Originally posted by Stupid Dogg:
LOL! Actually, my cat will rub her nose on my mouth at 6:00 am just so I can get grossed out enough were I'll get up and feed her. I believe what she's saying is, "If you don't fucking get your ass out of bed and feed me right fucking now I will make you eat my snot!!!!!" Not to mention when she jumps on my scanner and starts meowing "HOLD ME AND RUB MY FUR YOU STUPID LAZY ASS MOTHER FUCKER!!!! I FUCKING 0W3R3DZ Y0U!!!! I'M 1337 ASSHOLE!!!!!!!" I wanna be able to scare her by threatening to cut out her vulva if she doesn't leave me the fuck alone for at least one half hour. I'm also psychotic.

Oh, man! That sounds exactly like my cat. :lol: