Glad to post, K.
I lost my respect for PETA years ago. Frankly, I still wince at the years when I believed everything they said for gospel.
The thing about PETA is while they often make good points -- the means are often screwed. I totally agree that the diary industry, for example, could use a little reform (hence, myself and other pre-vet students at UF are considering joining the dairy industry to make these changes possible). But to go and distribute 'GOT BEER?' advertisments across collge campuses. Sure, that may swing with the college idiots, but those of us that got in for academic reasons can usually see through a shitty compaign like that.
The point is -- whose opinion do you value more? A fanatic group that has been accused of supporting a terrorist group (ALF), or a group of individuals knowledgable and experienced in the field that want the same goals but under different, more logical, means?