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#241874 2003-08-05 12:13 AM
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cobra kai
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a flat out, honest post.

we all post under lil nicknames here. ... well... except for me, since i'm just not that clever.

but, as honest as you want to be, and as much as you're willing to share... who are you? whats your real name? where do you live? how old are you? are you married? kids? where do you live? where did you live? what is your profession? where did you go to college? what are your interests and hobbies?

(the extended "age/sex" question).

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Well, I guess I'll take the plung and go first....

Real Name: Don't like to use it online in forums and places like that, but since a good portion of you already know it, I wont post it here. Although it is someplace online that I've shared with you guys so if you're good, you can find it. [wink]

Age: 30 and counting

Sex: waiting til I get married.... OH you meant.. Last time I checked, woman

Location: IL, past, present, and for seeable future

Marital status/kids: Never married, no kids.

Sports: I play on my church's volleyball league

Profession: Recently switched from admin to web goddess and grapic arts goddess. I've been home for 3 months now and since my last web job fell through, I've had no new jobs. Yet I say I'm a freelancer web designer because ultimatly that's what I am.

College: Columbia College, Chicago fall 91 - fall 92, Triton College fall 93, Wright College spring 94. Took a break and went back in '97 after I moved out of the city. CLC spring 97 - spring 99. Stoped going due to illness, never graduated any college, but I gradutated from high school in 3 years with out summer school. [biiiig grin]

Interests and hobbies: Just check out my LJ profile. I have 117 interests listed and I've been meaning to add more to it.

Shows: (just going to list current ones here)Alias, 7-th Heaven, Third Watch, L&A SVU, ER, CSI, Smallville, Enterprise, the Peacemakers, and I'll be tuning into NCIS because of David McCallum. For some reason that list seems to be missing a show or 2.

I've recently gotten back into shows I saw as a kid, or shows I was introduced to as a kid, but never got a chance to watch more than an episode or 2 due to finding it late (it was an old show at that point running in reruns). Among them are Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Man From U.N.C.L.E., the A-Team (although that's not on the air anymore). I've also gotten back into writting, although I don't have time to do any now. But what got me back into it is fan fiction. I have one completed story, working on a companion piece to it (both SMK stories), I wrote a part in a MFU round robin, and that's it. Although I'd like to write more MFU fics, but I've only seen a small hand ful of episodes and don't feel I know the charecters and cannon well enough to do so, unless I take them and set them up in my own universe where I wont have to worry about cannon so much.

I've been too busy to do any computer coloring lately, but would like to since I now have Photoshop. I was using Paint Shop Pro for the other ones I did.

I like to travel, but due to lack of money, don't. The closest I've been to leaving the country is when I went to Canada for a weekend with my family in 88. The last vacation I took was back in '91. I'm way over due for one.

anything else you want to know?

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Name: Steve Tudor (No point trying to hide it, it's in my email)

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Marital status: Single (sigh)

Location: Romsey, Hampshire, England.

Profession: Trainging to be a chartered accountant. (My sister wants to be a lawyer, my parent have managed to spawn two demons onto ths earth)

Education: Degree in Mathematics from University of Wales, Swansea. Where men are mena dnsheep are scared!

Sports: Footbal (sigh, soccor that is) and squash. every tuesday with a bloke called Gerald. Well, every monday with a bloke called Phillip. (Red Dwarf refernece, worry ye not if that one's ost on ya).

Interests: Comics,vodka,films, southern Comfort, books,Strongbow, drawing, dancing to just anything with a beat so long as I'm somewhere it doesn't matter that I have no rhythm and two left feet (Ie, drunk in clubs).
Ultimately I'd love to be a professional writer or artist in some field, but don't have the focus. Ah well. I'll stick to the evil world of accountancy, it pays well.

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Name: Ray Adler
Age: 21
Job: Alarm Dispatcher, but looking for something else.
Marital status: single
Sports: no sports, but I like to go running to keep fit.
Tv Shows (that are still on): Angel, Alias, Smallville, Scrubs.

