Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack:
I'm just saying that the way they present themselves. Are there exceptions? Of course, there are exceptions in every case.

And yeah, I'm sure some of them think I am wasting time only to get a dead-end job. Lucky for me, that wont be the case.

And hey, I'm not imposing my morals on them. Imposing suggests I am going to go to every stripper and say she is a sinner or a whore or whatever would ticker off and tell her to go get a real job. Now I can't do that. I wouldn't want to. She has a right to chose whatever job she wants -- however, the people I know that are in the job are not there because they have a high self esteem about their bodies -- they are there because they lack the job skills to do anything else. Are they all like that? No. A good number of them? Possibly.

People do impose their morals on them when you suggest that they are "degrading themselves" by taking these jobs. And when one suggests that these women MUST have poor self esteem to take these jobs again that is one person's belief or morality that cause that job to be embarssing to that individual and not necessarialy the person in that job who in all probabilty has HIGH self esteem to show off her body.

And that they are forced into these jobs because society doesnt allow women to make the same pay as men is such a ludicrious assumption I cant even begin to argue it, especailly with the extreme payment the women can make at these jobs.

And again whether or not the whole huntforbambi thing WAS true or not...
lets say it was
if the women wanted to do it..thats their deal. The men paying the 10grand, well I agree they're assholes...but I also believe that private planes being flown by wealthy men (and often their young children) is stupid as well and dangerous to others in the sky and often on the ground...all of who are innocent victims and never said "Hey yeah let that rich guy fly a palne in the sky I dont mind the chances he may crash into me"