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I might be interning for Adam Putnam (Florida 12th District), so I'll get to go to the House meetings of the Committee of Agriculture. Just think of it as 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington'...with a twist. He just voted for funding for more efficent farming to 'feed more people on fewer acres'. A few other programs has agriculture and environment professions working hand and hand. Of course, a lot of these acomplishment's go unnoticed, just like most of the business in the House and Senete. I mean, you have to like C-SPAN, for one thing, which is darn near impossible. And I'll plan on fighting to good fight. Ask any of my exs -- I am very stubborn and does not settle for anything less than perfection. Which also may explain why I am single. [no no no]

I do respectfully disagree with my proposals not being realistic. Getting the country to stop eating meat...heck, I can't even get my dad to stop eating oreos and pennut butter together. Change people minds is easy...changing their stomachs, on the other hand, is darn hard. Besides, if people will pay fifty dollars for a video game and thousand of dollars for rims on a car, I think putting an extra twenty cents per pound is not that much lol.

I don't think its a matter of people not knowing. I think people know the evils in the industry -- Sinclair's The Jungle has been around for years, and it caused a huge effect on people. I think its a matter of making the option popular. If small-time farming was encouraged, people would stop buying meat at the supermarkets. Current trends are leading towards responsible food consumption, all that's needed is some publicity. It lets people have their cake (or pork or beef or what not) and eat it too.

And I think someone at PETA needed to proof-read that headline. It gives the wrong impression... :lol:

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Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
Giant Sausage Deathmatch...

Sausage Football...

WWE Sausage Slam 2003...

I'm seeing possibilities here! [woooOOOOoooo!]

Word! [wink] :lol:

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I wouldn't call small-time farming an exception to the norm. It's all a matter of region. Florida is cattle country, and here in Alachua county, agriculture is top dog (Orlando is just...a very odd spot). There are plenty of small farmers here (small in land ownership, not in stature -- oh great now I have an image of an army of three-foot farmers). Now granted, it would be tougher for city-folk, but I'm from Tampa so obviously it's not that big of a challenge. However, not every major city has access like Tampa does. In that case, I think even northern supermarkets can still buy meat from anyone, so long as it has the USDA stamp. So in theory, its just a matter of finding a supplier.

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Originally posted by Matt Kennedy:
Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
Giant Sausage Deathmatch...

Sausage Football...

WWE Sausage Slam 2003...

I'm seeing possibilities here! [woooOOOOoooo!]

Word! [wink] :lol:
The Soysausage wrestler would accuse all the regular sausages of using steroids and supplements, and he could call himself the true, healthy "Nature-Weiner". [woooOOOOoooo!] :)

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And then the NBz would come outta the stands and wreak absolute MAYHEM!!!

Now that's entertainment.

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I find humanity's tendency to put itself above all other forms of life on the planet extremely pretentious. When it boils down to it, we're the same. We're all animals. We evolved from the same single cell organisms. It may sound like a simplstic argument, but it's true.

I have more respect for animals than I do humans, anyway. Animals are pure, humans are corrupt. Animals don't hate other animals because of their differences, humans do. We've always said that what seperates us from the common beast is our ability to reason....but their world is a hell of a lot more reasonable than ours.

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Originally posted by Matt Kennedy:
Whether you choose to look away from the very obvious moral dilemma that factory farming presents or not, it's YOUR decision.

But there is no obvious moral dilema. Morals aren't the same for everyone. Different cultures and belief systems have different morals, and mine happen to allow me to eat meat that comes from slaughtered animals. Your morals may be against that, but that's no reason for you to transfer them upon me or anyone else. As I said before, when it comes down to arguing about what is morally right, we'll never end this conversation because our belief systems are different.

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Originally posted by Animalman:
I have more respect for animals than I do humans, anyway. Animals are pure, humans are corrupt. Animals don't hate other animals because of their differences, humans do. We've always said that what seperates us from the common beast is our ability to reason....but their world is a hell of a lot more reasonable than ours.

Is that why chimps gang up on other chimps and beat them to death? Why some creatures eat their own young?

I find that a lot of people who use this arguement don't really take to time to learn much about the animal kingdom. "There's no war in nature." Bullshit. Ants hives fight with rival ant hives all the time. The animal kingdom is just as "unreasonable" as our own.

