Born Jaclyn in Houston, Texas, in 1984
Height: 5'7" Shoe size: 8
Nationalities: Irish, Italian, English, Scottish, German, Cherokee, and French
Education: Brandon High School, now an Animal Science major (pre-vet program) at the great University of Florida. Goal is to become either a veterinarian or a human doctor for the Armed Forces.
Occupation: Work as a nurse at a vet's office.
Sports and Hobbies: Black Belt 1st degree in Tae kwon do, doing weight lifting and may take up Yoga or Pilaties. I also enjoy shooting (I prefer pistols instead of rifles). I also paint, and even cross-stich.
Politically: Independent -- everyone hates me politically. I love it.
Religion: Roman Catholic (half-of the family is also Baptist). Served as an alter server for seven years, was in charge the last two.
Movies: Too many to count.
Gone with the Wind is high on the list, and so it
Sleeping Beauty.
Books: Anything by Richard Adams or Tom Clancy.
TV Shows: Monk, Everybody Loves Raymond, Law and Order, and the Bernic Mac Show
Pets: Sir Percival the fish, Flash the snail, and Dakota the rabbit. I also live with my roommates' pets -- LB and Merlin the cats and Sedi the dog.