fin Kille Houdini Long Fin Kille Valentino Long Fin Kille Amelia Loop Guru The Third Chamber Looper Up A Tree Loose Fur ST Los Lobos Just Another Band From East L.A. Lou Reed Ecstasy Lou Reed NYC Man Lou Reed New York Lou Reed Berlin (Remaster) Lou Reed Transformer (Remaster) Lou Reed Retro Lou Reed Metal Machine Music Lou Reed Magic & Loss Lou Reed The Raven Lou Reed Coney Island Baby Lou Reed ST (Remaster) Lou Reed Street Hassle Lou Reed The Blue Mask Lou Reed/John Cale Songs For Drella Loudbomb Loud Playing Grooves Love Da Capo Love Forever Changes (Remaster) Love Forever Changes Low Transmission EP Low Things We Lost In The Fire Low Secret Name Low Christmas Low Dinosaur Act Low Songs For A Dead Pilot Low Canada Low Trust Low Over The Ocean Low & Spring Heeled Jack Bombscare Ep Low/Dirty Three In The Fishtank Lucinda Williams Car Wheels On A Gravel Road Lucinda Williams World Without Tears Luke Haines The Oliver Twist Manifesto Luke Haines Christie Malry's Own Double Entry Luna Pup Tent Luna The Days Of Our Nights Luscious Jackson Electric Honey Luscious Jackson Fever In Fever Out Lush Ciao M.Gira Drainland M.Gira The Somniloquist M.Gira/D.Matz What We Did Macy Gray On How Life Is Mad Season Above Madonna The Immaculate Collection Madonna Ray Of Light Madonna Music Madonna American Life Magazine Real Life Magnetic Fields (The) 69 Love Songs mAKE UP sOUND VERITE Make Up In Mass Mind Make-Up (The) Live! At Cold Rice Mama's & The Papa's (The) If You Can Believe Your Eyes & Ears Man Called Tea (The) ST (Demo) Manhattan Brothers (The) Best Of Manic Street Preachers Know Your Enemy Manic Street Preachers A Design For Life (1) (Silver) Manic Street Preachers Generation Terrorists Manic Street Preachers The Holy Bible Manic Street Preachers The Masses Against The Classes Manic Street Preachers Gold Against The Soul Manic Street Preachers Everything Must Go Manic Street Preachers (The) So Why So Sad Manic Street Preachers (The) Found That Soul Manic Street Preachers (The) A Design For Life (2) Manitoba Up In Flames Mansun Attack Of The Grey Lantern Mansun Closed For Business (Silver) Mansun Closed For Business (2) Mansun Little Kix Maquiladora Ritual Of Hearts Marianne Faithful A Perfect Stranger Marianne Faithfull Kissin' Time Marilyn Manson Holywood: In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals Mark Eitzel Music For Courage & Confidence Mark Eitzel The Ugly American Mark Eitzel The Invisible Man Mark Kozelek What's Next To The Moon Mark Lanegan Whiskey For The Holy Ghost Mark Lanegan Field Songs Mark Lanegan House A Home Mark Lanegan Scraps At Midnight Mark Lanegan I'll Take Care of You Mark Olsen & Original Harmony Ridge Creekdippers My Own Jo Ellen Marlowe Dark Sparkle Songs Martin Grech Open Heart Zoo Martina Topley Bird Need One Marty Robbins Gun Fighter Ballards & Trail Songs / More… Marvin Gaye What's Going On (Remaster)/(Deluxe Edition) Mary Gauthier Filth & Fire Mary Gauthier Dixie Kitchen Mary Gauthier Drag Queens In Limousines Mary Lou Lord Got No Shadow Mary Lou Lord LIVE City Sounds Mascis & The Fog More Light Massive Attack Rising Son Massive Attack 100th Window Massive Attack Protection Massive Attack Mezzanine Massive Attack Singles Matthew Jay Friendly Fire EP Matthew Jay Draw Matthew Jay Let Your Shoulder Fall Matthew Jay Four Songs Matthew Sweet Girlfriend Mavericks (The) What A Crying Shame McAlmont & Butler Bring It Back McAlmont & Butler Yes (Blue) McAlmont & Butler Yes (Orange) McClusky McClusky Do Dallas MDK Open Transport Meat Puppets ST Meat Puppets Huevos Meat Puppets Too High To Die Meat Puppets Out My Way Meat Puppets Mirage Meat Puppets Meat Puppets II Meat Puppets Live In Montana Meat Puppets Monsters Meat Puppets Meat Puppets II (Remaster) Meat Puppets No Joke Meat Puppets In A Car Meat Puppets ST (Remaster) Meat Puppets Up On The Sun (Remaster) Meat Puppets Golden Lies Melvins Honky Men They Couldn't Hang (The) Majestic Grill - The Best Of Mercury Rev All Is Dream Mercury Rev Deserter's Songs Metalheadz Platinum Breakz Michael Nyman Wonderland Mick Harvey Pink Elephants Mick Harvey Intoxicated Man Mick Harvey Initials B.B. Midnight Choir Unsung Heroine Mike Badger Volume Mike Johnson Year Of Mondays Miles Davis E.S.P. (Remaster) Miles Davis Sorcerer (Remaster) Miles