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#240534 2003-06-19 1:00 AM
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If Saddam had the WMDs, why didn't he use them during the war? I'm honestly asking... Am I missing something, has that been addressed?

#240535 2003-06-19 1:52 AM
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Originally posted by Dave:
What kind of intelligence is that? "Yes, they have WMDs but we might not find them for 15 years"?

so... this is dependent upon your personal time line? if 15 is too long, is 5 acceptible?

the unibomber (US based serial killer) was around and kicking for 15 or so years, uncaptured. we knew he was there, we could prove he existed, we just couldn't pin him down.

#240536 2003-06-19 1:54 AM
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Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
If Saddam had the WMDs, why didn't he use them during the war? I'm honestly asking... Am I missing something, has that been addressed?

best guess is that if he had them and used them, he'd lose all martyr status and all this current anti-US momentum, because he'd reveal himself as a liar.

#240537 2003-06-19 2:25 AM
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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
Originally posted by Dave:
What kind of intelligence is that? "Yes, they have WMDs but we might not find them for 15 years"?

so... this is dependent upon your personal time line? if 15 is too long, is 5 acceptible?

the unibomber (US based serial killer) was around and kicking for 15 or so years, uncaptured. we knew he was there, we could prove he existed, we just couldn't pin him down.

Poor analogy. The Unibomber was bombing stuff and sending his manifesto to newspapers. There was no doubt that he existed. WMDs, as Mxy points out, have not proven themselves to exist.

Saddam would have deployed them, or at least had them ready to be deployed to defend Baghdad or Tikrit. Coalition forces didn't move that fast - in fact, as everyone points out, he had months to set is pieces on the board. We should be seeing footage of missiles with chemical warheads sitting in launchers in the suburbs of Baghdad.

#240538 2003-06-19 7:13 AM
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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
If Saddam had the WMDs, why didn't he use them during the war? I'm honestly asking... Am I missing something, has that been addressed?

best guess is that if he had them and used them, he'd lose all martyr status and all this current anti-US momentum, because he'd reveal himself as a liar.
Also, even Saddam couldn't think he'd BEAT us with chemical/bio weapons. His only real hope was that either Europe or the American public would make Bush back down. Actually USING WMD's would turn even the French against him.

#240539 2003-06-19 8:28 AM
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the biggest evidence that they didn't lie is they went to war, if they knew there werent any WMD they wouldnt have went to war knowing that their lie would be revealed after the war was over....

#240540 2003-06-19 9:46 AM
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Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
the biggest evidence that they didn't lie is they went to war, if they knew there werent any WMD they wouldnt have went to war knowing that their lie would be revealed after the war was over....

Huh? What do you mean? Iraq claimed it was co-operating - it didn't go to war, the coalition did.

#240541 2003-06-19 10:04 AM
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i think bsams is saying that the biggest proof that the coalition wasn't lying was that they felt enough justification to go to war.

if the US was lying, surely they'd know the posters on the RKMBs would eventually discover their betraying ways, after the way.

dave, seriously, what is an acceptible timeline to you for finding wmds? your point of view seems to hinge on this question.

if its next month, you'll feel the war is justified. if its 15 years, you'll feel its not.

where's the break off point?

#240542 2003-06-19 5:19 PM
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Bush's statements, in chronological order, were:

"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons."

United Nations Address
September 12, 2002

"Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons."[/b]

what facilities?? He sure sounds as if he knows exactly where they are.

"We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons -- the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have
Radio Address
October 5, 2002

"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons."

"We know that the regime has produced [b]thousands of tons
of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas."

"We've also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We're concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVS for missions targeting the United States."

"The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein has held numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear scientists, a group he calls his "nuclear mujahideen" - his nuclear holy warriors. Satellite photographs reveal that Iraq is rebuilding facilities at sites that have been part of its nuclear program in the past. Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons."

Cincinnati, Ohio Speech
October 7, 2002

"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent."

State of the Union Address
January 28, 2003

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."

Address to the Nation
March 17, 2003

Jesus! How many CIA people, seantors and State Dpt. personnel have to be interviewed saying bush was "stretching the facts" before you'll admith the Administation was lying??!! It is not one person that is making these allegations. It is many former military, diplomatic, intelligence officials in the US and the UK that are saying this...
And, quite frankly, the facts on the ground in Iraq seem to back that up. What happened to all those satellite photos of facilities where Bush said he KNEW they had the WMD? He did not say maybe in any way, shape or form, but each facility searched has so far been a bust.

and I may as well mention, since I'm sure people will comment on my liberally biased links, that these links only further link you to legitamite news stories. I don't understand why people want to beleive Bush on blind faith but then ignore hard news stories that contradict him.

#240543 2003-06-19 8:18 PM
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My hunch is that the average conservative probably doesn't care if he was lying. In much the same way the average liberal didn't care if Clinton was lying about his sexual activities. The sad thing is, they don't seem to understand how Bush & company's lies go to the very heart of what free and democratic gov't is really about. In the long term, the Clinton lies don't harm the nation, because most people, here and abroad, realize that they are basically about personal things (even though they happened in a public venue).

And for the record - I thought Clinton was a great president, probably the greatest prez in my lifetime. And I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat. I didn't agree with all his policies, and wish he had a better handle on his sex drive. But, all in all, we became a better nation under his watch.

Bush, on the other hand is a man I have no respect for. He represents everything that's wrong with the US. Small-mindedness, crony capitalism, narrow world view, the inability to see beyond his own prejudices, etc. He's basically a spoiled rich kid who used his family's name and fortune to get where he is today. If his name was George Smith, he'd have been lucky to graduate highschool & get a job pumping gas. He belongs to that strange breed of american who is best described as "ignorant, and proud of it".

You guys want to look up to a conservative, fine, no problem. But, find one who actually deserves the respect. They're out there.

#240544 2003-06-19 8:29 PM
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Because after all, any self-respecting nutcase dictator - even one who used chemical weapons inside his own borders and terrorized and tortured his own people - couldn't possibly be sneaky enough to move stuff around. Not even if he had months of advance warning that guys in blue hats were coming to turn a few rocks over.

Ockham's Razor - a tidy little logical exercise. Says that the simplest explanation is usually the most logical and the most likely. Hmmmm... Let's see... Either (1) the most advanced intelligence service in the world botched hundreds of decisions based on thousands of photos in a scenario frighteningly similar to some of the most feared and trained-for scenarios since the fall of the USSR and saw WMDs where there were none, or (2) crazy dictator guy with the resources of an entire country and allies elsewhere in the Middle East stalls for months before letting weapons inspectors into his country, managing to buy enough time to move or hide or even sell the stuff he shouldn't have, leaving the inspection teams to obviously come back empty-handed.

I guess if you've already decided you're against the administration and everything it stands for, that first possibility is way easier to believe. But when we're dealing with a guy who's proven as unscrupulous as Saddam Hussein, the idea that he might have moved the WMDs elsewhere shouldn't be that far-fetched.

Oh, wait. The UN thinks Bush was lying? That surprises me to no end. But it's the UN, and their judgment must be impeccable - or else they wouldn't have placed Libya and North Korea on a human rights commission. :lol:

Thanks for those articles, whomod. I enjoyed them thoroughly. :lol:

This is not in any way intended as an insult to whomod or any other poster who has posted similar opinions. They are simply providing evidence that supports their point of view, blatant bias aside. Your argument is only as good as your sources. Whomod's argument was very faithful to his sources. I simply feel that those sources - and therefore whomod's argument - do not offer balanced, objective information.

#240545 2003-06-19 8:33 PM
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Originally posted by Wingnut-EL:
...But, all in all, we became a better nation under his watch...

Apart from this sentence, I connected with pretty much everything you said - even if I didn't agree with much of it. This, however, strikes me as pretty near indefensible. Although I'd love to hear your reasoning. [biiiig grin]

#240546 2003-06-19 9:32 PM
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I simply mean the standard of living for most people became better. And not only in the economical sense. Avenues to serve the society were expanded (Americor). He made serious efforts to deal with intractable problems, from Ireland/England, to Palestine/Isreal, to healthcare, to Bosnia/Serbia, to the predatory behavior of the tobacco industry. Race relations were improved. More minorities and women were appointed to high gov't positions. Education opportunities were expanded. Crime rates were lowered. Things like that. Were all things successful? Were all things what I wanted? No to both. But he really tried to improve the country. Things that can't be said about the current administration.

As to your other post. The problem I have with the he hid them or moved them theory, is that there is no evidence for it. If our intellligence apparatus is so good, why can't they document this. It's not like we're talking about hiding a few easter eggs. We're talking about tons of chemicals & biologicals, munitions, weapons systems, missles, aircraft, etc.

I also don't buy the it's a big country, as big a California argument. Fact of the matter is, he only had control of part of the country. Remember the no fly zones? Kurdish control of the north? Saddam only had control of about 1/2 - 1/3 of the country.

You also have to look at the WMD issue in relationship to the alleged ties to Al Quieda. Again something to which there is no credible evidence.

Did he probably have some weapons? Sure. Will they probably eventually find some? Sure. But that wasn't the administration's arguement. The argument was that we were in imminent danger of horrific damage. We have to strike now or suffer terrible consequences. And that was just a bald-faced lie, any way you slice it.

Was Saddam a slimy asshole? Sure. Does he deserve a bullet in the base of the skull? Sure. Is Iraq & the world better off without him? Sure. Did he hate America? Sure. Although you have to acknowledge that he and the Baath party were our creation. We brought them to power. How many times we gotta get bit in the ass by supporting people like him before we learn.

#240547 2003-06-19 9:52 PM
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Fair enough. A well-supported argument I don't agree with is better than one that mindlessly parrots everything I say.

Although the idea of armies of posters groveling at my feet is kinda interesting...

[cool] (cue harp music and wavy film effect a la Wayne's World) [cool]

Rob: "Phil, everyone loves your Cap'n's Log articles!"

Dave: "I disagree with you on pretty much everything, but you make your case so well that I've decided to join your cause!"

whomod: "You never read my sources all the way through and you have definite asshole tendencies, but we'll follow you anywhere!"

PJP: "I was pretty much on your side to begin with."

TK-069: "Phil, I need advice from you on how to make it with the ladies!"

Mxy: "Your story posts on the Hero Revolution threads should be this good!"

ZOD: "Zod admires Phil's leadership potential. Zod thinks Phil should be the leader."

MisterJLA: "You really should mod this forum."

Wingnut: "You may not be a Democrat, but dammit, you're our kind of guy!"

[no no no] (cut the harp music, back to reality) [no no no]

If that ever happened in real life I'd blow my brains out. :lol:

#240548 2003-06-19 10:07 PM
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Oh, I see, your middle name is Ham :) .

Seriously, I really enjoy arguing/debating these kind of things. I hardly ever take offense & generally don't mean any. I get a little carried away at times, because I really do care about politics & social policy, but wouldn't waste my time here if I didn't respect the other posters in the first place.


