quote: [QUOTE] 2) Women usually never dress professionally..I've worked in 3 different fields where I had to wear a shirt and tie, and/or suit everyday, and the women who worked at higher, equal and lower positions mostly wore glorified t-shirts and all sorts of inappropriate clothing.
Don't even go there. The only women I have seen that don't dress professionally are teenagers and college students. Because they don't know you're suposed to dress professionally for work. Believe me, I've been working for 15 years now and spent 6 years in retail, 8 in coporate america and 1 in a bakery. All in all, the only time I didn't dress biz casual or corporate, was when I worked at a dotcom, and the bakery. Every job I've had required me to dress a certain way and my sister drilled into me that you dress up for an interview. Even when you go apply for a retail job.
It really does make sense that you would say that, you are a woman you don't know any better. I agree with Piggy on this one. The 3 offices I have worked at require men to wear ties and dress pants, but women nice t-shirts. Really doesn't make sense.