I like the electoral system.

As someone who doesn't live in L.A. or NYC Metroplex, I like that MY vote counts.

If it wasn't for the electoral college, no presidential candidate would do anything for the South or the Midwest.

He'd pander to the Eastern seaboard and Southern California.

Maybe making a few swings through the populated areas in between like Detroit, Chicago, Houston, and Dallas.

But because a POTUS presumed has to piece together a big puzzle of electoral votes instead of just trying to pull popular votes, we get candidates speaking in lodges in New Hampshire, barn halls in Iowa, and factories in Kansas.

I think that provides for BETTER democracy.

One bad election does not a system break. I don't feel this subverts the will of democracy (The system itself. I don't see the point in arguing Bush v.Gore). I feel it makes it more of a representation based on population, and not just a straight popular vote.

So are you "wasting" your vote? If you are a DEM in a strongly "red" state, probably. If you are a GOP in a strongly "blue" state, probably.

If you live in Florida or Pennsylvania, your state could go either way.

Whomod is correct in his own, interesting way. [wink] The people who will decide they aren't going to vote will likely be from the possible left voters. That will leave the strongest base to the GOP (I'm assuming we are "those who stand against the common man.").

Because the GOP base votes.