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quote: Las Vegas firm charges men up to $10,000 to stalk ‘prey’ with paintball guns
By Mike Brunker MSNBC July 16 — A paintball manufacturer and advocates for women are expressing outrage that a Las Vegas company claims to be charging men up to $10,000 to use the non-lethal but dangerous weapons to shoot naked women racing through the sagebrush. But a creator of the “Hunting for Bambi” game on Wednesday defended the enterprise as good, clean fun for “guys who thought they had done everything.” WORD OF THE company’s activities first surfaced last week, when a Las Vegas television station aired a report featuring footage from what it identified as one of the hunts and interviewed both a hunter and his prey, who admitted that she cried after being hit in the posterior by one of the paint-loaded pellets.
The KLAS-TV report attracted little attention until Tuesday, when paintball equipment manufacturer Brass Eagle Inc. issued a press release denouncing the concept and calling on local officials to investigate whether the hunts endanger the women’s health and welfare. “We condemn this irresponsible activity and do not endorse or condone the use of paintball products for such activities,” said Lynn Scott, president of the Bentonville, Ark., firm.
Questions were being raised about the veracity of the company’s claims. Snopes.com, which researches so-called urban legends, noted that the huntingforbambi.com Web site lacks proper contact information and stated that some readers who sent e-mail expressing interest in booking a hunt received no reply to their inquiries. But David Krekelberg, who responded to an e-mail inquiry from MSNBC.com early Wednesday and said he was a spokesman for the company, insisted the enterprise is real. He also said that he and the company’s “master hunter,” Michael Burdick, have taken steps to address safety concerns. “At first we just told our hunters ‘Don’t shoot them in the head,’” he said. “Now the hunters are prohibited from raising the gun barrel above the waist level and if he does, it’s game over and there are no refunds.” ekelberg also said that the guns were modified to reduce the velocity of the paint-pellet guns, which can have a muzzle velocity of up to 200 mph, and that the women are now given the option of wearing goggles and helmets in addition to shoes. Krekelberg said the year-old company, which originally was formed to market a hunting spoof videotape, has so far conducted about 20 of the “hunts,” most of them in the desert outside Las Vegas.
“It’s basically like a game show,” he said. “There’s a whistle, and maybe 20 minutes to an hour later, we have a girl with a big red welt on her butt, or maybe none.”
In addition to the thrill of the chase and the “kill,” the hunter gets a videotape of the hunt captured by a three-camera team, he said. Krekelberg said the women — most of whom are showgirls — are paid inversely to the pain they experience — $1,000 if they get shot and $2,500 if they don’t — to give them added incentive to elude their armed pursuers.
But the deck is clearly stacked in favor of the hunter — only two of the 20 or so have gone home without hitting a target, Krekelberg said. “They weren’t unhappy,” he said. “They still had a great time and met some beautiful women.”
The KLAS piece on the hunts that aired last week included criticism from clinical psychologist Marv Glovinsky, who told the station that the game could be dangerous for men who can not distinguish fantasy from reality and could lead them to act out violence against women.
“If you’re blurring reality and fantasy and you can’t make the distinction, and your emotions overpower your intellect or your higher mental function, you’re going to get into trouble,” he told the station. “And if you have control problems to boot, that’s really going to cause problems.” Krekelberg said the company goes to great lengths to ensure that participants don’t have psychological problems by subjecting them to lengthy interviews.
“These are just fun guys who thought they had done everything, ridden everything and hunted everything,” he said of the company’s customers. “They come to Vegas to play golf and hang out in the nightclubs and suddenly they find out there is this other option out there.” Krekelberg said that the TV piece also unleashed a torrent of criticism that he and his colleagues are degrading women, a charge he vigorously denied despite the inclusion on the company’s Web site of photos of nude women “mounted” on walls much as a deer would be after being killed.
“The women who think this is abusivend degrading need to put their attention where it should be, and I think that’s Afghanistan,” said Krekelberg. “We love our girls. Why do you think we pay them so much? There are desperate people in this town who could be taken advantage of. We choose not to do that.”
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I'm so glad I was home today to see this on MSNBC while channel surfing earlier this afternoon. I saw the video of this and this so definetly NOT a "fun" sport as this (insert explative of choice) calls it. This is just another degrading thing to women as the topless vegas acts and porn. quote: Originally posted by Batwoman: quote: “The women who think this is abusivend degrading need to put their attention where it should be, and I think that’s Afghanistan,” said Krekelberg. “We love our girls. Why do you think we pay them so much? There are desperate people in this town who could be taken advantage of. We choose not to do that.”