#240549 2003-06-19 10:26 PM
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Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
Fair enough. A well-supported argument I don't agree with is better than one that mindlessly parrots everything I say.

Although the idea of armies of posters groveling at my feet is kinda interesting...

[cool] (cue harp music and wavy film effect a la Wayne's World) [cool]

Rob: "Phil, everyone loves your Cap'n's Log articles!"

Dave: "I disagree with you on pretty much everything, but you make your case so well that I've decided to join your cause!"

whomod: "You never read my sources all the way through and you have definite asshole tendencies, but we'll follow you anywhere!"

PJP: "I was pretty much on your side to begin with."

TK-069: "Phil, I need advice from you on how to make it with the ladies!"

Mxy: "Your story posts on the Hero Revolution threads should be this good!"

ZOD: "Zod admires Phil's leadership potential. Zod thinks Phil should be the leader."

MisterJLA: "You really should mod this forum."

Wingnut: "You may not be a Democrat, but dammit, you're our kind of guy!"

[no no no] (cut the harp music, back to reality) [no no no]

If that ever happened in real life I'd blow my brains out. :lol:

What do you mean "pretty much" I've always agreed with you my good Captain. [biiiig grin]

You might need to convince Zod on that leader thing though. [biiiig grin]

#240550 2003-06-20 1:08 AM
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Originally posted by Dave:
Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
he just doesn't strike me as a liar. again, thats based on absolutely nothing. im typically an excellent judge of character, and even better at picking up lies. which... really... means squat, since the only times i've really seen him talk are on tv, with them pretty lights.

arguments have been made, time and time again, that he's either a retarded monkey boy or a comic book super villain. its my belief that he's neither.

im not awarding him sainthood, but id never pin demonic attributes to him.

there's a lot more respect in this forum for colin powell than there is for dubya... are you under the impression that he's a liar as well? or stupid? he proposed most everything dubya did, in just as public a format. should he be fired?

If Powell is in on this, then most definitely.

He's not stupid, but if he misled people over the nature of the evidence, or more likely, exaggerated mere conjecturethen yes.

Powell definitely is in on this:

A few months ago the New York Post ran a small story saying it was discovered that a letter the administration presented to the UN, which stated that Saddam was buying uranium from North Korea, was entirely false. Powell replied "The evidence we thought at the time to be legit turned out not to be. Fine."

Fine??? Fine??! You start a multi-national war that divides the UN and your evidence turns out to be bupkus and that's just fine? He definitely lied.

#240551 2003-06-20 1:12 AM
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Originally posted by Wingnut-EL:

Was Saddam a slimy asshole? Sure. Does he deserve a bullet in the base of the skull? Sure. Is Iraq & the world better off without him? Sure. Did he hate America? Sure. Although you have to acknowledge that he and the Baath party were our creation. We brought them to power. How many times we gotta get bit in the ass by supporting people like him before we learn.

We also gave Osama Bin Ladan a healthy start to his little multi-billion dollar empire by giving him money and weapons when Afghanistan was at war with the Soviets in the 80's

#240552 2003-06-20 2:48 AM
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Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
Because after all, any self-respecting nutcase dictator - even one who used chemical weapons inside his own borders and terrorized and tortured his own people - couldn't possibly be sneaky enough to move stuff around. Not even if he had months of advance warning that guys in blue hats were coming to turn a few rocks over.

Sure, and that's my point. Why hide the stuff when you've got 101st Airborne about to use you as a toilet brush?


Ockham's Razor - a tidy little logical exercise. Says that the simplest explanation is usually the most logical and the most likely. Hmmmm... Let's see... Either (1) the most advanced intelligence service in the world botched hundreds of decisions based on thousands of photos in a scenario frighteningly similar to some of the most feared and trained-for scenarios since the fall of the USSR and saw WMDs where there were none, or (2) crazy dictator guy with the resources of an entire country and allies elsewhere in the Middle East stalls for months before letting weapons inspectors into his country, managing to buy enough time to move or hide or even sell the stuff he shouldn't have, leaving the inspection teams to obviously come back empty-handed.

I'm a big fan of Occam's Razor. This is the way I see it:

1. US/UK says there are WMDs in Iraq
2. US/UK invades Iraq
3. US/UK, now in control of Iraq, can't find WMDs
4. US/UK got it wrong. How?
4a. US/UK intel is not good. Certainly US/UK sky intel is the best, but maybe they have no-one on the ground. So maybe the intel just really nadly fucked up.
b. US/UK intel is so-so/bad, but US/UK wanted a certain result, and so they put heavy spin on some of the intel, and ignored the rest.
c. US/UK intel is good on the ground. US/UK lied.

I tend to go with 4b myself. They have people there (they knew Saddam was in that hotel when they bombed the crap out of it).


I guess if you've already decided you're against the administration and everything it stands for, that first possibility is way easier to believe. But when we're dealing with a guy who's proven as unscrupulous as Saddam Hussein, the idea that he might have moved the WMDs elsewhere shouldn't be that far-fetched.

Oh, wait. The UN thinks Bush was lying? That surprises me to no end. But it's the UN, and their judgment must be impeccable - or else they wouldn't have placed Libya and North Korea on a human rights commission. :lol:

The UN didn't place them on the HRC. The stupid African Union nominated Libya, as they were entitled to have a representative: they have been roundly criticised by the EU and the US for it. I don't think NK is on it.