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n'yall righty.

name: rob kamphausen

birthdate: august 24, 1978 (i'm 24)

status: single, male. dating very hot girlfriend. marriage is a looooong ways off.

eyes: blue

hair: brown

location: hoboken, nj (within a mile of the wtc)

aversions: capital letters, spelling.

habbits: i bite my nails way too much. don't smoke. drink (an extreme amount) socially.

profession: computer nerd. web pages and such. flash animations and photoshop rendering.

ideal profession: actor / commedian

why current profession: bills.

tv shows: simpsons, seinfeld, smallville, sopranos. s's.

movies: braveheart, terminator 2, field of dreams

music: none, really. dance?

heroes: batman. hulk hogan. don mattingly. my dad. (not in that order)

athletics: gym as often as possible. all-state in soccer and baseball (not in years).

swear: often

hmm... i'll update this with more later. but thats more or less it.

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I'm a professional basketball player.

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Huh!?!?!? Y-you mean you guys are using alias's!?!?!?! [whaaaa!] I'm going to kill my parents!!!!!!

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My name is Peter J. Pappas.......everybody calls me Pete.

I was born and raised in Morris County, New Jersey the greatest place on Earth.

I own and operate a restaurant with my brother.

I just turned 30 last week. I'm 5-10 1/2

I am of Greek descent.....100%......but All-American. I am the most Patriotic SOB you'll ever meet. I love this country very much always have. And I usually am quick to defend it when need be.

I'm getting married in June 2004 to a feisty Puerto Rican.

I am a moderate Republican who happens to think George W. Bush is a God. I'm moderate because I'm pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, and all for civil unions between gays. I think G.W. is a God because if I was President I would have made the entire Middle East a fucking parking lot by now.....and the tax laws we have right now are a joke......and he seems to agree with me.

I consider myself very religious.....I'm Greek Orthodox.

I will never forget what happened on September 11, 2001.......and I will never forgive the people who did it.

I went to Bryant College (RI), The Culinary Institute of America (Hyde Park NY) and Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison NJ. I studied Business Management, Baking and Pastry Arts, and History and Political Science.

I was in a Fraternity in RI.....I'm a TKE.

I played soccer and hockey my whole life and now can barely watch either sport.......My true loves are Football, Baseball and Basketball.

My favorite movies are: Meet Joe Black(it came out during a rough time and it helped me put things in perspective), Braveheart (I feel like I can conquer the world after that movie), Batman, Tombstone, All Adam Sandler, Tom Hanks, Ford, Patrick Stewart, Deniro, Val Kilmer, Cruise, Pitt, Jim Carrey and Michael Keaton movies......I piss my pants every time I see Multiplicity....and of course the Star Wars franchise. Also all the Godfather movies and really any movie having to do with the Mob.

My favorite shows are.....all things Star Trek, Seinfeld, Cheers, Friends, Simpsons, CSI, Sopranos, all things Batman and shows with women dressed skimpily.

My favorite restaurant is Hooters.

My favorite types of food are Italian, Greek and Chinese.

My interests include Traveling, WWE, Batman, History, NYC, Sports, Reading, Comics and Food.

See You Around The RKMBs !

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Originally posted by Stupid Dogg:
Huh!?!?!? Y-you mean you guys are using alias's!?!?!?! [whaaaa!] I'm going to kill my parents!!!!!!


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Born Jaclyn in Houston, Texas, in 1984

Height: 5'7" Shoe size: 8

Nationalities: Irish, Italian, English, Scottish, German, Cherokee, and French

Education: Brandon High School, now an Animal Science major (pre-vet program) at the great University of Florida. Goal is to become either a veterinarian or a human doctor for the Armed Forces.

Occupation: Work as a nurse at a vet's office.