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Originally posted by thedoctor:
Originally posted by Matt Kennedy:
Whether you choose to look away from the very obvious moral dilemma that factory farming presents or not, it's YOUR decision.

But there is no obvious moral dilema. Morals aren't the same for everyone. Different cultures and belief systems have different morals, and mine happen to allow me to eat meat that comes from slaughtered animals. Your morals may be against that, but that's no reason for you to transfer them upon me or anyone else. As I said before, when it comes down to arguing about what is morally right, we'll never end this conversation because our belief systems are different.
A "belief system" (especially in the developed, so-called civilized nations) that has no problem with subjecting sentient beings to lives of abject misery, suffering, and death just so they can eat burgers and wear leather coats is a pretty shaky belief system, Doc. It reeks of self-interest--- not any sort of true moral discipline or belief system at all. Shameful, tired "might makes right" doctrine all the way. People don't need to eat or wear animals in order to thrive, they WANT to--- need and want are two entirely separate things. I respect someone who just admits that they WANT to eat and wear animals a lot more than I do someone who claims that doing so is just a part of their morals/belief systems.

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Originally posted by Matt Kennedy:
I respect someone who just admits that they WANT to eat and wear animals a lot more than I do someone who claims that doing so is just a part of their morals/belief systems.

You do understand that my point is that my morals aren't offended by my or anyone else's eating meat or wearing leather and not that my moral system dictates that I do those things, right?

I prioritise human life over that of animals. Just like I prioritise my family's life over that of anyone else. You may call it heartless, but that's your opinion. As I've said earlier, there are better ways to handle the meat processing industry, and I'm all for it. But I'm no where near giving up meat. I likes it, and I see it as being natural. Besides, if we're no supposed to eat animals, why did God make them so tasty?

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Originally posted by thedoctor:
Originally posted by Matt Kennedy:
I respect someone who just admits that they WANT to eat and wear animals a lot more than I do someone who claims that doing so is just a part of their morals/belief systems.

You do understand that my point is that my morals aren't offended by my or anyone else's eating meat or wearing leather and not that my moral system dictates that I do those things, right?

I prioritise human life over that of animals. Just like I prioritise my family's life over that of anyone else. You may call it heartless, but that's your opinion. As I've said earlier, there are better ways to handle the meat processing industry, and I'm all for it. But I'm no where near giving up meat. I likes it, and I see it as being natural. Besides, if we're no supposed to eat animals, why did God make them so tasty?

I understood what you meant, Doc.

And of course we prioritize human life over animal life if the situation dictates it (such as animal testing for new drugs). But we don't NEED to eat or wear animals in order to thrive, so there's no need to "choose" human life over animal life in regard to clothing or diet. "Humans first" has no bearing here, see? That was my earlier point. Using an excuse like "but animals taste good" or "I like leather shoes" is not a satisfactory moral/ethical excuse or justification for continuing to take part in the vicious, cruel, and heartless process of factory farming. That's no way to defend your position and beliefs--- that's just self-serving prattle and transparent dross.

You say that you want factory farm reform, but are you willing to cease your involvement until/if this takes place? No, I don't think so. Your eyes are open yet you choose to look the other way. That's willful apathy, Doc.

This is not an US vs. THEM situation, Doc. Surely you can see that. No, this is simply a matter of humans choosing to do what they WANT (regardless of the brutality and consequences to a sentient species not their own) not what they need. Try to excuse it or justify it all you want ("but we have always done things this way" or "God gave us these creatures to do as we will" or "but they taste good", etc.,etc.,etc.) but it won't make man's cruel, brutal dominion and mistreatment of animals just or right.

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Question for you, Matt. Great reforms in this country have been made before where injustice had been prior. As someone in England during the US colonial period if there would be a revolution. Ask someone in, say, antebellum America if they thought slavery would be abolished. The point is, I don't see my goals as impossible. I look at past conlficts and find hope. My question is this -- if, be it through regularion and reform, or by me assuming a dictatorship over the country for two weeks to do some cleaning (and really find out where those tax dollars go), my goals became law, and my reforms would come to pass, would that settle everything in your book? You seem to worry about animal suffering, and my way brings it to near zero. So, if you remove the suffering out of the steak, does that make okay?

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Why are animals made out of meat? And why does meat taste good? Can't be a coincidence!

I still wanna see sausage violence! [woooOOOOoooo!]