Davis Nefertiti (Remaster) Miles Davis Kind Of Blue (Remaster) Miles Davis Filles De Kilimanjaro (Remaster) Miles Davis Quiet Nights Miles Davis Birth Of The Cool Miles Davis Porgy And Bess Millennium (The) Again Mimi & Richard Farina The Complete Vanguard Recordings Minor Threat Complete Discography Mint Royale Don't Falter Minus 5 (The) The Lonesome Death Of Buck McCoy Minus 5 (The) My Chantreuse Opinion Minus 5 (The) Old Liquidator Minus Five (The) Down With Wilco Minus Five (The) Let The War Against Music Begin Minutemen Double Nickels On The Dime Miriana ST Mission Of Burma Signals,Calls & Marches (Remaster) Mission Of Burma Vs (Remaster) Mission Of Burma The Awful Truth About Burma Moby 18 Moby Play Mogwai Ten Rapid Mogwai 4 Satin EP Mogwai Young Team Mogwai Come On Die Young Moist Silver Mojave 3 Out Of Time MOJO Presents… Trojan Explosion Moldy Peaches (The) ST Moloko Statues Moloko Do You Like My Tight Sweater? Moloko Things To Make & Do Monkees (The) Head Quarters Monkees (The) Head Mono Formica Blues Montgolfier Brothers (The) Seventeen Stars Montgolfier Brothers (The) The World Is Flat Moonshake The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow Moonshake Big Good Angel Moonshake Dirty & Divine Morcheeba Charango (Ltd Edition) Morcheeba Big Calm Morcheeba The Sea Morgan Organized Morphine The Best of… Morphine Good Morphine B-Sides & Otherwise Morphine Bootleg Detroit Morphine Yes Morphine Cure For Pain Morphine The Night Morphine Like Swimming Motorhead Orgasmatrom (Remaster) Motorhead Overkill (Remaster) Motorhead Ace Of Spades (Remaster) Motorhead Snake Bite Love Motorhead No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith (Remaster) Mountain Goats Tallahassee Mouthmusic The Scrape Movietone The Blossom Filled Streets Mozart Piano Concertos No. 12 K414 & No. 13 K415 Mozart Piano Concertos Nos. 27 & 8 Mudhoney Since We've Become Translucent Mudhoney March To Fuzz Muggs Dust Mule ST Mule If I Don't Six Mule Wrung Muse DeadStar/In Your World Muse Hullabaloo Soundtrack Muse Showbiz Muse Origin Of Symmetry My Bloody Valentine Isn't Anything My Computer Vulnerabilia My Dying Bride The Dreadful Hours My Morning Jacket At Dawn N*E*R*D In Search Of… Nada Surf Popular Nada Surf The Proximity Effect Nada Surf Let Go Nancy & Lee The Hits Of… Naomi Personal Touch Nearly God ST Nebula Charged Necks (The) Aether Neil Finn Last One Standing Neil Finn Songs From… Neil Finn One Nil Neil Young Decade (Remaster) Neil Young Harvest Neil Young After The Goldrush Neil Young ST Neil Young Are You Passionate Neil Young Zuma Neil Young Road Rock Vol 1 Neil Young Silver & Gold Neil Young Unplugged Neil Young & Crazy Horse Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere Neil Young & Crazy Horse Live Rust Neil Young & Crazy Horse Sleeps With Angels Neko Case Blacklisted Neko Case & Her Boy Friends Furnace Room Lullaby Nelly Furtado Whoa, Nelly! Nenah Cherry Homebrew Neu! Neu! '75 (Remaster) New Band Dance Of The Seven Veils New Order Republic New Order Technique New Order Get Ready New Order Substance Nick Cave As I Sat Sadly By Her Side Nick Cave No More Shall We Part Nick Cave Let Love In Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Interview Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Henry's Dream Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Live Seeds Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds The Best Of (With Live Album) Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Murder Ballads Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds The Firstborn Is Dead Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Tender Prey Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Your Funeral, My Trail Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds The Good Son Nick Cave And Kylie Minogue Where The Wild Roses Grow Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds Nocturna Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds Into My Arms Nick Cave Featuring The Bad Seeds From Here To Eternity Nick Drake Way To Blue: An Introduction To… Nick Drake Pink Moon (Remaster) Nick Drake Five Leaves Left Nick Drake Tanworth In Arden 1967/68 Nick Drake Fruit Tree Nick Drake Bryter Later (Remaster) Nickel Creek This Side Nico Desertshore Nico The