This quote makes me want to hop on a plane and personally slap this moron around. I don't know if he was the one that MSNBC interviewed or not, didn't see the guys name, nor did I leave it on long enough to hear what the idiot had to say. But the guy they were interviewing was laughing over this and bascially telling everyone to get a life, that there's nothing wrong with this.
You just know if the roles were revered, men being the hunted, then they'd throw a fit and not shut up about it. But since women are the hunted, these guys think it's all in "good clean fun".
Don't be surprised if I find an email address for this guy and send him a nice nasty email letting him know just what a (fill in the blank) he is.
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Good God....You see shit like this and you realize there really is no hope, is there? As enlightened and progressive as we like to think western society is becoming, something like this shows up to remind us that people are just sick fucks and that's never gonna change, is it?
I think these guys, and the guys that support this operation should be set loose - naked - and hunted, with actual armaments. They obviously lack the necessary respect to function in a respectful, productive society.
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I think that the dudes who pay to do this should take one in the stomach just so they know how it feels. assholes.
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I think I'm going to hurl. If they really "love" these women so much, I'd hate to see how they'd treat ones they hate. I wouldn't do this to an ex girlfriend at gunpoint.. I just now went to http://huntingforbambi.com/ and it says "This is not a public server. Go away." Guess they can't uncover themselves quite like the women can, and I'm sure this will really hurt their "business" a lot. Sure, they claim there are rules, but there are people who believe that rules were made to be broken and would find a way to break these as well. Why do we have jail cells and restraining orders again? Duh!
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So these women are FORCED to do this? I mean they have a choice don't they? Hell I'd take a welt on my ass for $1000 dollars.
And I do see the torture inflicted onto women in other cultures under the pretense of religion to be worse. Hell I think the fact that women are forced to cover their faces under the P.C. pretense of freedom of religion to be alot worse than a few chicks running around naked and getting shot with paint guns of THEIR OWN FREE WILL! Not as a result of an abusive father, brother or spouse forcing them into subjigation under the fallacy of doing it for Allah.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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want to talk about unfair? its unfair men cant get paid to do the same! id take 1000 bucks for a paint pellet shot! the world has gone too pc if a dude wants to pay and a chick wants paid, let em. thats why we live in the US freedom!
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So what you're saying is, because their getting paid to run around nakid and get shot at it's ok. It's not degrading to women or anything like that. Just like porn and crap like playboy isn't degrading to women. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
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For those that agree with me on this, here's an email address for them that you can send them nice nasty little emails letting them know what we all think about it. I'm serious here too.
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I'll email and offer support!!! quote: Originally posted by Batwoman: So what you're saying is, because their getting paid to run around nakid and get shot at it's ok. It's not degrading to women or anything like that. Just like porn and crap like playboy isn't degrading to women. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
If you feel its degrading dont do it. Noone is FORCING women to pose in Playboy or perform in porn thats a choice. In these crazy ass religions the women ARE forced to hide themselves and get stoned for showing to much skin of their face!
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Let me just go on record now....
IF I had the 10 grand I certainly wouldn't waste it on shooting women with paintguns in Vegas.
Id put the money to much better use on prostitutes!
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I never said the crap that goes on towards women in the name of religion is ok. That crap is abusive, this is degrading. There's a difference here. Sure no one's forcing women to do this crapl, but that doesn't make it any better towards us. That's telling society that the only jobs women can get is ones where they peddle their flesh. That's not a healthy thing for society in general. Women can be so much more but rather than being told that, they see things like this and think "gee, there's an easy way to make a lot of money. No one's getting hurt." WRONG! No one maybe getting physically hurt, but there's the psycological harm atributed to crap like this.
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Well Ive met alot of women who have done "degrading" jobs who laughed all the way to the bank...finding it rather amusing how much more they make as a stripper, rose girl, model et al in comparission to my salary working as a nurse which is traditionally a "female's" job. Their job requiring alot less schooling...and alot less stress. If I could get paid a grand to run around naked for an hour Id never work overtime again!
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quote: Originally posted by Batwoman: So what you're saying is, because their getting paid to run around nakid and get shot at it's ok. It's not degrading to women or anything like that. Just like porn and crap like playboy isn't degrading to women. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
I certainly don't think that it's degrading to women. The ones the aren't willing to do it don't have to and the ones who do want to make any easy grand can. And how is porn and other things only degrading to women? You do know their not the only ones doing it right? Men are in porn and men pose for those kinds of magazines too. And I don't find that offensive or degrading in the least because I'm not the one doing it. It's their choice to do what they want.