Sports and Hobbies: Black Belt 1st degree in Tae kwon do, doing weight lifting and may take up Yoga or Pilaties. I also enjoy shooting (I prefer pistols instead of rifles). I also paint, and even cross-stich. [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

Politically: Independent -- everyone hates me politically. I love it.

Religion: Roman Catholic (half-of the family is also Baptist). Served as an alter server for seven years, was in charge the last two.

Movies: Too many to count. Gone with the Wind is high on the list, and so it Sleeping Beauty.

Books: Anything by Richard Adams or Tom Clancy.

TV Shows: Monk, Everybody Loves Raymond, Law and Order, and the Bernic Mac Show

Pets: Sir Percival the fish, Flash the snail, and Dakota the rabbit. I also live with my roommates' pets -- LB and Merlin the cats and Sedi the dog.

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Ashley, 19, single

I'm a physics major at UCCS.

I live in Colorado.

I just rediscovered my love for the Mad Caddies to and from work today and tried to share that love with my car-neighbors (kidding. i turn it down at intersections. i'm not a complete ass)

I'm Jewish by blood, Roman Catholic by birth, and nothing by choice.

I draw lots of pictures, albeit not well.

Honestly, I'm pretty fucking boring. But I can hold an interesting conversation and manipulate many a mind.

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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you)
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I'm a photographer. I took this job because I love people. There's nothing I enjoy more than meeting someone like yourself and getting to know you and then taking a few action photos of you while I drive.

Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it is usually something unusual.

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File Name: Jake Lewis Burgess

Base of operations: Long Island, NY

D-O-B: 1/10/77

Profession: Radio Shack, All around neato dude!

Interests include: Comics, Action figure collecting, writing, Film and television production, science fiction, day dreaming.

Favorite shows: Wrestling, Babylon 5, Star Trek TOS, TNG, Enterprise, Animated programs (Batman, Superman TAS, Adult Swim, Robotech/Macross, Transformers, Transformers Beast Wars, ,Samurai Jack.)and Cops.

Favorite movies: Jackie Brown, Hard Boiled, The Killer, A Better Tomorrow 1 & 2, Scarface, Casino, Memento, The Usual Suspects, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Cable Guy, Zoolander, Fight Club, Death To Smootchy, Forbidden Planet.

Favorite music: none, I like a few bands from different genres. I would still rather listen to news, talk radio, or comedy.

Just about everything that can be said about me I wrote here in my first RKMB days:

Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53:

As for people. In general I have almost nothing in common any more with general society.

I have become quite the hermet these past four years. After my ordeal with caring for my grandparents which was about 2 years I hardly left the apartment I shared with my friends. EVER.

That was another year separated from the masses.

Then another 4 or five months before I found a job after I moved into my current apartment.

And now it's either work or home.

I try my damdest to avoid groups, crowds and the like.

I just don't relate to people.

This and the DCMB are the only real link to people I havn't given up on.

I know it's sad.

Speaking of my Grandparents, yesturday was the two year anniversery of the death of my grandmother and the end of my obligation.

The end of the two years when my grandparents both came down with cancer about the same time. My Grandfather Renal cancer which shut down his kidneys and grew tumors the size of golf balls and grapefriuts in his body and put him on dyalisis THREE fucking times a week AND confined him too his bed AND ground his body down to nothing. My grandmother breast and bone cancer .

My Grandmother had a great combination.

Add her breast cancer and bone cancer to devoloping parkinsons disease and a pinced nerve in her neck you get a nice long painful ugly dehumanizing death.

Then they were middle class so guess what? Horrible health care options. YEA!

Too much money to qualify for help paying for a live in nurse to take care of them and not poor but not enough money to be able to pay for live in healthcare themselves without it leaving them destitute.

Enter the 21 year old boy with very little or no help from anyone but his two friends and his girlfriend to save the fucking day.

So I took care of them.

Everything a nurse would do. Except when it came to my grandmothers hygene that I need help.

Their blood, vomit, piss, and shit were all mine to wade knee deep through.