Marble Index Nico The End Nico Innocent & Vain Nico Chelsea Girl Nico + The Faction Camera Obscura Nicolai Dunger Soul Rush Nicolai Dunger Tranquil Isolation Nicolai Dunger This Cloud Is Learning Nicolette Let No-one Live Rent-Free In Your Head Nik Kershaw Human Racing Nik Kershaw The Best Of… Nik Kershaw 15 Minutes Nik Kershaw To Be Frank Nik Kershaw The Collection Nina Simone The Masters Nine Inch Nails The Fragile Nothing Halo Fourteen Nine Inch Nails The Fragile Nirvana From The Muddy Banks Of The Wiskah Nirvana The Live Spirit Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana In Utero Nirvana Live Dallas '91 Nirvana Bleach Nirvana Bleach Nirvana Incesticide Nirvana Unplugged In New York Nirvana Nevermind No Doubt Rock Steady Noah John Had A Burning Novembre Novembrine Waltz Oliver Mtukadzi Paivepo Olivia Tremor Control (The) Black Foliage Olivia Tremor Control (The) Dusk At The Cubist Castle One Dove Morningdovewhite Ooberman First Day Of The Holidays Ooberman Dolphin Blue Ooberman Hey Petrunko Ooberman Running Girl Ooberman Beany Bean Ooberman Bluebell Morning EP Ooberman Beany Bean Ooberman The Magic Treehouse OP8 Sand OP8 Slush Oranger The Quiet Vibration Land Orb (The) The Orb's Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld Orbital Snivilisation Orbital / Therapy Belfast / Wasted / Innocent X Orchestra Baobab Specialist In All Styles Orchestra Baobab Pirate's Choice Original Harmony Ridge Creekdippers (The) Pacific Coast Rambler Original Harmony Ridge Creekdippers (The) ST Os Mutantes Everything Is Possible Oxide & Neutrino Execute P.W. 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Queen Adreena Drink Me Queen Adreena Taxidermy Queens Of The Stone Age Feel Good Hit Of The Summer Queens Of The Stone Age Songs For The Deaf (Special Edition) Queens Of The Stone Age ST Queens Of The Stone Age R R.E.M. Best of R.E.M. What's The Frequency Kenneth? R.E.M. Document (Extended Edition) R.E.M. Fables Of The Reconstruction R.E.M. Imitation Of Life R.E.M. Monster R.E.M. Life's Rich Pageant (Extended Edition R.E.M. E-Bow The Letter R.E.M. Out Of Time R.E.M. Murmur R.E.M. Green R.E.M. Fables Of The Reconstruction R.E.M. New Adventures In Hi Fi R.E.M. Lifes Rich Pageant R.E.M. Automatic For The People R.E.M. Daysleeper R.E.M. Document R.E.M. Automatic For The People R.E.M. Dead Letter Office R.E.M. Reveal R.E.M. The Great Beyond R.E.M. Eponymous R.E.M. At My Most Beautiful R.E.M. Lotus R.E.M. Fables Of The Reconstruction (Expanded Edition) R.E.M. In The Attic (Essential) R.L.Burnside A Ass Pocket Of Whiskey Rachel's Handwriting Rachels Selenography Rachels Full On Night Rachels Music For Egon Schiele Rachels The Sea & The Bells Rachmaninov Piano Concertos 2 & 4/Ashkenazy Radar Bros And The Surrounding Mountains Radar Bros The Singing Hatchet Radar Bros Stay Radar Bros First Album Radar Bros Shoveling Sons Radiohead Amnesiac Radiohead Pyramid Song Radiohead My Iron Lung Radiohead Airbag/How Am I Driving Radiohead The Bends Radiohead There There Radiohead Pyrmaid Song Radiohead I Might Be Wrong Radiohead Kid A Radiohead Knives Out Radiohead Knives Out Rage Against The Machine Renegades Rage Against The Machine The Battle Of Los Angeles Rage Against The Machine Evil Empire Rage Against The Machine ST Rainer Nocturnes Rainer Live At The Performance Centre Rainer The Farm Rainer Alpaca Lips Rainer Worried Spirits Rainer & Das Combo Barefoot Rock With… Rainer & Das Combo The Texas Tapes Randy Newman Sail Away Randy Newman Good Old Boys (Remaster) Rapture (The) Out Of The Races & Onto The Tracks Raveonettes (The) Whip It On Raymond Scott Manhattan Research Red Hot Chilli Peppers By The Way Red Red Meat There's A Star Above The Manger Tonight Red Red Meat Bunny Gets Paid Replacements (The) Sorry Ma, Forgot To Take Out The Trash (Remaster) Replacements (The) Let It Be (Remaster) Replacements (The) All For Nothing Replacements (The) Hootenanny (Remaster) Reverend Horton Heat Space Heater Reverend Horton Heat (The) Lucky 7 Reverend Horton Heat (The) Liquor In The Front, Poker In The Rear Reverend Horton Heat (The) The Full Custom Gospel Sounds Of… Reverend Horton Heat (The) It's Martini Time Rheinallt H Rowlands Bukowski Richard & Linda Thompson Shoot Out The Lights Richard & Linda Thompson