Although I also don't agree with it. I think it is stupid, pointless, and a waste of all that money. Like Franta said I wouldn't waste any of my cash on something as stupid as that.
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I, for one, would like to see the bright side of things: at least these women aren't in the sex market for money! Getting shot by paint rifle is an honest way of making a living. As far as I know, you can't get STDs from getting shot with a paintball.
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Going with THE Franta's thoughts...
I've been to a few strip clubs on a few occasions (before someone chimes in, they were clubs with women dancing, not men :) ) and *believe me*, those girls were not being degraded...every single girl working there, had more common sense then any of the men attending the club. They had the hustle down to a science, and played just about every guy there like a fiddle. Whether the strippers were talking some chump into buying eight dollars shots, $20.00 T-Shirts, air dances, etc, the girls were more or less degrading the guys, by treating them like absolute morons. Personally, I always went to have some girl dry hump me for a few songs, but that's neither here nor there...
As far Playmates and porn stars go, I imagine it is the same thing. Just look at Hefner's "harem" of golddiggers. The instant that guy drops dead, they'll be collecting for services rendered...trust me.
Same thing with this story. The male customers may think that they are getting the best of the women, but the women will be laughing all the way to the bank...$10,000?!? Who is really degrading who here?
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quote: Originally posted by Jack Mehoff: I certainly don't think that it's degrading to women. The ones the aren't willing to do it don't have to and the ones who do want to make any easy grand can. And how is porn and other things only degrading to women? You do know their not the only ones doing it right? Men are in porn and men pose for those kinds of magazines too. And I don't find that offensive or degrading in the least because I'm not the one doing it. It's their choice to do what they want.
Although I also don't agree with it. I think it is stupid, pointless, and a waste of all that money. Like Franta said I wouldn't waste any of my cash on something as stupid as that.
That's because men have never had to prove themselves in insert profession of choice. Ever hear of the glass ceiling? Know what it is? I have and do. Not that long ago, men were the dominating gender in most places. Women have had to work hard, fight and prove themselves to be an equal. And there are plenty of cases where women are better at some jobs that are thought to be just male jobs.
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quote: Originally posted by MisterJLA: Going with THE Franta's thoughts...
I've been to a few strip clubs on a few occasions (before someone chimes in, they were clubs with women dancing, not men :) ) and *believe me*, those girls were not being degraded...every single girl working there, had more common sense then any of the men attending the club. They had the hustle down to a science, and played just about every guy there like a fiddle. Whether the strippers were talking some chump into buying eight dollars shots, $20.00 T-Shirts, air dances, etc, the girls were more or less degrading the guys, by treating them like absolute morons. Personally, I always went to have some girl dry hump me for a few songs, but that's neither here nor there...
As far Playmates and porn stars go, I imagine it is the same thing. Just look at Hefner's "harem" of golddiggers. The instant that guy drops dead, they'll be collecting for services rendered...trust me.
Same thing with this story. The male customers may think that they are getting the best of the women, but the women will be laughing all the way to the bank...$10,000?!? Who is really degrading who here?
Of course you and all the other guys that think this will say it's not degrading. After all, your men and any chance you have of watching a woman undress, or spread 'em, or run around nakid you wont complain. You call it "entertainment". I on the other hand, and there are plenty of people that agree with me, think it's degrading towards women. And as I've said, that's telling women the only way they can make money is if they sell their flesh, in whatever form it may be. They aren't told that they can make something of themselves if they alplied themselves and went to college. As much as I'm in debt and as expensive as the first college I went to was, and what little I got from financial aid, I'd NEVER so anything so low just for fast money. I'd rather work hard and use the brain I was given by God to make money. Even when I was a lowly retail worker making minimum wage.
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Nursing is a highly acceptable respectable and decent paying job that is most highly associated with women and has nothing to with "salary" influxes related to men and women. If a woman feels the above jobs are degrading to her...she does not HAVE to work them and go into nursing or other such fields. Having your morals influence what a woman can and can't do for a living is as absurd as having different salaries for males and females. If I could get paid what those women do on stage or on the hunt...you can be damn sure Id be doing it instead of my "respectable" and moral occupation.
