Originally posted by thedoctor:
Originally posted by Matt Kennedy:
Whether you choose to look away from the very obvious moral dilemma that factory farming presents or not, it's YOUR decision.

But there is no obvious moral dilema. Morals aren't the same for everyone. Different cultures and belief systems have different morals, and mine happen to allow me to eat meat that comes from slaughtered animals. Your morals may be against that, but that's no reason for you to transfer them upon me or anyone else. As I said before, when it comes down to arguing about what is morally right, we'll never end this conversation because our belief systems are different.
A "belief system" (especially in the developed, so-called civilized nations) that has no problem with subjecting sentient beings to lives of abject misery, suffering, and death just so they can eat burgers and wear leather coats is a pretty shaky belief system, Doc. It reeks of self-interest--- not any sort of true moral discipline or belief system at all. Shameful, tired "might makes right" doctrine all the way. People don't need to eat or wear animals in order to thrive, they WANT to--- need and want are two entirely separate things. I respect someone who just admits that they WANT to eat and wear animals a lot more than I do someone who claims that doing so is just a part of their morals/belief systems.