I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight Richard Buckner Devotion + Doubt Richard Buckner Bloomed Richard Buckner Impasse Richard Davies Telegraph Richard Hawley Late Night Final Richard Hawley Low Edges Richard Thompson You? Me? Us? Rival Schools United By Fate Rivulets Debridement Robbie Robertson ST Robbie Robertson Contact From The Underworld Of Redboy Robert Johnson Complete Recordings Robert Pollard Kid Marine Robert Pollard Not In My Airforce Robert Wyatt Rock Bottom Robin Rimbaud The Garden Is Full Of Metal Robyn Hitchcock Luxor Robyn Hitchcock Jewels For Sophia Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians Globe Of Frogs Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians Respect Roky Erickson You're Gonna Miss Me. The Best Of… Roky Erickson The Evil One Rolling Stones (The) Aftermath UK (Remaster) Rolling Stones (The) Beggars Banquet (Remaster) Rolling Stones (The) Let It Bleed (Remaster) Rolling Stones (The) Aftermath Rolling Stones (The) Aftermath (UK Version) (Remaster) Rolling Stones (The) Forty Licks Rolling Stones (The) Between The Buttons (UK Edition) Rolling Stones (The) Sticky Fingers Rolling Stones (The) Big Hits (High Tide And Green Grass) (Remaster) Rolling Stones (The) Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! (Remaster) Rolling Stones (The) Aftermath (UK Version) (Remaster) Rolling Stones (The) Goats Head Soup Rolling Stones (The) Exile On Main Street Rollins The Boxed Life Rollins Human Butt Rollins Big Ugly Mouth Rollins Live At McCabes Rollins Get In The Van Rollins Sweatbox Rollins Everything Rollins Band The End Of Silence Rollins Band Come In And Burn Rollins Band Weight Rollins Band The End Of Something (Black) Rollins Band The End Of Something (White) Rollins Band Get Some Go Again Roni Size / Reprazent Newforms Roots (The) Things Fall Apart Roxy Music Siren Roxy Music Country Life Roxy Music For Your Pleasure Roxy Music ST Roxy Music ST (Remaster) Roxy Music Flesh & Blood Roxy Music Stranded Roxy Music Manifesto Roxy Music Avalon Royal Trux Veterans Of Disorder Royal Trux Sweet Sixteen Royal Trux Accelerator Royal Trux Pound For Pound Rufus Wainwright Poses Runaways (The) And Now… Ryan Adams Heartbreaker Ryan Adams Demolition Ryan Adams Gold (Special Edition) Sabres Of Paradise (The) Sabresonic II Sack You Are What You Eat Sackville Low Ebb Sadies (The) Stories Often Told Saint Etienne Sound Of Water Saint Etienne How We Used To Live Saint Etienne Action Saint Etienne The Bad Photographer (1) Saint Etienne Fox Base Alpha Saint Etienne Casino Classics Saint Etienne Interlude Saint Etienne Heart Failed In The Back Of A Taxi (1) Saint Etienne Action Saint Etienne Places To Visit Saint Etienne Good Humor Saint Etienne Finisterre Saint Etienne So Tough Saint Etienne Soft Like Me (Brown) Saint Etienne Boy Is Crying (1) Saint Etienne Smash The System Saint Etienne Good Humor Saint Etienne Tiger Bay (Extended Edition - Heavenly Recordings) Saint Etienne Soft Like Me (Green) Saint Low ST Salad Icecream Salako Reinventing Punctuation Sampson Pittman The Devil Is Busy Sandy Salisbury ST Santa Cruz 30 Degrees Below Santa Cruz Heaven Only Knows (2) Santana Abraxas (Remaster) Santana Caravanserai Sarah Cracknell Kelly's Locker Sarah Cracknell Lipslide Sarah Cracknell Lipslide (Instinct Records Version) Sarah Vaughan 1949-1987 Scanner Sulphur Scanner Delivery Scanner Lauwarm Instrumentals Scanner Shea>Main Scanner Funk Wave Of Light Scanner vs Signs Of Chaos ST Scenic The Acid Gospel Experience Scenic Incident At Cima Scenic Acquatica Schubert Symphony No. 9 in C, "The Great" Schubert Symphonies Nos. 8 & 5 Schuman/Grieg Piano Concertos Scott 4 Works Project Scott 4 Recorded In State Scott Walker Scott 3 (Remaster) Scott Walker Scott Scott Walker Climate Of Hunter Scott Walker Scott Two (Remaster) Scott Walker Boy Child (Remaster) Scott Walker Scott 4 (Remaster) Scott Walker Scott (Remaster) Scott Walker & The Walker Brothers No Regrets - The Best Of Scott Weiland 12 Bar Blues Screaming Trees Invisible Lantern Screaming Trees $ Bill Screaming Trees Change Has Come EP Screaming Trees Dust Screaming Trees Nearly Lost You Screaming Trees Even If & Especially When Screaming Trees Anthology Screaming Trees Uncle Anesthesia Screaming Trees Other Worlds Screaming Trees Buz