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Originally posted by thedoctor:
Is that why chimps gang up on other chimps and beat them to death? Why some creatures eat their own young?

Is what why? Where did I say there was no violence in the animal kingdom?

I find that a lot of people who use this arguement don't really take to time to learn much about the animal kingdom. "There's no war in nature." Bullshit. Ants hives fight with rival ant hives all the time.
I find that people who read something into my posts that isn't there often sound like fools.

Where did I say there's no war in nature?

The animal kingdom is just as "unreasonable" as our own.
No, it isn't. Where in nature do animals kill and maim other animals simply because of the color of their skin? Where in nature do animals kill simply because they can, rather than out of necessity?

In nature, violence has a reason, a purpose. It's a means of surviving. In our world, it's a means of persecution, a tool of hate and desire and envy.

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Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack:
Question for you, Matt. Great reforms in this country have been made before where injustice had been prior. As someone in England during the US colonial period if there would be a revolution. Ask someone in, say, antebellum America if they thought slavery would be abolished. The point is, I don't see my goals as impossible. I look at past conlficts and find hope. My question is this -- if, be it through regularion and reform, or by me assuming a dictatorship over the country for two weeks to do some cleaning (and really find out where those tax dollars go), my goals became law, and my reforms would come to pass, would that settle everything in your book? You seem to worry about animal suffering, and my way brings it to near zero. So, if you remove the suffering out of the steak, does that make okay?

First off, just let me say that I am against dictatorships 100%. I'm a free will/freedom of choice guy all the way.

But IF huge and sweeping factory farm reform became federal law across the board that greatly reduced suffering for "food animals" I think that would be absolutely wonderful. Does "taking the suffering out of the steak make it okay", though? No. Not in my book it doesn't. A GIGANTIC improvement, yes--- but never "okay" from a moral/ethical standpoint. If humans actually NEEDED to ingest animal flesh or wear leather or fur in order to thrive then that would be a completely different story, but we don't. But like I've already said, I'm a realist: I know that animals will ALWAYS be slaughtered for food and clothing, so any method that helps to reduce their suffering is a very good and noble thing.

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Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
Why are animals made out of meat? And why does meat taste good? Can't be a coincidence!

I still wanna see sausage violence! [woooOOOOoooo!]

WE are made out of meat, too. Just sayin'...

And my money is still on the Soysausage in WWF Weiner Slam 2004!!! [woooOOOOoooo!]

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Fine. So we'll just stick with "if you kill it, then you eat it," as our only real guideline. [mwah hwah haa]

Fava beans and a Chianti, anyone? [wink]

Cowgirl Jack #241390 2005-12-10 3:49 PM
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With no apparent sense of irony, they chose the dumpster of a Piggly Wiggly supermarket to drop off the carcasses, wrapped in black plastic bags. Among them were a mother cat with her two very healthy kittens, and seven little puppies – dead by injection.

Nor did either of them appear to evince the slightest cognitive dissonance in acting as agents, and employees, of the very inaptly named “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals” (PETA). For at least two months they had been slaughtering and dumping animals that they obtained under false pretenses from shelters: they assured the attendants they would find the adoptable animals ‘good homes.’

Andrew Benjamin Cook and Adria Joy Hinkle are charged in a North Carolina court with only 31 felony counts of animal cruelty, eight misdemeanor counts of the illegal disposal of dead animals, and a charge of criminal trespassing. Yet they are apparently responsible for the death of more than a hundred animals. This is ethical?

We must not allow ourselves to be so distracted by the sordid details of this case that we view it as an aberration. Instead, it is all too emblematic of the core “values” of the PETA cash and terror machine.

In “Better Dead Than Fed”, Debra Saunders observes that “this is not the first report that PETA killed animals it claimed to protect. In 1991, PETA killed 18 rabbits and 14 roosters it had previously ‘rescued’ from a research facility. ‘We just don’t have the money to care for them,’ then PETA-Chairman Alex Pacheco told the Washington Times.”

The Center for Consumer Freedom Documents on its website that “from July 1998 through the end of 2003, PETA killed over 10,000 dogs, cats, and other ‘companion animals’ – at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. That’s more than five defenseless animals every day. Not counting the dogs and cats PETA spayed and neutered, the group put to death over 85 percent of the animals it took in during 2003 alone.”