#240553 2003-06-20 2:54 AM
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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
i think bsams is saying that the biggest proof that the coalition wasn't lying was that they felt enough justification to go to war.

if the US was lying, surely they'd know the posters on the RKMBs would eventually discover their betraying ways, after the way.

dave, seriously, what is an acceptible timeline to you for finding wmds? your point of view seems to hinge on this question.

if its next month, you'll feel the war is justified. if its 15 years, you'll feel its not.

where's the break off point?

People keep saying, Iraqi is the size of California.

But you'd have documents, aerial photographs, material, laboratories, scientists, all sorts of evidence there, immediately accessible.

Once you have control of the city, it should be easy to find. Its not like we're talking a missile or two here. Bush said we were udner imminent threat. If it was biological, the equipment and facilities to make enough of it, and secure it, should be immediately identifiable.

Not my words, incidently: an Australian intelligence expert gave this evidence to a UK committee of inquiry to this effect yesterday.

#240554 2003-06-20 4:54 AM
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The UN is the greatest Debating Society that ever was. [eh?]

#240555 2003-06-20 11:10 AM
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Originally posted by Dave:
I'm a big fan of Occam's Razor. (etc, etc).

you leave zero possibility that the stuff is still out there?

Originally posted by Dave:
People keep saying, Iraqi is the size of California. But you'd have documents, aerial photographs, material, laboratories, scientists, all sorts of evidence there, immediately accessible. Once you have control of the city, it should be easy to find. Its not like we're talking a missile or two here.

again, from the late 70s to early 90s, blix and a whole staff of UN inspectors, including a permanent internal force, found absolutely nothing in iraq. and those were the days that saddam had enormous factories of WMD, in every color of the rainbow -- not to mention, no reason to be overly secretive about it.

right now, we could be looking for miniscule stuff.

some of the iraqi chemical scientists we've captured or who turned in the past few months have revealed info about chemicals that take mere drops to kill people. a gallon milk container's worth and a small plane could take out a city. i've lost milk containers in my own fridge!

#240556 2003-06-20 11:12 AM
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Originally posted by Dave:
Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
Because after all, any self-respecting nutcase dictator - even one who used chemical weapons inside his own borders and terrorized and tortured his own people - couldn't possibly be sneaky enough to move stuff around. Not even if he had months of advance warning that guys in blue hats were coming to turn a few rocks over.

Sure, and that's my point. Why hide the stuff when you've got 101st Airborne about to use you as a toilet brush?
if you're going to go that far, why would saddam stick around at all? maybe he doesn't exist [wink]

#240557 2003-06-20 12:47 PM
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I posted this elsewhere, but I think it pointedly answers the thesis of this topic:

I think the motives for invading Iraq are quite clear:

  • Missing chemical weapons which numbered in the thousands (according to the Saddam goverment's own records provided to the U.N. ), prior to the March 2003 invasion by U.S./British coalition forces.
  • The utter lack of co-operation with U.N. weapons inspectors for 12 years. There was only token minimum cooperation in the last 2 months or so, right before the U.S. invaded. But never any real cooperation.
  • High-ranking Iraq military officers who have defected since 1995-forward, who have revealed that Saddam was definitely illegally pursuing chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.
    Whether or not Saddam had these weapons at the time of the invasion, destroyed them, or slipped them across the border to Syria, Iran or Al Qaida, there is very good evidence that he was pursuing these weapons. And as I said, this April 2003 invasion is the equivalent of taking out Hitler in 1936, before he became a real threat, and became much harder to take out.
  • Saddam's cruelty to his own people, killing roughly 1 million, of the 23 million surviving Iraqi citizens.
  • Invasion brought freedom to the Iraqi peoople.
  • Despite any continuing casualties (both those of Iraqi and of U.S. military, and there can be no doubt that these are Saddam Fedayeen fighting on, although the liberal anti-American press makes it out to be "Iraqi popular unrest", despite the fact that a poll yesterday shows only 17% of Iraqi citizens polled want the U.S. to leave), it can not be disputed that whatever the human cost, it is FAR LOWER than the alternative, of leaving Saddam in power, or having a war with him LATER, when Saddam Hussein would have been far better armed.
  • Mobile chemical weapons labs have been found in Iraq since the invasion, to confirm THE INTENT of Saddam to secretly pursue weapons of mass destruction, and was hiding these mobile labs from U.N. inspectors, EXACTLY as defecting military officers describe. Although the liberal press keeps alive the myth that the evidence is not conclusive. Although the evidence, and lack of Iraqi cooperation, FOR 12 YEARS, was CERTAINLY enough to justify the invasion.

I'll grant that Bush and Blair (whether by design, or without knowledge) over-emphasized the immediacy of the threat. But the threat, and Saddam's intent for military aggression, were certainly there.

The immediacy of bio/chemical weapons was the urgency used to push for invasion, but it is FAR from the ONLY reason. If that is what it took to get the invasion on track, then I support what Bush and Blair did, whether exaggerating the immediacy was intentional or unintentional.

I'm glad we went in and took out Saddam NOW, rather than wait for another 1939 situation (where the enemy has had an opportunity to grow to virtually unstoppable military strength). I love these idealists who think it's only proper to initiate defense when it's already too late. I prefer the pre-emptive approach, thank you very much.

And liberals can wax philosophic about the ulterior motives of the conservatives, once conservatives have already saved the day.

#240558 2003-06-20 1:01 PM
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Oh and Captain Sammitch, your opening post on this page is outstanding.

Especially this part.

Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
I guess if you've already decided you're against the administration and everything it stands for, that first possibility is way easier to believe. But when we're dealing with a guy who's proven as unscrupulous as Saddam Hussein, the idea that he might have moved the WMDs elsewhere shouldn't be that far-fetched.

I couldn't agree more if I'd written those words myself.

And my contempt for the U.N. matches your own. How can Sudan (a country that is one of the world's most brutal states, that has murdered 2 million of its citizens since 1981, non-muslims all, and mutilated and enslaved millions of others) sit on the U.N. human rights commission ?
It boggles the mind.

#240559 2003-06-20 4:58 PM
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I have disciples.

Or at least people who agree with me...



Now that's a terrifying thought. [eh... i dunno... ]

#240560 2003-06-20 7:10 PM
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The thing you guys overlook is that we don't trust/are against this administration, and everything it stands for, based on it's actions and history. And you might notice we don't attack "conservative values" nearly as much, or with the level of venom you direct towards "liberal values".

Michael Kinsley had an interesting opinion piece in the Wasington Post today on this subject.

And Dave, you keep yammering on about the liberal media. Who are you talking about? Mother Jones & the Nation? That's the liberal media. Most of the institutions you seem to rail against are pretty mainstream, if not conservative in their views. Now, I'd consider Kinsley a Liberal, but he's to the left of most other Post columnists & the Editorial board itself. Maybe you are just so far to the right that you view "middle of the road" as liberal.

And just a reminder, the subject of the thread is about whether Bush misled the public & congress in a desire for war on Saddam/Iraq (most likely to project an image of strenght would be my guess, given this administrations proclivity for macho postering). The subject isn't about if Saddam was a shithead who deserved a spanking. I believe that line of arguement is what's called, a red herring.

Cheers! (and bring me....a shrubbery)

#240561 2003-06-20 10:27 PM
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Originally posted by Wingnut-EL:
The thing you guys overlook is that we don't trust/are against this administration, and everything it stands for, based on it's actions and history. And you might notice we don't attack "conservative values" nearly as much, or with the level of venom you direct towards "liberal values".

I actually think you choose to interpret everything the Bush administration does negatively. If Bill Clinton did the same things, instead of attacking him as "the shrub" or "Bush is an idiot", or equivalent insults, you'd be PRAISING what he's doing as "defending freedom".
And I offer Bosnia, Haiti and Kosovo as examples of that double-standard. You don't hate Bush because of "his actions", you hate him purely and simply because he's a conservative Republican.

There is such an incredible vendetta the Left has had against the Bush White House since the day it took office.
And I say that as someone who didn't vote for the guy.

As I've said often, I would have preferred someone else (Ralph Nader, who I voted for, or John McCain, who I was deprived of the ability to vote for since he was not offered as the Republican candidate), but I still accept Bush as president. I don't support his tax cuts or his environmental policy, but I sure as hell support his strong and proactive defense policy.
Originally posted by Wingnut-EL:

And Dave, you keep yammering on about the liberal media. Who are you talking about? Mother Jones & the Nation? That's the liberal media. Most of the institutions you seem to rail against are pretty mainstream, if not conservative in their views.

If offering a reasoned counterpoint and facts can be spinned as "yammering", then yes, I'm yammering.

The liberal media I refer to is not some small outer fringe, but instead almost the entire mainstream media: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and a majority of the national newspapers, National Public Radio, and PBS. And arguably the BBC as well.
I think it's pretty clear that FOX News was established as an island of conservative perspective in a vast ocean of liberal propaganda. Equal time. As are Rush Limbaugh, Cal Thomas, Pat Buchanan, George Will and a few others. Amazing that these few sources of conservative perspective, against an overwhelming majority of liberal reporters, is regarded as so intolerable.

And G-Man on another topic, where I quoted him, laid out the facts on this beautifully:

"The liberal media";f=27;t=000801

Clearly, a majority of journalists are liberals, and spin the facts to favor their own political leanings.
U.S. voters chose Clinton by a narrow margin. U.S. journalists selected Clinton 13 to 1.
Biased reporting? You bet.

I'm often amazed when I see a live press conference, and then see the impact of Bush's clear and persuasive argument blunted and belittled on the network evening coverage.

Originally posted by Wingnut-EL:

Maybe you are just so far to the right that you view "middle of the road" as liberal.

I consider myself a moderate Republican, who listens to both sides.
I'd have voted Carter in 1976, over Ford.
If Lloyd Benson had been the candidtate instead of Dukakis in 1988, I'd have considered him.
Or Sam Nunn, if he ran at any time.
I'd consider voting for Bob Graham or John Kerry in 2004.
But I've found the Democrat/liberal slandering of Republicans since Reagan took office, by Democrats in Washington, and also an increasingly one-sided press, to be slamming conservatives with an unfair bias.
I found it got increasingly slanted and bitter in the 1988, 1992, 1996 and 2000 elections.

There's a difference between giving a perspective that raises issues such as poverty and an increased gap between the rich and other classes, and saying these issues are neglected and need to be strongly addressed.
As opposed to unfairly blanket-labelling Republicans as racists, blue-bloods, neo-Nazis, and uninterested in the poor, which Democrats and the liberal press do. And blaming the weak economy, which became weak in the last year of CLINTON'S TERM, on Bush.
Which is a CLEAR liberal distortion of the truth by the liberal press.