2003-11-20 10:52 PM
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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31 Minutos - 31 Minutos Air - Moon Safari Air - The Virgin Suicides ST Air - 10,000 Hz Legend Beach Boys - Pet Sounds Beatles - Please Please Me Beatles - With The Beatles Beatles - A Hard Day's Night Beatles - Beatles For Sale Beatles - Help! Beatles - Rubber Soul Beatles - Revolver Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour Beatles - The Beatles Beatles - Yellow Submarine Beatles - Let It Be Beatles - Abbey Road Beatles - Live at the Hollywood Bowl Beatles - Live at the BBC Beatles - Anthology 1 Beatles - Anthology 2 Beatles - Anthology 3 Beatles - I Am Sam ST Darkness - Permission to Land David Bowie - The Deram Anthology David Bowie - Hunky Dory David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars David Bowie - Aladdin Sane David Bowie - Heroes David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) David Bowie - Heathen David Bowie - Reality David Gilmour - Fat Old Little Fingers Deep Purple - In Rock Deep Purple - Machine Head Deep Purple - Burn Deep Purple - Stormbringer Deep Purple - Live in Japan 2 Doors - The Doors Doors - Strange Days Doors - Waiting For The Sun Doors - The Soft Parade Doors - Morrison Hotel Doors - LA Woman Doors - The Box Set Doors - Essential Rarities Doors - In Concert Doors - Absolutely Live Freddy Mercury - Mr Bad Guy George Harrison - All Things Must Pass George Harrison - Brainwashed Guns N' Roses - Unplugged Jim Morrison - An American Prayer John Lennon - Imagine Kings of Leon - Youth and Young Manhood London Symphony Orchestra - Plays The Best of Rolling Stones Los Prisioneros - Estadio Nacional Los Prisioneros - Los Prisioneros Led Zeppelin - I Led Zeppelin - II Led Zeppelin - III Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same Led Zeppelin - Presence Led Zeppelin - In Through The Out Door Led Zeppelin - How The West Was Won Paul McCartney - Band on the Run Paul McCartney - Driving Rain Paul McCartney - Back in the US Pink Floyd - The Piper at The Gates of Dawn Pink Floyd - A Saucerful of Secrets Pink Floyd - More Pink Floyd - Ummagumma Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother Pink Floyd - Meddle Pink Floyd - Relics Pink Floyd - Obscured by Clouds Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here Pink Floyd - Animals Pink Floyd - The Wall Pink Floyd - The Final Cut Pink Floyd - A Momentary Lapse of Reason Pink Floyd - The Division Bell Pink Floyd - Pulse Pink Floyd - Delicate Sound of Thunder Pink Floyd - Ultimate Zabriskie Point Pink Floyd - The Wall Under Construction Pulp - Different Class Pulp - This Is Hardcore Pulp - We Love Life Queen - I Queen - II Queen - Sheer Heart Attack Queen - A Night At The Opera Queen - A Day At The Races Queen - News Of The World Queen - Jazz Queen - Live Killers Queen - The Game Queen - Flash Gordon ST Queen - Hot Space Queen - The Works Queen - A Kind Of Magic Queen - Live Magic Queen - Innuendo Queen - Made In Heaven Queen - Classic Queen Queen - Queen Rocks Queen - Greatest Hits Queen - Greatest Hits II Queen - Greatest Hits III Roger Waters - It Was The Greatest Show On Earth Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers Rolling Stones - Exile On Main Street Rolling Stones - Hot Rocks Rolling Stones - Some Girls Rolling Stones - Steel Wheels Rolling Stones - Forty Licks Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - The Music of Queen Seinfeld - I'm Telling You For The Last Time Spinal Tap - Spinal Tap Spinal Tap - Break Like The Wind Stellastarr* - Stellastarr* Strokes - Is This It? Strokes - Room Of Fire Syd Barrett - The Madcap Laughs Vines - Highly Evolved Warpsmasher - Warpsmasher Who - Tommy Who - Who's Next Who - Quadrophenia Who - Who's Greatest Hits White Stripes - White Stripes White Stripes - De Stijl White Stripes - White Blood Cells White Stripes - Elephant Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Yes - Fragile Yes - Classic Yes Yes - Yessongs
2003-11-20 10:55 PM
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Well, I'm never getting that half hour back.
2003-11-20 11:00 PM
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quote: Well, I'm never getting that half hour back.
