This is too funny to ignore. Enjoy!


Group Says Now’s the Time for Soy Wiener

For Immediate Release:
July 10, 2003

Dan Shannon 757-622-7382

PETA has written to Milwaukee Brewers President Wendy Selig-Prieb, renewing its request that a fifth contestant be entered in Miller Park’s famous "Sausage Race" in light of the recent incident in which Pittsburgh Pirate Randall Simon attacked the "Italian Sausage" with a baseball bat. Traditionally, four participants dressed to represent various meat sausages race from the outfield to home plate, and last year, PETA requested that a vegetarian "soysage" be included in the race. Now, PETA recommends that, in order to set a nonviolent example to offset the recent brawls and "beanings" in MLB, the Brewers should field a Sausage Race participant that does not represent the violence inherent in meat production, which includes castration, debeaking, dehorning, and throat-slitting.

Why does PETA want to clobber Milwaukee’s meat mania? Besides being murder on animals, sausages made from pig and cow parts don’t exactly "do a body good." Meat consumption is linked to heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer as well as a loss of stamina. For men who want the staying power to go all nine innings in the game of romance, it’s also worth noting that cholesterol-laden animal products can cause impotence by blocking the arteries to all the body’s organs, not just the heart.

"Violence is violence, whether it’s toward ‘sausages’ or living animals," says PETA’s Sports Campaign coordinator, Dan Shannon. "Putting a veggie dog in the Sausage Race would help stop the violence and make animals ‘safe’ in the baseball world."

PETA’s letter to Brewers President Wendy Selig-Prieb follows.

July 10, 2003

Wendy Selig-Prieb, President
Milwaukee Brewers
Miller Park, 1 Brewers Way
Milwaukee, WI 53214

Dear Ms. Selig-Prieb:

I am writing with regard to the unfortunate events of July 9, when Pittsburgh Pirate Randall Simon viciously attacked the "Italian Sausage" participant in Miller Park’s famous "Sausage Race." We at PETA feel that now would be a perfect time for you to take us up on our suggestion from last year: You should include a vegan "soysage" in the big race.

Violence seems to be everywhere in baseball these days: Fans are attacking players and umpires in the field, Pedro Martinez "beaned" two Yankees in a row, the Reds are fighting everyone in sight, and now this. Something must be done. What better way is there to set a good example for the rest of the baseball community than by allowing a nonviolent "soysage" to participate in the Sausage Race? By rejecting the castration, dehorning, debeaking, wing-breaking, and throat-slitting that are part and parcel of the meat industry, you can send a powerful message that violence will not be tolerated in baseball—on the field or in the slaughterhouse.

Miller Park already offers veggie hot dogs in the stands—in fact, PETA named Miller Park one of the Top 10 Veg-Friendly Ballparks in our annual list this year. Why allow veggie dogs into the ballpark but then exclude them from the race? Perhaps Randall Simon was simply expressing his frustration at the fact that the vegetarian hot dog was not allowed to compete. By allowing the peaceful "soysage" in the race, you could possibly avoid future player-meat confrontations.

I hope to hear that you will be adding a vegan participant to the Sausage Race in the near future. Thank you.


Dan Shannon
Campaign Coordinator

-- taken from

Not that I have ever taken PETA seriously, but this is funny without being sick like their 'Got Beer' and 'Holocaust on Your Plate' campains, which were just below the belt.