Changing my grandfathers diapers he needed because due to the cancer he could no longer feel when he need to go. Bathing and changing him. Lifting him in and out of the wheelchair . I had to catheterize him.

My grandmother required many, many medications. Including insulin shots for diabitis.

Both had special diets.

Had to be housekeeper and cook.

All on my shoulders. My family decided that since I had stepped up to the plate they could go back about thier own lives as if nothing were happening after all the 21 year old boy was taking care of things.

They looked on any plea for help from me as an inconvienance. So I became inclined to ASK less and less.

Chapter 3: And it all came tumbling down.

Fast forward to three days before the 99 or 2000 survivor series.

The van arrives that brought my grandfather to and from dialysis three times a week. The guy in the van wheels my Grandfather in and he says there is a problem and that he believes my Grandfather had been over dialisysized or whatever. He wanted to know If I wanted him to get an ambulance. Looking at the driver and my Grandfather I knew the real deal.

Call an Ambulance and he gets another month to live or dies in a hospital.

Don't call an Ambulance he dies at home, now.

I chose hope and brought the Ambulance.

Why not? At the time my Grandmother was admitted there recovering from pnumonia.

They even broght her down to the emergancy room on a gurny so she could see him just in case things took a turn for the worst.

I watched from across the room as two people who I loved very, very much and had spent the last 60 + years of thier lives going through thick and thin together hold hands perhaps for the last time.

They finally stabalized my grandfather enough to admit him into the oncology ward just two rooms away from my grandmother where he quietly passed on the next day. Three days before Thanksgiving.

When my Grandmother came home from the hospital things wern't the same. She was very depressed and the house started to feel very empty. Altough the pnumoina was good everything else came back worse probably due to her sadness and loss.

We got along as best we could through february and at the beginning of march my Aunt Linda came to visit Grandma and give me a short but long needed break.

Which brings us to 11:30 ish Pm March 7th.

I had just come home from bowling I hadn't been out in weeks. Walking through the house I walk by the Bathroom and see the door partly open and my Grandmother in there struggling with her clothing and her breath.

Thank God my girlfriend and future fiancee was staying there that night. My grandmother hadn't made it to the bathroom in time because of the fact she could hardly breath. My Aunt Linda asleep grandma sruggled into the bathroom by herself.

My girlfriend was kind enough to give her a good bath and get her back to bed comfotably. Also seemingly able to breath much better.

The next morning her breathing problrm started up again so we rushed her to the emergancy room where she was rushed in and hooked up to monitors and oxygen. My parents arrived to the emergancy room from thier jobs and we all took turns visiting grandma in the emergancy ward where only two of us were allowed at a time.

Or so we thought. I'll get back to that.

During one of my shifts in the ward I notice that the numbers on the monitor hooked up to my grandmother dropping stedily and surely.

So I ask a nurse.

I asked " Are those numbers supposed to be dropping like that?"

"Didn't anyone tell you?" She said " She's dying. This is it"

See the nurse had told Aunt Linda that and said we all could wait in there with my grandmother but it failed to sink in with Aunt Linda and therefore Aunt Linda never told us what the skinny was.

In less than a minute after the nurse told me that my grandmother was dead.

I got a front row seat.

I tell you these things not to pat myself on the back mainly because I don't even think I deserve it.

Many people who loved my grandparents and knew what was going on all said I did a saintfull selfless act. I keep getting told I did a wonderful job but I still feel like shit.

I was 21 -23 years old in the prime of my life feeling young, powerfull and almost damn near immortal but I compare it to Superman the movie what Clark says in the seen after Jonathen Kent dies " I can do all these things, But I couldn't save them" was all I thought.

I keep thinking of how it was something everyone would do nothing special and realized I was wrong.

It has taken me a long time to recover. A long time but fuck, now everyday bullshit is nothing to me. All the little shit that we think is just such a horrible burden on our lives just ain't shit. Alll that matters is is that I am alive. Here today and able to enjoy it. Everything else is butter.