You should have listened to 31 Minutos while you were typing it.
2003-11-20 11:06 PM
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2003-11-21 12:23 AM
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Does anyone still have cassettes anymore? I have a few, only because I use my cassette player for books on tape. (I know, they have them on CD, but I listen to them in 20-minute increments while I walk to work.)
2003-11-21 4:36 AM
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I have cassettes. I even still buy one or two occassionally. I only have a tape player in my car, and can't be bothered to listen to the radio. And I have a walkman which I still use.
I'll list my stuff later when I have more time to kill.
2003-12-02 2:56 AM
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I just got a new comp, so I'm currently in the process of starting a whole new Microsoft Word document cataloging my shit....here's just a taste of what I've got DVD wise (this is just some of the box sets....when you have over 550 plus discs, it's taking me a while to complete this damn thing)
Spider-Man: Limited Edition Collectors Box Set • Spider-Man (Widescreen 2 disc) • Mutants, Monsters, and Marvels
The Adventures of Indiana Jones Widescreen 4 disc Box Set • Raiders of the Lost Ark • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade • Bonus Material
Smallville Season One 6 disc set The Honeymooners “Classic 39” 5 disc set
The Back to the Future Trilogy 3 disc set • Back to the Future • Bck to the Future 2 • Back to the Future 3
The Coffin Joe Trilogy 3 disc set • At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul • This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse • Awakening the Beast
Disney Treasures: The Complete Goofy 2 disc set Disney Treasures: Mickey Mouse in Black and White 2 disc set
Evil Dead 2: Limited Edition tin box set (Anchor Bay) Repo Man: Limited Edition tin box set (Anchor Bay)
Planet of the Apes: Evolution Limited Edition 6 disc set • Planet of the Apes (1968) • Beneath the Planet of the Apes • Escape from the Planet of the Apes • Battle for the Planet of the Apes • Conquest of the Planet of the Apes • Behind the Planet of the Apes
Futurama Season One 3 disc set Futurama Season Two 4 disc set
South Park: The Complete First Season South Park: The Complete Second Season
And, now...a taste of some of the discs I own....more to come whenever I finish these damn documents:
High Fidelity Serendipity Godzilla (1998) One Step Beyond Volume One (Alpha) The Nasty Rabbit (Alpha) America’s Sweethearts The Lord of the Rings (animated, 1978) The Kid Stays In the Picture A Clockwork Orange The Adventures of Ford Fairlane The Hills Have Eyes: Special Edition (Anchor Bay) two disc set River’s Edge Tron: 20th Anniversary Special Edition 2 disc set 13 Ghosts (1960) C.H.U.D. (Anchor Bay) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Attack of the Killer Tomatoes: Special Collector’s Edition (Rhino) 28 Days Later Dude, Where’s My Car? Spiritual Kung Fu Blood Simple Captain Kronos-Vampire Hunter Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell Once Upon a Time In The West: Special Edition 2 disc set The Mask Con Air Kingdom of Spiders Night of the Living Dead (Goodtimes) The Hulk Gross Point Blank The Master of Horror: Roger Corman 2 disc (contains: A Bucket of Blood, The Last Woman on Earth, Swamp Woman, The Fast and the Furious (1956)
2003-12-02 10:12 AM
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Hip To Be Square 15000+ posts
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quote: Originally posted by HEROKILLER v.2.0: I just got a new comp, so I'm currently in the process of starting a whole new Microsoft Word document cataloging my shit....here's just a taste of what I've got DVD wise (this is just some of the box sets....when you have over 550 plus discs, it's taking me a while to complete this damn thing)
This is actually an albums thread but never mind! Might I suggest Excel being better for cataloging than Word,its easier to insert new items!
2003-12-02 12:32 PM
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The Who Everything official and much that's not. Pete Townshend Ditto Yes ditto Moody Blues everything official REM GREEN through MONSTER U2 BOY through THE JOSHUA TREE ELP's BEST OF and LIVE AT THE ALBERT HALL Rush PERMANENT WAVES and everything since
2003-12-02 11:58 PM
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quote: Originally posted by Nowhereman: quote: Originally posted by HEROKILLER v.2.0: I just got a new comp, so I'm currently in the process of starting a whole new Microsoft Word document cataloging my shit....here's just a taste of what I've got DVD wise (this is just some of the box sets....when you have over 550 plus discs, it's taking me a while to complete this damn thing)
This is actually an albums thread but never mind! Might I suggest Excel being better for cataloging than Word,its easier to insert new items!
2003-12-03 9:12 AM
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"Does anyone still have cassettes anymore?"
I don't buy cassettes for my personal use...if I need a tape of something for the car, I just dub it onto tape.
I work in the music business on the local level, and cassettes are still an option chosen by many of our clients in delivering their music. However, cassette orders used to outnumber CD orders, but that trend's reversed completely.