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Hey, they're getting paid top coin to run around naked. I also think it's better than having them doing the streets, as Mxy pointed out. It may not be an ideal job, but it's WAY better than other jobs, or having no job at all.
What, you'd rather have them starve to death because the job is too "degrading" for them? There's no such thing as having a bad job.
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quote: Originally posted by Batwoman: That's because men have never had to prove themselves in insert profession of choice.
And how would you know that? You're a woman and have no idea how it is to be a man in the workplace. We have to "prove" ourselves everyday with the other men and even (gasp) women. Don't you think you're being just a little biased because you are a woman?
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Trying being a male in a female dominated workplace such as nursing!!!
I am harassed almost daily!
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quote: Originally posted by THE Franta: So these women are FORCED to do this? I mean they have a choice don't they? Hell I'd take a welt on my ass for $1000 dollars.
And I do see the torture inflicted onto women in other cultures under the pretense of religion to be worse. Hell I think the fact that women are forced to cover their faces under the P.C. pretense of freedom of religion to be alot worse than a few chicks running around naked and getting shot with paint guns of THEIR OWN FREE WILL! Not as a result of an abusive father, brother or spouse forcing them into subjigation under the fallacy of doing it for Allah.
Or as the result of a tragic lesbian love affair with Olga the lumberjack!
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Hmmm...I've already unclothed on the internet. A $1000 to run around neekid and dodge paintballs? Sounds good to me! Hell! Since me and my massive man boobies have already been plastered all over the internet I could charge double! Of course I'm assuming the men shooting at me are neekid as well!?! ![[wink]](images/icons/wink.gif)
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quote: Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk: I, for one, would like to see the bright side of things: at least these women aren't in the sex market for money! Getting shot by paint rifle is an honest way of making a living. As far as I know, you can't get STDs from getting shot with a paintball.
Mxy is most wise.
They have a choice, Amy. They can choose not to do it.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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But other women think they know more than these women thus propagating the weaker sex theory.
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass 15000+ posts
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Part of the reason there is a glass ceiling is because of many reasons..some of which I'll list. 1) Men are pigs and sexist..blah, blah, blah..sometimes true. 2) Women usually never dress professionally..I've worked in 3 different fields where I had to wear a shirt and tie, and/or suit everyday, and the women who worked at higher, equal and lower positions mostly wore glorified t-shirts and all sorts of inappropriate clothing. 3) A large portion of women at said companies/workplaces were always whining and complaining about the most mundane things.And spend way more time making personal phone calls on worktime. 4) Women are always taking time off work to stay at home with their kids. Sad fact, but true. women miss waaaaaaaaayyyy more work than men. 5) Women have the disadvantage of becoming pregnant possibly. If you are in an important position becoming pregnant is a severe hardship to the work environment where you are needed. This is why in most cases middle-aged and older women are the ones to get promotions, even if a younger woman is more qualified. 6) Men are usually more willing and more capable of putting in extra hours at work. 7) Etc.....
Granted many of the traditional roles are changing nowadays..more women are making more money. Many Men are now staying home. There are more options out there. There are more Companies willing to work with family medical leave , etc. But mostly because they have to. As the typical nuclear family has changed to meet the goals and needs of Feminism women have found new options and more available choices. But as women got more freedom they also became a bigger liability. With the destruction of the typical nuclear family also came.......more single Mothers. Companies will hire single Mothers, but they are a pain in the rear from an employers POV. More missed days, more flexibility needed, more out of work problems that carry over into work. It's a fact. It's hard to promote someone with those possible circumstances as baggage.
Women with degrees are more likely to postpone motherhood, more likely to to view their job as important as their family life, etc. But those stigmas attached to female workers are real to an employer.
Feminism is an ideal. It's unrealistic. Because Women are women and men are men. Thank evolution and/or god.
And there is no difference between women having sex freely and women getting paid to hav esex freely. There is no difference in women wearing next to nothing in public and women getting paid to wear next to nothing. Except that some women get paid for it. respect their ingenuity, because perception is the only thing that make sit different..because the intent is still there.
Perception..woman wearing a small 2 piece bikini on the beach...Ok.... Woman wearing a bra and panties..only for private.
That's strictly perception, as only the see through kind allow you any more view of the same body parts.
From a religious standpoint most women do degrading things on a daily basis. Atleast some women are clever enough to get paid for it....