Originally posted by Wingnut-EL:

And just a reminder, the subject of the thread is about whether Bush misled the public & congress in a desire for war on Saddam/Iraq (most likely to project an image of strength would be my guess, given this administrations proclivity for macho postering). The subject isn't about if Saddam was a shithead who deserved a spanking. I believe that line of arguement is what's called, a red herring.

I don't like the snottiness of your reminding me of the subject.

If you were paying attention, I answered this question very precisely in the first of my above two posts.
If I used too many big words for you to understand, let me summarize in a few sentences:

There were many reasons stated for the invasion. Weapons of mass destruction was the main reason stated, the most urgent one, but NOT the only one.
  • Circumstantial evidence of high-ranking defectors from the Saddam military confirmed Saddam was pursuing these things.
  • Saddam's lack of co-operation --with the U.N., and 1991 Gulf War terms of surrender-- are abundant.
  • If chemical weapons are never found, Saddam's lack of U.N. resolution compliance alone is all the justification that is ever needed to explain the U.S./British invasion.
  • Hans Blix and the U.N.'s inspection records note that --from the Saddam government's own records-- that there are many tons of Sarin gas, VX nerve gas, and Anthrax that are unaccounted for.

And all this other drivel is nonsense trumped up by the Democrats to paint Bush in a negative light, because of a petty vendetta against Bush.

And like I said, according to Democrats, the invasions of Haiti, Bosnia and Kosovo were "wars for human rights and liberation" when Clinton was President.
When Bush is in office, it's a double-standard, and Bush is somehow guilty of crimes.

The evidence of weapons of mass destruction was there, from Iraqi military officers themselves, along with other intelligence sources, and even the U.N. inspectors.
The invasion was warranted.
And the rest of this is just a slanderous Democrat charade.

#240562 2003-06-20 10:45 PM
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Seeing as how Tony Blair may very well suffer for his spinning of the "facts", do you actually beleive the British Parliment is attacking him because of their hatred of Bush? Or can it be that people genuinely don't like being misled.

Here's some more news you can snicker at and ignore. But 1st, a couple of quotes:

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963), "Proper Studies", 1927

Facts are stupid things.
Ronald Reagan (1911 - )

Straw, Powell had serious doubts over their Iraqi weapons claims

Secret transcript revealed

Dan Plesch and Richard Norton-Taylor
Saturday May 31, 2003
The Guardian

Jack Straw and his US counterpart, Colin Powell, privately expressed serious doubts about the
quality of intelligence on Iraq's banned weapons programme at the very time they were publicly
trumpeting it to get UN support for a war on Iraq, the Guardian has learned.
Their deep concerns about the intelligence - and about claims being made by their political
bosses, Tony Blair and George Bush - emerged at a private meeting between the two men shortly
before a crucial UN security council session on February 5.

The meeting took place at the Waldorf hotel in New York, where they discussed the growing
diplomatic crisis. The exchange about the validity of their respective governments' intelligence
reports on Iraq lasted less than 10 minutes, according to a diplomatic source who has read a
transcript of the conversation.

The foreign secretary reportedly expressed concern that claims being made by Mr Blair and
President Bush could not be proved. The problem, explained Mr Straw, was the lack of
corroborative evidence to back up the claims.

Much of the intelligence were assumptions and assessments not supported by hard facts or other

Mr Powell shared the concern about intelligence assessments, especially those being presented by
the Pentagon's office of special plans set up by the US deputy defence secretary, Paul

Mr Powell said he had all but "moved in" with US intelligence to prepare his briefings for the
UN security council, according to the transcripts.

But he told Mr Straw he had come away from the meetings "apprehensive" about what he called, at
best, circumstantial evidence highly tilted in favour of assessments drawn from them, rather
than any actual raw intelligence.

Mr Powell told the foreign secretary he hoped the facts, when they came out, would not "explode
in their faces".

What are called the "Waldorf transcripts" are being circulated in Nato diplomatic circles. It is
not being revealed how the transcripts came to be made; however, they appear to have been leaked
by diplomats who supported the war against Iraq even when the evidence about Saddam Hussein's
programme of weapons of mass destruction was fuzzy, and who now believe they were lied to.

People circulating the transcripts call themselves "allied sources supportive of US war aims in
Iraq at the time".

The transcripts will fuel the controversy in Britain and the US over claims that London and
Washington distorted and exaggerated the intelligence assessments about Saddam's nuclear,
chemical and biological weapons programme.

An unnamed intelligence official told the BBC on Thursday that a key claim in the dossier on
Iraq's weapons released by the British government last September - that Iraq could launch a
chemical or biological attack within 45 minutes of an order - was inserted on the instructions
of officials in 10 Downing Street.

Adam Ingram, the armed forces minister, admitted the claim was made by "a single source; it
wasn't corroborated".

Speaking yesterday in Warsaw, the Polish capital, Mr Blair said the evidence of weapons of mass
destruction in the dossier was "evidence the truth of which I have absolutely no doubt about at

He said he had consulted the heads of the security and intelligence services before emphatically
denying that Downing Street had leaned on them to strengthen their assessment of the WMD threat
in Iraq. He insisted he had "absolutely no doubt" that proof of banned weapons would eventually
be found in Iraq. Whitehall sources make it clear they do not share the prime minister's

The Waldorf transcripts are all the more damaging given Mr Powell's dramatic 75-minute speech to
the UN security council on February 5, when he presented declassified satellite images, and
communications intercepts of what were purported to be conversations between Iraqi commanders,
and held up a vial that, he said, could contain anthrax.

Evidence, he said, had come from "people who have risked their lives to let the world know what
Saddam is really up to".