The first death knell for the cassette was proclaimed in 1991, but the tape survived. And that was because of one thing, IMHO: the car stereo tape deck. Once CD players became easily installable or even factory delivered, that signaled the beginning of the end for cassette tape.
2003-12-03 9:16 AM
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PS. I forgot to list Radiohead's first 3 albums and Oasis' first 3 albums in my collection.
Also, The Beatles REVOLVER through LET IT BE. I have these all on LP. Don't have the re-mixed LIB, and won't get it. While the Beatles may have been innovators, there are just so many bands that simply have better players in them than these four.
Oh, Fleetwood Mac "the White Album" through THE DANCE, plus the recently issued BEST OF (with the wonderful SILVER SPRINGS...how they could leave that off RUMOURS amazes me...).
2003-12-03 10:09 AM
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Hip To Be Square 15000+ posts
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quote: Also, The Beatles REVOLVER through LET IT BE. I have these all on LP. Don't have the re-mixed LIB, and won't get it. While the Beatles may have been innovators, there are just so many bands that simply have better players in them than these four.
It wasnt about the "technical" abilitities with the Beatles,it was about the songs!
2003-12-03 11:08 AM
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"It wasnt about the "technical" abilitities with the Beatles,it was about the songs!"
I don't know what "it" you're talking about. I gave you MY opinion why I prefer other bands to the Beatles.
I prefer Pete Tonwshend's ROCK songs to Lennon/McCartney's POP songs.
To each his own.
2003-12-03 11:22 AM
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Townshend's ROCK wouldn't exist without Lennon and McCartney's ROCK.
2003-12-03 11:57 AM
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"Townshend's ROCK wouldn't exist without Lennon and McCartney's ROCK."
Jesus Christ...I advanced only an opinion, to which I am entitled. I never said "The Who is better than the Beatles" as an objective statement. To me, they are. But that's me!!!
And much of Lennon and McCartney's rock is borrowed straight out of 1950s Little Richard et al.
Are we supposed to label "whoever came first" as autmatically better than what followed? If that's the case, then Lennon and McCartney's rock/pop wouldn't exist without Elvis, et al.
Is there a point to this pissing match? I prefer Townshend and his cohorts. I think their music's better. But you can like whoever the fuck you want.
2003-12-03 1:33 PM
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Jesus Christ...I advanced only an opinion, to which I am entitled. I never said "The Beatles are better than the Who" as an objective statement. To me, they are. But that's me!!!
And what I meant was that the musical revolution caused by The Beatles was unlike anything that happened before or ever since. With The Beatles rock advanced from pop to psychedelia to hard rock (even hinting Rock Operas at some point) and it's pretty much stayed there since then. I get the feeling that if The Beatles had done two more albums than they did or two less rock music would be very different nowadays.
2003-12-03 2:17 PM
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I will debate the extent to which the Beatles advanced rock to hard rock. What do you consider to be a Beatles "hard rock" song?
2003-12-03 2:20 PM
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"The End". Practically a blueprint of the hard rock to come,
2003-12-03 2:21 PM
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"Helter Skelter". Some call it the first Heavy Metal song. I think that's going too far, but it's definetely hard rock way before it's time.
2003-12-03 2:24 PM
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""Helter Skelter". Some call it the first Heavy Metal song. I think that's going too far, but it's definetely hard rock way before it's time. "Helter Skelter". Some call it the first Heavy Metal song. I think that's going too far, but it's definetely hard rock way before it's time."
That is patently absurd. Sorry. But the Who (among others) were rocking far harder than HELTER SKELTER by the time Macca wrote and recorded it. (compare HELTER SKELTER from 1968 to the Who's performance on The Smothers Brothers, Sept. 1967 if you don't believe me) In fact, it's widely said that Macca saw the Who perform and wrote HELTER SKELTER as the Beatles' attempt at that kind of rock.
Sorry. I know it bursts so many bubbles, but the Beatles didn't invent the totality of pop and rock music. Let's give credit where it's due, shall we? And the Beatles don't get it all.
2003-12-03 2:34 PM
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Helter Skelter was just an example. I could find earlier ones but I'd have to listen to the albums again. The only one I can think of right now is Taxman.
2003-12-03 2:53 PM
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I have over a thousand CDs, running the gamet from Ryan Adams to Warren Zevon, from Hoyt Axton to ZZ Top.
2003-12-03 3:04 PM
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"The only one I can think of right now is Taxman."
Sorry, but the Who and others (the Kinks, the Yardbirds) were using fuzz guitars before "Taxman."
2003-12-03 3:52 PM
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Townshend is overhyped & Daltrey had a pretty weak voice!