In fact, the CCF reports “on its 2002 federal income-tax return, PETA claimed a $9,370 write-off for a giant walk-in freezer, the kind most people use as a meat locker or for ice-cream storage. But animal-rights activists don’t eat meat or dairy foods. So far, the group hasn’t confirmed the obvious – that it’s using the appliance to store the bodies of its victims.”

Why does PETA kill? “In 2000, when the Associated Press first noted PETA’s Kervorkian-esque tendencies, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk complained that actually taking care of animals costs more than killing them. ‘We could become a no-kill shelter immediately,’ she admitted.”

“Besides,” relates Saunders, “PETA always has been about killing animals. A 2003 New Yorker profile included PETA top dog Ingrid Newkirk’s story of how she became involved in animal rights after a shelter put down stray kittens she brought there. So she went to work for an animal shelter in the 1970s, where, she explained: ‘I would go to work early, before anyone got there, and I would just kill the animals myself. Because I couldn’t stand to let them go through (other workers abusing the animals). I must have killed a thousand of them, sometimes dozens every day.’

“That’s right. PETA assails other parties for killing animals for food or research. Then it kills animals – but for really important reasons, like because it has run out of room.”

As the CFC’s David Martosko told Saunders, "For years, we thought that PETA just cared for animals more than they cared for humans. But now it seems they don’t care much for either.” Consider, for example that “Newkirk also told The New Yorker the world would be a better place without people. She explained why she had herself sterilized: ‘I am opposed to having children. Having a purebred human baby is like having a purebred dog – it’s nothing but vanity, human vanity.”

Those aren’t the limits of her misanthropic sentiments. In September 1989 she told Vogue magazine that “animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal, so there is no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy, they’re all mammals.” She added, for good measure, “even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we’d be against it.”

So, as the CFC reports, “PETA kills animals. Because it has other financial priorities.

“PETA raked in nearly $29 million last year in income, much of it raised from pet owners who think their donations actually help animals. Instead, the group spends huge sums on programs equating people who eat chicken with Nazis, scaring young children away from drinking milk, recruiting children into the radical animal-rights lifestyle, and intimidating businessmen and their families in their own neighborhoods. PETA has also spent tens of thousands of dollars defending arsonists and other violent extremists.” And contributing funds to the Earth Liberation Front, which the FBI’s Deputy Assistant Director John Lewis considers “one of today’s most serious domestic terrorism threats.” Carson Carroll, Deputy Assistant Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives adds that “since 1987, ATF has initiated over 100 investigations related to ELF and ALF incidents. Some of the investigations involved explosives incidents, as well as, acts of arson. While the number of ELF and ALF incidents has fluctuated from year to year, the magnitude of the incidents appears to be on the rise with a number of high-damage arsons occurring since 1999. Between 1999 and 2005, ATF opened 58 investigations related to ELF and ALF acts of violence.”

The Hudson Institute’s Michael Fumento relates that “last month the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives told a Senate panel that animal rights extremists, along with eco-terrorists, pose one of the most serious national terrorist threats – one growing by leaps and bounds. Unlike such groups as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), PETA takes no credit for such actions as torching laboratories. But it does support these groups both vocally and financially.

“‘I find it small wonder that the laboratories aren’t all burning to the ground. If I had more guts, I’d light a match,’ Newkirk has said. Other gems: ‘I wish we would all get up and go into the labs and take the animals out or burn them down,’ and ‘Would I rather the research lab that tests animals is reduced to a bunch of cinders? Yes.’ She also insisted, ‘I will be the last person to condemn ALF.'

“PETA vegetarian campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich has declared that ‘blowing stuff up and smashing windows’ is something PETA doesn’t do ‘but I do advocate it.’

“PETA has donated to the Earth Liberation Front, a certified terrorist group that, according to the FBI, along with the ALF has committed more than 600 criminal acts causing more than $43 million in damages. During the 1990s, PETA paid $70,200 to an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activist convicted of burning down a Michigan State University research laboratory. During sentencing, the federal judge implicated Newkirk in the crime.”

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: they are not ethical. They kill animals. And it is only a matter of time before the allies that they fund and support kill people.

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    As someone who has dedicated a part of my life to the alleviation of animal suffering in various parts of the world, it is my wish that upon my death, my body be used to further that same goal. It is with this purpose in mind that I make the following directions and designations relating to the disposition of my final remains. I make these directions and designations after thorough consideration and pursuant to my firm belief in the purposes for which they are made.

