Haven't been on the boards all weekend, so I'm catching up.
Originally posted by Matt Kennedy:
Originally posted by thedoctor:
The only people who will see the "PETA message" are the PETA advocates themselves. No one else will give a damn about a vegan "soysage" on the field. When will they understand that none of their campaigns really help their causes?
That's actually not true, Doc. PETA gets national attention all the time with their public campaigns and protests. Think what you like about their methods (even I have to shake my head sometimes at some of their stunts--- and I'm a card-carrying member of PETA), but they definitely get their message out.
There's a big difference from getting your message out and simply grabbing attention. Yes, people will see this, but they won't understand what it's supposed to symbolise because they're not in the same train of thought as PETA. The whole "Got Prostate" campaign they did with Guilliani is a prime example. All it really did was get them sued and marked more as insensitive and extremest by the mainstream.
As far as animals being on the same level with humans, I disagree. We're smarter and feel on a different level. I personally love animals, which is why I don't have a pet right now. I don't have the room or time to properly care for one right now. Yes, they feel; but in no way can they feel the same impending doom that the sufferers of the Holocaust being slowly killed day by day and having the threat of the gas chambers hanging over them did. No animal in a slaughter house can feel that.
I agree that meat processing could be better, but I still don't see that as a reason for me to give up meat. It's just as natural for humans to eat meat as it is for us to eat fruits and vegetables.
The crux of this debate falls on the morals of the people who discuss it. Whether or not animals feel on the same level as humans is a debate that we'll never fully solve for the oppossing side.