It would seem so far that your argument is that The Who rocked harder,yet your first statement was nothing to do with this. It doesnt matter who is rock & who isnt,its undeniable that The Beatles left a bigger imprint on the musical landscape than The Who......thats fact,not a mere opinion. Elvis Presley barely wrote a song in his life & didnt play any instruments (please dont say he played guitar) but there is no denying that in the music world he is the biggest star ever. He had that "it" factor that just took him far beyond his compemporaries. The Beatles did this too. The Stones & The Who might be huge names but they will always come in second best to The Beatles because they appeal to more people due to their more accessable musical output. Remember not everyone likes rock music,but nearly everyone likes pop or at least forms of it!
2003-12-03 3:55 PM
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quote: Sorry. I know it bursts so many bubbles, but the Beatles didn't invent the totality of pop and rock music. Let's give credit where it's due, shall we? And the Beatles don't get it all.
Only person who is saying anything to do with The Beatles inventing everything is you!
2003-12-04 4:08 AM
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Hm. Let's see if I can list one artist for each letter of the alphabet from my CD collection: - Ryan Adams
Beat Farmers Johnny Cash Bob Dylan Steve Earle Fun Lovin' Criminals Goo Goo Dolls John Hiatt Chris Isaak Joe Jackson BB King Lyle Lovett John Mellancamp Willie Nelson Omar and the Howlers Elvis Presley Queen Lou Reed Bruce Springsteen Talking Heads U2 Velvet Underground Tom Waits X Dwight Yoakam Warren Zevon
Hmm. That only took three minutes. :grin:
2003-12-04 4:09 AM
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As to who invented hard rock, I'd have to give that particular nod to the Who or the Velvet Underground.
2003-12-04 4:46 AM
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Nowhereman, Not Mister Myx said this:
"And what I meant was that the musical revolution caused by The Beatles was unlike anything that happened before or ever since. With The Beatles rock advanced from pop to psychedelia to hard rock (even hinting Rock Operas at some point) and it's pretty much stayed there since then."
IOW, NMM is basically saying that just about all forms of rock advanced from the Beatles. Which is where I took exception. "Hard rock" has little to do directly with the Beatles, and more to do with bands like the Underground, the Who, the Kinks, the Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin, etc.
So I never said the Fabs invented everything...someone else made that implication.
2003-12-04 4:57 AM
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Thats not how I read it. The way I read Mxys comments is that the Beatles progressed as they went,they started off as a rock n roll band then adapted & changed taking on many new styles where as The Who stayed with the same blueprint pretty much all of their careers. I will be the first to admit they lost me with all that eastern mystisim,but I cant deny the impact it made at the time. The fact that more bands will point to the Beatles as inspiration that The Who is also something that strengthens Mxys argument!
What you have to realise is that Mxy is a fan of both bands as well so he isnt just trying to create a war of words because he hates The Who,he is merely pointing out facts. Oh and Mxy also said that a lot of people say Revolution is the first heavy metal song,he also said that he thought that was going too far!
2003-12-03 5:05 PM
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Myx said: "With The Beatles rock advanced from pop to psychedelia to hard rock" He does not say that the Beatles *own music* advanced, he says "rock," which is a blanket term. If he meant something else, he should have been clearer in his words. Of course, none of us is perfect in that regard... ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)
2003-12-03 6:19 PM
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2003-12-03 6:40 PM
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Whatever. I will say not all facets and forms of rock were started by the Beatles. There were even times THEY were influenced by others...The Who's mini-opera from 1966, "A Quick One," was something John Lennon found very interesting as they worked on SGT PEPPER...
The Beatles influenced and were influenced. They never really produced hard rock in the sense that most of us think of hard rock.
Would Townshend's rock be different if it weren't for the Beatles? Sure. And the Beatles' might have been different if it weren't for Townshend.
2003-12-03 6:51 PM
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I think you can see alot of Pete Townsends influence in Michael Jacksons work.....
2003-12-03 7:17 PM
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2003-12-04 2:06 PM
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quote: Originally posted by Jim Jackson: "The only one I can think of right now is Taxman."
Sorry, but the Who and others (the Kinks, the Yardbirds) were using fuzz guitars before "Taxman."
But none did it better than The Beatles. Let's face it, if The Beatles didn't invent something they almost perfectioned it. Maybe they didn't rock harder, but they rocked better. And the rest just followed. Why are these "following" groups (I don't wanna say ripoffs) like The Stones, The Who and The Kinks so damn good? Becuase they're following the best band in the history of rock. I think Pink Floyd were a lot better musically, Led Zeppelin rocked a lot better, Morrison's lyrics were light years ahead of Lennon and McCartney's, but The Beatles are simply the best, and millions of people from different ages and countries agree with me.
2003-12-04 3:16 PM
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Just to play devil's advocate here...the fact that millions of people like the Beatles could simply be proof that they were good only at catering to a certain lowest common denomonater, rather than actual musical quality. I remember when Slim Whitman was allegedly selling more records than the Beatles AND Elvis. Does that mean he's the greatest male singer of all time?