    1. Upon my death, it is my wish that my body be used in a manner that draws attention to needless animal suffering and exploitation. To accomplish this, I direct that my body be donated to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 501 Front Street, Norfolk, Virginia 23510, to be used in whatever manner it chooses in order to accomplish the specified purpose, with the hope that most of my body will be put to use in the United States, with parts also dispatched to awaken the public consciousness of governments and citizens in the United Kingdom, where I was born, in India, my beloved childhood home, and in Canada, Germany, and France.

    2. While the final decision as to the use of my body remains with PETA, I make the following suggested directions:

    a. That the “meat” of my body, or a portion thereof, be used for a human barbecue, to remind the world that the meat of a corpse is all flesh, regardless of whether it comes from a human being or another animal, and that flesh foods are not needed;

    b. That my skin, or a portion thereof, be removed and made into leather products, such as purses, to remind the world that human skin and the skin of other animals is the same and that neither is “fabric” nor needed, and that some skin be tacked up outside the Indian Leather Fair each year to serve as a reminder of the government’s need to abate the suffering of Indian bullocks who, after a life of extreme and involuntary servitude, as I have seen firsthand, are exported all over the world in this form;

    c. That in remembrance of the elephant-foot umbrella stands and tiger rugs I saw, as a child, offered for sale by merchants at Connaught Place in Delhi, my feet be removed and umbrella stands or other ornamentation be made from them, as a reminder of the depravity of killing innocent animals, such as elephants, in order that we might use their body parts for household items and decorations;

    d. That one of my eyes be removed, mounted, and delivered to the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a reminder that PETA will continue to be watching the agency until it stops poisoning and torturing animals in useless and cruel experiments; that the other is to be used as PETA sees fit;

    e. That my pointing finger be delivered to Kenneth Feld, owner of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, or to a circus museum to stand as the “Greatest Accusation on Earth” on behalf of the countless elephants, lions, tigers, bears, and other animals who have been kidnapped from their families and removed from their homelands in India, Thailand, Africa, and South America and deprived of all that is natural and pleasant to them, abused, and forced into involuntary servitude for the sake of cheap entertainment;

    f. That my liver be vacuum-packed and shipped, in whole or in part, to France, to there be used in a public appeal to persuade shoppers not to support the vile practice of force-feeding geese and ducks for foie gras;

    g. That one of my ears be removed, mounted, and sent to the Canadian Parliament to assist them in hearing, for the first time perhaps, the screams of the seals, bears, raccoons, foxes, and minks bludgeoned, trapped, and sometimes skinned alive for their pelts; that the other ear be removed, preserved, and displayed outside the Deonar abattoir in Mumbai to remind all who do business there that the screams of the cattle who are slaughtered within its walls are heard around the world;

    h. That one of my thumbs be removed, mounted upwards on a plaque, and sent to the person or institution that, in the year of my death or thereabouts, PETA decides has done the most to promote alternatives to the use and abuse of animals in any area of their exploitation;

    i. That one of my thumbs be mounted in a downward position and sent to the person or institution that, in the year of my death or thereabouts, has gone against the changing tide of societal opinion and frightened and hurt animals in some egregious manner;

    j. That a little part of my heart be buried near the racetrack at Hockenheim, preferably near the Ferrari pits, where Michael Shumacher raced in and won the German Grand Prix;

    k. That anything else be done with my body that PETA believes will serve to draw attention to and so abate the plight of exploited animals.

    3. As a resident of Virginia, and pursuant to Virginia law, including
    § 54.1-2825 of the Virginia Code, I designate PETA as the “person” who shall make arrangements for carrying out the directions contained in this document for the disposition of my remains upon my death. If, at any time, PETA is unable or unwilling to carry out these directions, I designate, in the alternative, Daniel Mathews as the individual who shall make arrangements for carrying out the directions contained in this document for the disposition of my remains upon my death. If Daniel Mathews is unable or unwilling to carry out these directions as required, I authorize either of the two listed “persons” in this paragraph to designate a third party to make arrangements for carrying out the directions contained in this document for the disposition of my remains upon my death.

    4. While I prefer that my directions be first executed in the United States, I also direct that parts of my body be transported to the United Kingdom, of which I also am a citizen, and to India, my beloved spiritual home, to be executed there. If my directions cannot be executed in any of these countries, I authorize the transport of my remains to any location where my disposition directions, in whole or in part, may be lawfully executed.