Some of the intelligence used by Mr Powell was provided by Britain.

The US secretary of state, who was praised by Mr Straw as having made a "most powerful and
authoritative case", also drew links between al-Qaida and Iraq - a connection dismissed by
British intelligence agencies. His speech did not persuade France, Germany and Russia, who stuck
to their previous insistence that the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq should be given more time to
do their job.

The Waldorf meeting took place a few days after Downing Street presented Mr Powell with a
separate dossier on Iraq's banned weapons which he used to try to strengthen the impact of his
UN speech.

A few days later, Downing Street admitted that much of its dossier was lifted from academic
sources and included a plagiarised section written by an American PhD student.

Mr Wolfowitz set up the Pentagon's office of special plans to counter what he and his boss,
Donald Rumsfeld, considered inadequate - and unwelcome - intelligence from the CIA.

He angered critics of the war this week in a Vanity Fair magazine interview in which he cited
"bureaucratic reasons" for the White House focusing on Iraq's alleged arsenal as the reason for
the war. In reality, a "huge" reason for the conflict was to enable the US to withdraw its
troops from Saudi Arabia, he said.

Earlier in the week, Mr Rumsfeld suggested that Saddam might have destroyed such weapons before
the war.

#240563 2003-06-20 11:07 PM
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Why are you such an angry young man Dave (or old man, if that's the case)? I don't believe I've made any personal attacks against you. If using a word like yammering is going to send you off on a rant, then maybe you just have a chip on your shoulder. And the point about the thread topic was snotty? Please. Read your own words sometime.

You may consider yourself a moderate, but your views, IMO, a radically right-wing, just like the media persons you mention. Now I respect George Will, he's an intelligent man, I seldom agree with him, but I respect the quality of his mind and his arguements. The others are jokes. Rush? He's Howard Stern in a tie.

The thing is, you and I have a different perspective. The media outlets you see as liberal, I see as moderate with conservative leanings. As I said, to me Mother Jones & the Nation are liberal publications. As for NPR, it just depends on the show & the host. Is Market Place a liberal program? Is Morning Edition? Is All Things Considered? The Diane Rheem Show? I don't think so. Is the World? Is As it Happens?Yes, I think both of those are liberal. As are some other NPR programs. That's called balance. I think NPR is probaly the most balanced news organization in the world. It has people of all stripes and actually tries to flesh out the stories & topics. You don't like it, good for you.

Just to make sure it's clear, I dislike Bush because of his behaior, policies, actions, and beliefs. I've not used the word hate in my posts (I don't think), instead I've said he's not deserving of respect. He, the person. Not the presidency. And yeah, I think Regan was a loser too. Why wouldn't I, they are cut from the same cloth. Macho postuering, harmful policies, simple-minded reasoning - what's to respect?

Oh, and those wars you mention. I must once again refer you to the topic at hand. I believe Clinton was very clear about why were were taking on those battles. Therein lies the difference.

#240564 2003-06-21 12:33 AM
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You're the one who keeps making personal remarks, and trying to slap labels on me as angry, or a right-wing extremist. I just responded in kind to your antagonism, and answered your points. I didn't misread your snottiness for something it wasn't. It was condescending, and an attempt to deflect the logic and on-topic nature of what I posted, by alleging it to be something else.
If you want to discuss the issue, fine, but it seems to me you're trying to belittle me personally, rather than simply respond in counterpoint to the issues I've raised. I don't appreciate your attempts to personally label me in order to sweep me into a dismissive box-category. Which is a deceptive practice.

You obviously don't agree with my opinion on the topic, but rather than discuss the issues I raised, you chose to personalize it, and force me to respond.

And Reagan's "macho posturing, harmful policies, simple-minded reasoning...", etc., are things I see quite differntly than you.
President Reagan brought back national pride that was virtually non-existent when he took office, rebuilt our military, re-built our economy, eliminated double-digit inflation, stabilized our economy, and caused the fall of the Berlin Wall, freedom of Poland and Eastern Europe, collapse of the Soviet Union, and re-unification of Germany, ALL WITHOUT WAR, due to maintaining a strong deterrant, among other things. Pretty effective simple-mindedness, if you ask me.


It's not a distortion of the facts that Saddam was pursuing weapons of mass destruction, the only question is the immediacy of the WMD threat when Iraq was invaded. The justification for invasion was there regardless of how developed (or not) the Saddam WMD threat was at the time of invasion.

Again, there was clear intelligence from defectors high in the Iraqi military who said Saddam was pursuing weapons of mass destruction, from 1995 forward.
The invasion was warranted.
Again, by error or design, what Bush and Blair said was not misrepresentation, or unjustified.

Saddam Hussein's intent and previous destructive action was clear, whether or not he managed to stockpile weapons at the time of the April 2003 invasion. His own records showed missing chemical weapons in the thousands.
Chemical labs have been found as well.
I don't think Bush and Blair should be accused of criminality, when all they did was solidify resolve to take action that was completely warranted, and long overdue, for 12 years.

The article from The Guardian (which I frankly consider a consistently anti-American leftist rag) is hardly a smoking gun of evidence against Bush, Powell, Blair and Straw. It's speculation, about what was known and when it was known. Before and during the Iraq invasion, it's been well publicized that the intelligence community didn't agree with Bush and his upper echelon. This report offers virtually nothing new. I'm sorry, but I don't share your assessment that there's a major breach of ethics here.
All the evidence I see is that Saddam Hussein was pursuing these WMD, and removing him from power was absolutely the right thing to do, so he didn't become a major threat 3 years or so down the road. Again, I commend the equivalent of a 1936 strike, to avoid a September 1, 1939 equivalent down the road.