PS:The day my grandfather died was also the day of the Survior Series and the day before I got the results of the AIDS test I took.

The test came out negative of course.

I still remain slightly haunted. Sometimes I get flashes reminding me off blood, vomit and catheters but life goes on.

Why I choose to lay this all out here I don't know. I seem to post this shit somewhere once a year about this time.

Forgive my spelling and thank you for reading.

I've gotten better since then with going out. Being in comission sales you have to be able to talk to people and help them out so if you don't talk you don't sell.

If you don't sell you can't buy comics.

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During that time I became a born again fanboy. It saved my sanity. I really think I'm hooked on the fuckers till I'm dead.

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Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53:
During that time I became a born again fanboy. It saved my sanity. I really think I'm hooked on the fuckers till I'm dead.

Me too buddy too. And Jake if you ever need to talk.....just give me a shout. Oh and I'm drunk.

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Queen of Bitching and Moaning
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Why the hell not, not like you guy don't know this.

Name: Kenya Miali King (Yes...I'm Black!)

Age: 29 year old ovarian cancer survivor, oh yeah!

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Black

Height: 5’9

Location: I'm originally from Louisiana, a true southern gal, but now live in Milwaukee--home of BEER and HARLEY DAVISON! Jealous yet?

Sex: Yes….uh…I mean Female DUH!

Children: Mother of two daughters ages 11 and 15.

Profession: I used to be an AmeriCorps Recruiter, now I’m an Job Resource Specialist for an W-2 agency, which is why I’m seeing three shrink now. I really hate my job.

College: Been going off and on since 92. Started out at NLU (NorthEast Louisiana University), then Jumped to Gambling State University and went to UWM (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) and MATC (Milwaukee Area Tech College.)

Music: I like SOME R & B, but admits to getting really tired of it. Rachelle Ferrell, Will Downing, Luther Vandross, Syleena Johnson and Kelly Price is my peeps! R Kelly? Boooooooooo! I also have an extensive collection of JPop, Anime and Video Game MP3’s. I really crave that stuff and listen to it everywhere I go.

TV: Anime, Anime, Anime! Did I forget to mention Anime? Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Trigun, Robotech, etc, etc, the list goes on and on! I’m a Trekie, Love StarTrek and DS9 has to be my favorite of the Trek franchise. Love Court TV, and shows like The Practice and Law and Order. Getting addicted to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Trading Spaces and While You Were out. Then there’s the All Access series on VH1. And lets not for get Andromeda and Stargate SG-1!

Hobbies: God….what don’t I do? Main things: I write Comic and Anime Erotic Fanfiction. Meaning, what I write is basically romantic and not so romantic—PORN. Playing RPG’s and watching my Anime, Stealing from Kazaa and teasing and torturing my kids unmercifully. I’m trying to learn how to use Photoshop (pain in my ass) to make awesome Winamp Skins. (Another addiction) I love reading romance novels and others fanfiction. I have a 21+ year Comicbook collection, though I don’t collect/buy them as often. (I’m BITTER!!!) Raising hell with the NB when I get the chance! (WhoooHoo!)

Politics: I’m one of those pesky Democrats that can’t wait to get to the polls and vote “Dubya’ out! But while I’m waiting, it’s good fun to watch him fib, stumble, fall and choke on small domesticated animals and pretzels.

Favorite Heroes: My mother. That’s sister is where I learned the most Hardcore of lesions and Starfire-Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran. Now, her history is something I can relate too. Gotta respect someone that has suffered like that and still managed to keep her optimism.

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I was thinkin' about making a new ID with my real name anyways, so why the heck not...

Name Jason E Perkins

What does the 'E' stand for?: Ya momma.

Sex: I'll take one of those, and two of them.

Age: 10/29/yadda yadda yadda

Race: Black (chocolate complected). African-American if you're afraid you'll offend me or somethin'.

