Wow, I had no idea, Sammitch. Sounds like you really got lucky getting out of their. It's great to hear that sometimes "the system" can work, as you exemplify.

I have one question, though, why weren't your siblings taken away by social services, too? Did your (birth)mother clean up her act enough to meet whatever standards they have?

I don't want to sound insensitive, and I certainly wouldn't condemn the occasional drug/alchohol usage, but this angers me. Many of my friends are potheads or alchoholics(a few are pretty heavy drug users), and every time we see an anti-drug commercial on TV they say how stupid the commercials are, and that the high horsed assholes that produce them should go fuck themselves. I can't tell you how many arguments I've gotten into with them over cases like this. I just don't understand how someone can fuck up their own life, but the lives of those they care about. It's a miracle that some(like you) come out of such a situation relatively unscathed.