A representative republic is what the united states is. Key media words and phrases are planted purposefully in our subconscious..such as we are a "democracy", we have "seperation of church and state", etc.. These are ideals with many variant meanings. They each conotate something to each individual and those key words are meant to do just that. I suggest everyone should read any of a large list of books on media and the power of the media. Just check Amazon I'm sure there are dozens.

A Representative republic is meant to protect The minority, the fringe religious groups, the power of individual states, etc. If we didn't have a representative republic how many civil wars would we have faced as a nation? Plenty. The powers of the individual states must be solidified to have a strong union and federation of states..Making us "United". Anything else would be chaotic and lead to instability. The same power that gives low population states relevance has also kept majority groups like the Mormons in Utah from dominating civil issues..like gambling or whatever. Because we are in this Representative status..it also allows the federal government the power to stick it's nose in individual state business like when the majorities in a state vote for items that are unfair to minority groups. It can't be a double standard.