    5. I authorize the person carrying out these directions to deviate from them in any manner he or she deems appropriate to further the purpose expressed herein. If any provision or provisions of this document shall be held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

The fact that anyone actually listens to this obviously insane person never ceases to amaze me...

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the G-man said:

    As someone who has dedicated a part of my life to the alleviation of animal suffering in various parts of the world, it is my wish that upon my death, my body be used to further that same goal. It is with this purpose in mind that I make the following directions and designations relating to the disposition of my final remains. I make these directions and designations after thorough consideration and pursuant to my firm belief in the purposes for which they are made.

    1. Upon my death, it is my wish that my body be used in a manner that draws attention to needless animal suffering and exploitation. To accomplish this, I direct that my body be donated to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 501 Front Street, Norfolk, Virginia 23510, to be used in whatever manner it chooses in order to accomplish the specified purpose, with the hope that most of my body will be put to use in the United States, with parts also dispatched to awaken the public consciousness of governments and citizens in the United Kingdom, where I was born, in India, my beloved childhood home, and in Canada, Germany, and France.

    2. While the final decision as to the use of my body remains with PETA, I make the following suggested directions:

    a. That the “meat” of my body, or a portion thereof, be used for a human barbecue, to remind the world that the meat of a corpse is all flesh, regardless of whether it comes from a human being or another animal, and that flesh foods are not needed;

    b. That my skin, or a portion thereof, be removed and made into leather products, such as purses, to remind the world that human skin and the skin of other animals is the same and that neither is “fabric” nor needed, and that some skin be tacked up outside the Indian Leather Fair each year to serve as a reminder of the government’s need to abate the suffering of Indian bullocks who, after a life of extreme and involuntary servitude, as I have seen firsthand, are exported all over the world in this form;

    c. That in remembrance of the elephant-foot umbrella stands and tiger rugs I saw, as a child, offered for sale by merchants at Connaught Place in Delhi, my feet be removed and umbrella stands or other ornamentation be made from them, as a reminder of the depravity of killing innocent animals, such as elephants, in order that we might use their body parts for household items and decorations;

    d. That one of my eyes be removed, mounted, and delivered to the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a reminder that PETA will continue to be watching the agency until it stops poisoning and torturing animals in useless and cruel experiments; that the other is to be used as PETA sees fit;

    e. That my pointing finger be delivered to Kenneth Feld, owner of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, or to a circus museum to stand as the “Greatest Accusation on Earth” on behalf of the countless elephants, lions, tigers, bears, and other animals who have been kidnapped from their families and removed from their homelands in India, Thailand, Africa, and South America and deprived of all that is natural and pleasant to them, abused, and forced into involuntary servitude for the sake of cheap entertainment;

    f. That my liver be vacuum-packed and shipped, in whole or in part, to France, to there be used in a public appeal to persuade shoppers not to support the vile practice of force-feeding geese and ducks for foie gras;

    g. That one of my ears be removed, mounted, and sent to the Canadian Parliament to assist them in hearing, for the first time perhaps, the screams of the seals, bears, raccoons, foxes, and minks bludgeoned, trapped, and sometimes skinned alive for their pelts; that the other ear be removed, preserved, and displayed outside the Deonar abattoir in Mumbai to remind all who do business there that the screams of the cattle who are slaughtered within its walls are heard around the world;

    h. That one of my thumbs be removed, mounted upwards on a plaque, and sent to the person or institution that, in the year of my death or thereabouts, PETA decides has done the most to promote alternatives to the use and abuse of animals in any area of their exploitation;

    i. That one of my thumbs be mounted in a downward position and sent to the person or institution that, in the year of my death or thereabouts, has gone against the changing tide of societal opinion and frightened and hurt animals in some egregious manner;

    j. That a little part of my heart be buried near the racetrack at Hockenheim, preferably near the Ferrari pits, where Michael Shumacher raced in and won the German Grand Prix;

    k. That anything else be done with my body that PETA believes will serve to draw attention to and so abate the plight of exploited animals.