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quote: Originally posted by Pig Iron: Part of the reason there is a glass ceiling is because of many reasons..some of which I'll list. 1) Men are pigs and sexist..blah, blah, blah..sometimes true.
quote: 2) Women usually never dress professionally..I've worked in 3 different fields where I had to wear a shirt and tie, and/or suit everyday, and the women who worked at higher, equal and lower positions mostly wore glorified t-shirts and all sorts of inappropriate clothing.
Don't even go there. The only women I have seen that don't dress professionally are teenagers and college students. Because they don't know you're suposed to dress professionally for work. Believe me, I've been working for 15 years now and spent 6 years in retail, 8 in coporate america and 1 in a bakery. All in all, the only time I didn't dress biz casual or corporate, was when I worked at a dotcom, and the bakery. Every job I've had required me to dress a certain way and my sister drilled into me that you dress up for an interview. Even when you go apply for a retail job.
quote: 3) A large portion of women at said companies/workplaces were always whining and complaining about the most mundane things.And spend way more time making personal phone calls on worktime.
Um no they don't! You may say this because you're a guy, but every woman I know has worked their tail off at whatever job they've ever had!
quote: 4) Women are always taking time off work to stay at home with their kids. Sad fact, but true. women miss waaaaaaaaayyyy more work than men.
That's because men are too selfish and think their job is more important than their own children. I've seen this with my own eyes. If men were to take responsibility, then women would look 'more reliable' then they do now. But then agin, I don't know any working woman who has children miss work as much as your insinuating Pig Iron. You make it seem like all women do is take off work, when that's not true.
quote: 5) Women have the disadvantage of becoming pregnant possibly. If you are in an important position becoming pregnant is a severe hardship to the work environment where you are needed. This is why in most cases middle-aged and older women are the ones to get promotions, even if a younger woman is more qualified.
Typical that a guy would bring up pregnancy as a weakness.
quote: 6) Men are usually more willing and more capable of putting in extra hours at work.
Oh, so all the hours I put in for over time, me and all the other women I know, means nothing? Get over yourself Pig Iron, that's just not true. I know plenty of women who work overtime whenever they have to. They don't go out of their way to do it, but if the need arises, they are there putting their time in.
quote: Granted many of the traditional roles are changing nowadays..more women are making more money. Many Men are now staying home. There are more options out there. There are more Companies willing to work with family medical leave , etc. But mostly because they have to. As the typical nuclear family has changed to meet the goals and needs of Feminism women have found new options and more available choices. But as women got more freedom they also became a bigger liability. With the destruction of the typical nuclear family also came.......more single Mothers. Companies will hire single Mothers, but they are a pain in the rear from an employers POV. More missed days, more flexibility needed, more out of work problems that carry over into work. It's a fact. It's hard to promote someone with those possible circumstances as baggage.
Women with degrees are more likely to postpone motherhood, more likely to to view their job as important as their family life, etc. But those stigmas attached to female workers are real to an employer.
Again, you're wrong on this one. My sister didn't get married until she was 33, she finally graduated college that same year and was pregnant on their first wedding anniversary. I know plenty of women that have had childern later in life, but that has nothing to do with careers and degrees, it's more to do with the fact that they got married in their late 20s to early 30s.
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass 15000+ posts
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quote: Originally posted by Pig Iron: Feminism is an ideal. It's unrealistic. Because Women are women and men are men. Thank evolution and/or god.
And there is no difference between women having sex freely and women getting paid to hav esex freely. There is no difference in women wearing next to nothing in public and women getting paid to wear next to nothing. Except that some women get paid for it. respect their ingenuity, because perception is the only thing that make sit different..because the intent is still there.
Perception..woman wearing a small 2 piece bikini on the beach...Ok.... Woman wearing a bra and panties..only for private.
That's strictly perception, as only the see through kind allow you any more view of the same body parts.
From a religious standpoint most women do degrading things on a daily basis. Atleast some women are clever enough to get paid for it....
NO comments on this Amy....?
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Tabarnak! 6000+ posts
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I dunno...perhaps it's the fact that I live in the grey area between the stereotypical male and the female equivalent (or so popular perception of a gay man would seem), but all of the crap in here is just that, complete shit. The arguments that 'they get paid for it, so what's the harm'...do you actually believe this? Can you not see the blatant debauchery behind this? The disgusting innuendo? I mean, I'm sorry, but there is no excuse on earth to justify a situation where women are striped naked and shot at. I don't care if there are women willing to take the cash, the situation is sick and wrong. If you really can't see that, then fuck...I thought you folks were semi reasonable, but c'mon, can't you see how destructive and twisted this shit is?
