Why the hell not, not like you guy don't know this.
Name: Kenya Miali King (Yes...I'm Black!)
Age: 29 year old ovarian cancer survivor, oh yeah!
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 5’9
Location: I'm originally from Louisiana, a true southern gal, but now live in Milwaukee--home of BEER and HARLEY DAVISON! Jealous yet?
Sex: Yes….uh…I mean Female DUH!
Children: Mother of two daughters ages 11 and 15.
Profession: I used to be an AmeriCorps Recruiter, now I’m an Job Resource Specialist for an W-2 agency, which is why I’m seeing three shrink now. I really hate my job.
College: Been going off and on since 92. Started out at NLU (NorthEast Louisiana University), then Jumped to Gambling State University and went to UWM (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) and MATC (Milwaukee Area Tech College.)
Music: I like SOME R & B, but admits to getting really tired of it. Rachelle Ferrell, Will Downing, Luther Vandross, Syleena Johnson and Kelly Price is my peeps! R Kelly? Boooooooooo! I also have an extensive collection of JPop, Anime and Video Game MP3’s. I really crave that stuff and listen to it everywhere I go.
TV: Anime, Anime, Anime! Did I forget to mention Anime? Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Trigun, Robotech, etc, etc, the list goes on and on! I’m a Trekie, Love StarTrek and DS9 has to be my favorite of the Trek franchise. Love Court TV, and shows like The Practice and Law and Order. Getting addicted to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Trading Spaces and While You Were out. Then there’s the All Access series on VH1. And lets not for get Andromeda and Stargate SG-1!
Hobbies: God….what don’t I do? Main things: I write Comic and Anime Erotic Fanfiction. Meaning, what I write is basically romantic and not so romantic—PORN. Playing RPG’s and watching my Anime, Stealing from Kazaa and teasing and torturing my kids unmercifully. I’m trying to learn how to use Photoshop (pain in my ass) to make awesome Winamp Skins. (Another addiction) I love reading romance novels and others fanfiction. I have a 21+ year Comicbook collection, though I don’t collect/buy them as often. (I’m BITTER!!!) Raising hell with the NB when I get the chance! (WhoooHoo!)
Politics: I’m one of those pesky Democrats that can’t wait to get to the polls and vote “Dubya’ out! But while I’m waiting, it’s good fun to watch him fib, stumble, fall and choke on small domesticated animals and pretzels.
Favorite Heroes: My mother. That’s sister is where I learned the most Hardcore of lesions and Starfire-Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran. Now, her history is something I can relate too. Gotta respect someone that has suffered like that and still managed to keep her optimism.