I seriously don't think you'd be making this argument if it were Clinton who had done the same thing. You'd be saying Hey, he got something done that needed to be done.
And that's precisely how I feel about Bush's actions.

#240565 2003-06-21 12:44 AM
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Well, Wingnut, you could say that, I suppose.

If you ask me, the reason we got into those 'wars' is because the UN actually wanted to do something that time. See, when the UN actually finds a conflict potentially profitable enough to get involved with it, the UN thinks they can use the United States as rent-a-cops. Even that wouldn't be so offensive if they bothered to at least give us recognition (since actual compensation is far too much to ask) for our contributions to their efforts - which are greatly in excess of the contributions of America's detractors combined. Instead, they criticize this administration's decisions at every turn - except for those occasions when it's their asses (assets?) on the line - because this administration isn't willing to be the UN's puppets (bitches?) and support their questionable-at-best policies unswervingly.

Bottom line: The kids down the block like to call us dirty names because we won't let them make all the rules.

Apologies for the off-topic rant. [gulp!]

#240566 2003-06-21 2:12 AM
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From the Onion:

U.S. Refuses To Allow U.N. Weapons Inspectors
Back Into Iraq
BAGHDAD, IRAQ—For the third time in as many weeks, U.S. officials denied U.N. weapons inspectors' request to reenter Iraq. "Thanks so much for the offer, but we can handle it from here," Lt. Gen. William Wallace told U.N. chief inspector Hans Blix. "We're getting very close to finding Saddam's massive WMD stockpile, and to have the U.N. get involved at this point would just complicate matters. Sorry." U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has given President Bush a June 28 deadline to let inspectors into Iraq.

#240567 2003-06-21 2:33 AM
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Kofi looks evil...can someone look evil???

#240568 2003-06-21 4:30 AM
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I always thought Kofi looked rather jovial and amicable. Even his name sounds approachable. always with a contented grin on his face. Never quick to anger.

#240569 2003-06-21 8:27 AM
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Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53:
If he is lying (they may yet still find some) don't we have to?

I mean we were moving toward impeachment over the Clinton Sex romp.

We can't try to impeach a president for lying about some oral sex then ignore a president who allegedly started lied to win support for going to war.

To my understanding "they" tried to impeach CLinton for lying to a grand jury. If a president just lies to the good ole American public (and gets caught that is) the option is to vote him out when its time.

If no weapons of mass destruction are found that does not change Sadaam's non complience with UN regulations for 12 years. That's why there was a question about the WMD to begin with.

As far as the strange references some of you are making to who's "in on this"......I don't know what to say. There is no sinister group of people in the White House bent on war and world domination......this isn't a comic or an episode of GIJoe. I believe that the powers that be thought that they were doing the right thing.

I personally think they did the right think....but maybe for the wrong reasons.....WMD wasn't a good reason to go to war......freeing the Irac people, now thats something worth fighting for.

#240570 2003-06-21 1:18 PM
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Again, defectors from high in Iraq's military have been saying since 1995 that Saddam's government has been pursuing weapons of mass destruction, and violating U.N. peace resolutions it signed to end the 1991 Gulf War. These weapons and mobile labs were definitely pursued by Iraq, whether the threat to the U.S. was imminent or three years away.

This is all the justification that was needed for invasion. Saddam was clearly a threat. The only question is how quickly that threat would become imminent, and how he managed to get rid of the weapons his own records show he had.

This is all just an attempt to smear Bush and Blair, and based solely on speculation. There is nothing criminal about how Bush and Blair unified resolve to eliminate a known threat.

#240571 2003-06-23 8:13 AM
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Originally posted by Dave the Wonder Boy:
Again, defectors from high in Iraq's military have been saying since 1995 that Saddam's government has been pursuing weapons of mass destruction, and violating U.N. peace resolutions it signed to end the 1991 Gulf War. These weapons and mobile labs were definitely pursued, whether the threat was imminent or three years away.

This is all the justification that was needed for invasion, Saddam was clearly a threat. The only question is how quickly that threat would become imminent, and how he managed to get rid of the weapons his own records show he had.

This is all just an attempt to smear Bush and Blair, and based solely on speculation. There is nothing criminal about how Bush and Blair unified resolve to eliminate a known threat.

A "known threat" should be backed up by evidence.

Blair is in trouble with his electorate over this. Perhaps if someone had flown planes into Buckingham Palace, he might have been able to get away with it.

#240572 2003-06-23 8:47 AM
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Assuming that Bush is lying (and I don't), the standard for impeachment is "high crimes and misdemeanors."

Clinton was accused of (and an Arkansas judge later determined he had been) lying under oath (ie, "do you swear to tell the help you god"), which is perjury. In most states, perjury is a felony (which I take to mean "high crime"). The subject of the perjury is immaterial. The crime is the lying under oath.

Bush is accused of lying to the American people, but not under oath. This is not against the law. In fact (he notes cynically), if lying to voters (or potential voters) were illegal, every politician in America would be in jail right now.

So, at this point, the odds of Bush being impeached over the WMDs are slim and none.

#240573 2003-06-24 3:52 AM
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You mean the Democrats will have to go rummaging elsewhere in the dumpster for excuses to ignore the harsh reality that Dubya's still better than their candidates? [nyah hah]

(Sorry, but I so rarely get to be blatantly unobjective! [biiiig grin] )

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