    3. As a resident of Virginia, and pursuant to Virginia law, including
    § 54.1-2825 of the Virginia Code, I designate PETA as the “person” who shall make arrangements for carrying out the directions contained in this document for the disposition of my remains upon my death. If, at any time, PETA is unable or unwilling to carry out these directions, I designate, in the alternative, Daniel Mathews as the individual who shall make arrangements for carrying out the directions contained in this document for the disposition of my remains upon my death. If Daniel Mathews is unable or unwilling to carry out these directions as required, I authorize either of the two listed “persons” in this paragraph to designate a third party to make arrangements for carrying out the directions contained in this document for the disposition of my remains upon my death.

    4. While I prefer that my directions be first executed in the United States, I also direct that parts of my body be transported to the United Kingdom, of which I also am a citizen, and to India, my beloved spiritual home, to be executed there. If my directions cannot be executed in any of these countries, I authorize the transport of my remains to any location where my disposition directions, in whole or in part, may be lawfully executed.

    5. I authorize the person carrying out these directions to deviate from them in any manner he or she deems appropriate to further the purpose expressed herein. If any provision or provisions of this document shall be held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

The fact that anyone actually listens to this obviously insane person never ceases to amaze me...

or they could just advertise the health benefits of not eating meat.
but i guess that'd be too weird.

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Yeah, wouldn't want to do something that edgy...

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No flock here, pastor tells PETA

    The pastor at Anchorage First Free Methodist Church was mystified. Why was the activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals chastising him?

    No animals are harmed in the church's holiday nativity display. In fact, no animals are used, just people who dress the parts--Mary, Joseph, etc.

    Rev. Jason Armstrong was confused by an e-mail last week from PETA that admonished him for subjecting animals "to cruel treatment and danger" by forcing them into roles in the church's annual manger scene.

    Jackie Vergerio, PETA's captive animals in entertainment specialist, said the confusion started with the church's choice of phrase on its Web site. PETA flagged Free Methodist's display as a "living nativity." To PETA, that means animals.

    "We have some puppet camel things we put out," Armstrong said. "We have a cow hood thing that a person will wear that actually just looks spooky."

    The volunteers stand beneath a bright electric star as Christmas music fills the frosty air.

    "No one's come by protesting or thrown bloodstained fur at us or anything," the pastor said. "We even use a plastic baby."

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Stupid PETA...

Last edited by dogbert; 2006-11-26 5:40 PM.

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Yeah, I read that news article online a day or two ago.

PETA fucked up.

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death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.

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 Originally Posted By: Matt Kennedy
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack:
<strong> Glad to post, K.

I lost my respect for PETA years ago. Frankly, I still wince at the years when I believed everything they said for gospel.

The thing about PETA is while they often make good points -- the means are often screwed. I totally agree that the diary industry, for example, could use a little reform (hence, myself and other pre-vet students at UF are considering joining the dairy industry to make these changes possible). But to go and distribute 'GOT BEER?' advertisments across collge campuses. Sure, that may swing with the college idiots, but those of us that got in for academic reasons can usually see through a shitty compaign like that.

The point is -- whose opinion do you value more? A fanatic group that has been accused of supporting a terrorist group (ALF), or a group of individuals knowledgable and experienced in the field that want the same goals but under different, more logical, means? </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The "Got Beer" ads were just a catchy, attention-grabbing ploy to spread their message about the dairy industry--- like it or not, it often takes a jolt to get your average person's attention. I don't always agree with PETA's methods, but they kind of operate their campaigns with the "any publicity is good publicity" school of thought. Sure, I would rather they tone it down a bit sometimes, but I have to tip my hat to an organization with such noble ultimate goals: raising awareness to the cruel and unnecessary suffering of animals throughout the world. And make no mistake about it--- PETA is and ALWAYS has been non-violent. People have been trying to smear PETA for years by claiming that they have ties to the activities of ALF (Animal Liberation Front), but that is simply not true. And if these lies could be proven you better believe it would happen, because PETA has made a shitload of enemies over the years. But just take a gander at the majority of PETA's enemies in the corporate world AND in the government: self-interested, bottomline cunts only concerned with the almighty buck (or in the case of the politicians, toadying to their big-business lobbyists in order to stay elected) who will never even consider animal welfare reform of ANY kind without a giant fuss being made by informed, concerned citizens/consumers. And when you boil it all down, that's all PETA (and many other animal rights groups througout the world) is: a collection of people concerned about the treatment of animals in this country and abroad.

You tell 'em, Pariah Carey!

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oh, I should've recognized her before. The dead man was her brother.

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