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quote: Originally posted by Batwoman: quote: [QUOTE] 2) Women usually never dress professionally..I've worked in 3 different fields where I had to wear a shirt and tie, and/or suit everyday, and the women who worked at higher, equal and lower positions mostly wore glorified t-shirts and all sorts of inappropriate clothing.
Don't even go there. The only women I have seen that don't dress professionally are teenagers and college students. Because they don't know you're suposed to dress professionally for work. Believe me, I've been working for 15 years now and spent 6 years in retail, 8 in coporate america and 1 in a bakery. All in all, the only time I didn't dress biz casual or corporate, was when I worked at a dotcom, and the bakery. Every job I've had required me to dress a certain way and my sister drilled into me that you dress up for an interview. Even when you go apply for a retail job.
It really does make sense that you would say that, you are a woman you don't know any better. I agree with Piggy on this one. The 3 offices I have worked at require men to wear ties and dress pants, but women nice t-shirts. Really doesn't make sense.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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It's sad that other women want to put a glass ceiling on what these women can earn.
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quote: Originally posted by Batwoman: quote: 4) Women are always taking time off work to stay at home with their kids. Sad fact, but true. women miss waaaaaaaaayyyy more work than men.
That's because men are too selfish and think their job is more important than their own children. I've seen this with my own eyes. If men were to take responsibility, then women would look 'more reliable' then they do now. But then agin, I don't know any working woman who has children miss work as much as your insinuating Pig Iron. You make it seem like all women do is take off work, when that's not true.
You said earlier that men make more money then women. If that is true, right or wrong, isn't it just logical, not selfish, that the man go to work instead of the women, who is supposable making less money ?
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You know what? I'm sick and tired of this crap!
but no you wont, simply because of the fact that they are men and I'm a woman. That's the only reason you've singled me out!
that's the last post I'm going to make regarding this thread. and here I thought, we could discuss this in an intelligent manner, not a flippin flame war. DON'T even think about sening me emails flaming me there either!
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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where did anyone flame? i didnt see any insults?
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cobra kai 15000+ posts
cobra kai 15000+ posts
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quote: Originally posted by Batwoman: Of course you and all the other guys that think this will say it's not degrading. After all, your men and any chance you have of watching a woman undress, or spread 'em, or run around nakid you wont complain. You call it "entertainment".
you act like there aren't thousands of male strip clubs or porn mags.
franta, tell her!
i dunno... i just dont see this as being a major sexist issue. amy, you think this and porn are degrading, but those are your opinions. others would see them as viable life styles.
some individuals think jantorial services and even retail is degrading. hell, im sure you've heard lawyers being referred to as lowlife scum (sorry dave!). its all a matter of personal perspective.
yeah, i'll freely admit, the whole idea sounds a little stupid, at best. but the women are choosing to do it.
hell, its so dumb, you could probably even make the claim that what the men is doing is degrading -- allowing themselves to be taken advantage of, at the cost of thousands of dollars to... what? possibly shoot some naked chick in the leg?
c'mon, thats ridiculous. the guys are retarded here.
the women have a choice. they chose to go, chose to make more money than any poster here (in a shorter amount of time). they could also choose not to go.
is the whole thing silly? yeah. sexist ? no
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass 15000+ posts
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Back to Amy's original point. There are way better things a woman could do than allow herself to be hunted by bizarre fetishists. The men are weird for even wanting to do it. It's stupid. But so are many things in modern America..like those dating shows on TV, and whatever media segment we are talking about. America is a screwy place.. and this story is pretty harmless compared to most of the stuff going on openly. Being harmless doesn't excuse it from having possible negative psychological affects, but the most activities we take for granted have negative psychological affects...watching TV for example, playing games, etc...It's all bad for us if you area moralist. If you are a hedonist then it isn't. The basic rule is always......would you want your daughter doing it? If a woman is doing something that you wouldn't want your daughter doing..then you shouldn't support it..unless she is your wife or girlfriend.. ![[wink]](images/icons/wink.gif) Otherwise you are a hypocrite.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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No, if they weren't getting paid it wouldn't be right, but they are so it's their decition.
Why, because they're men? Jesus!
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Doog the MIGHTY 10000+ posts
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Damn she really blew up there, didn't she? On a side, I do agree with her that it's wrong, but it's their free decision and if they want to risk nasty looking welts and some pain for the chance to win $1,000-2,500 then more power to 'em. I still think the guys who do it should take one in the stomach, just so they know how much it hurts.