Well, I guess I'll take the plung and go first....
Real Name: Don't like to use it online in forums and places like that, but since a good portion of you already know it, I wont post it here. Although it is someplace online that I've shared with you guys so if you're good, you can find it.
Age: 30 and counting
Sex: waiting til I get married.... OH you meant.. Last time I checked, woman
Location: IL, past, present, and for seeable future
Marital status/kids: Never married, no kids.
Sports: I play on my church's volleyball league
Profession: Recently switched from admin to web goddess and grapic arts goddess. I've been home for 3 months now and since my last web job fell through, I've had no new jobs. Yet I say I'm a freelancer web designer because ultimatly that's what I am.
College: Columbia College, Chicago fall 91 - fall 92, Triton College fall 93, Wright College spring 94. Took a break and went back in '97 after I moved out of the city. CLC spring 97 - spring 99. Stoped going due to illness, never graduated any college, but I gradutated from high school in 3 years with out summer school.
Interests and hobbies: Just check out my LJ profile. I have 117 interests listed and I've been meaning to add more to it.
Shows: (just going to list current ones here)Alias, 7-th Heaven, Third Watch, L&A SVU, ER, CSI, Smallville, Enterprise, the Peacemakers, and I'll be tuning into NCIS because of David McCallum. For some reason that list seems to be missing a show or 2.
I've recently gotten back into shows I saw as a kid, or shows I was introduced to as a kid, but never got a chance to watch more than an episode or 2 due to finding it late (it was an old show at that point running in reruns). Among them are Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Man From U.N.C.L.E., the A-Team (although that's not on the air anymore). I've also gotten back into writting, although I don't have time to do any now. But what got me back into it is fan fiction. I have one completed story, working on a companion piece to it (both SMK stories), I wrote a part in a MFU round robin, and that's it. Although I'd like to write more MFU fics, but I've only seen a small hand ful of episodes and don't feel I know the charecters and cannon well enough to do so, unless I take them and set them up in my own universe where I wont have to worry about cannon so much.
I've been too busy to do any computer coloring lately, but would like to since I now have Photoshop. I was using Paint Shop Pro for the other ones I did.
I like to travel, but due to lack of money, don't. The closest I've been to leaving the country is when I went to Canada for a weekend with my family in 88. The last vacation I took was back in '91. I'm way over due for one.
anything else you want to know?