I think that this shows some of the problems with the feminist movement. Many women believe that feminism should be for women to get out of the home and into the work place and forget the old housewife position. Many other women believe that it should be their choice to either work or stay at home. Sometimes one group gets angry at the other for not conforming. I believe that's what's happened here.
Amy, you're obviously a feminist. You believe in equal pay for equal work and the value of the woman in the work place. Well, good for you. You seem to have a good work ethic and have the drive to be successful. I think the fact that other women have chosen to use their bodies to make some quick cash offends you on a level that it can't offend the male posters here. It's more personal with you since it seems to degrade the status that you've driven to put yourself in. You are passing a moral judgement on people you don't know because it lessens the work that you and other professional women have done.
But, in reality, it has nothing to do with you. Their decisions have no affect on your life. These women have exercised their choice just as women like you and housewives have. To use the excuse that it just makes all women sex objects in the minds of men is a bogus complaint. One, it doesn't. Men who will see these women in that way do so to all women anyways. This is just an outlet. Two, considering the fact that many women have that mindframe about men pretty much levels the playing field (and it's undeniable. I work with a shitload of women who do just that.).
In short, women running around nude getting hit with paint pellets is no more degrading than a woman who has to scrub floors or wash dishes in a cafeteria for a living. Each is doing what they can for money without being the model woman who holds down an exec. job at some gigantic company or whatever other paradigm for the modern woman that the media puts out to the mainstream.