Height: 5'10 1/2. Rec'nize the 1/2, bizatch!

Job: Aspiring writer.

Hobbies: Computers and writing (see above), track, weight lifting, movies, and comic books. No competitive sports, but I have a brown belt in karate.

Movies: That's a really big bucket. Princess Mononoke, Fight Club, Spirited Away, Malcolm X, Schindler's List, Casino (great one, Jaburg), Citizen Kane, Matrix 1&2, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Full Metal Jacket, etc, etc, etc. I'm all over the place.


Comic Books: Oh, those! Too many to list, f' shizzle. If I had to choose my fave heroes, though, I'd pick Marvel's Spider-Man, and DC's Captain Marvel.

Religion: Born and raised Catholic, but I'm currently playing the field...

Relationships: I used to be such a good boy, but now I'm one of them.

Children: Hells nah, playa!

TV: We've got a love/hate relationship. It destroyed my The Mole and let my Star Trek TNG slip away. I'll admit, though, to Saturday morning cartoons (I'm a big baby, I know) and The Simpsons every now and then.

Music: Every genre but country. No country in my CD deck, no siree. I've got this special place in my heart for hip-hop. It's just below the second ventricle.

Politics: If you've ever read any of my posts, you'd probably think me a Democrat. Truth is I'm an independent. I just happen to despise Bush with the fire of a thousand noontime Suns.

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Frustrated! . . . with kids!
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Name: Bianca C Gallegly

Parental Units: Teruko & Walter (1950-1990)

Heritage: 1/2 Japanese & Irish-English-German

Current Residence: Clarkston, MI - USA

Previous Cities of Residence: Pontiac, MI & Waterford, MI

D.O.B.: October 23, 1972

Hair: Dark Brown w/summer highlights

Eyes: Dark Brown

Height: 5'4½"

Corrective Lenses: Yes, black wire frame glasses but mostly contact lenses.

Marital Status: Single

Children: None, but my S.O. has two boys (10 & almost 8).

Pofession: Automotive Marketing Research - I keep track of all the info that comes in from "the field" and then hound everyone from the CEO to Field Operator when I don't have my information in on time (and I keep on them until they give me my data). In other words - I'm an enforcer at work. [biiiig grin]

College Education: Oakland University (Rochester, MI) -- 1999 -- Bachelor's of Science Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on Marketing.

Interests & Hobbies: Music, Movies, Travel, Sex, Tennis, watching Professional Sports (hockey, football & basketball), Comics, and a variety of other things. [wink]

TV Shows: * = Must See TV Shows
* Alias
* Angel
Boston Public
* Justice League
* Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
* Smallville
* Stargate: SG-1

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A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


Life insurance pays of triple if you die on a buiness trip.

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Name: Ian

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Height: 5'10

Birthplace: Dallas, TX

Religion: None

Occupation: Student, aspiring writer

Interests: Comics, movies, books, writing, sports, fictional reality

Hobbies: Avid movie watcher and comic fan, complete and utter sports nut, writer

Favorite movies: Far too many to list here, if I had to choose any one, 'twould probably be Unbreakable.

Favorite bands: Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Megadeth, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, Beastie Boys, Ben Folds Five, Toadies, Doosu, Crystal Method

Favorite writers: Kurt Vonnegut, Alan Moore, William Gibson, Phillip K. Dick, Grant Morrison, Lawrence Yep, Richard Wright

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If you don't have my money for me, I'll crack your fucking head in front of everyone in the bank. And just about the time I get out of jail, hopefully, you'll be coming out of your coma. But guess what? I'll crack your fucking head again! 'Cause I'm fucking stupid! I don't give a fuck about jail!


That's my business. That's what I do.

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Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53:
A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


Life insurance pays of triple if you die on a buiness trip.

Ultimate Jaburg is my hero.

I just had a dream about the only girl I've ever really loved,havent seen her in a few years so I'm not sure where the dream came from. Long story short I'm wide awake at 4 AM.

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I'm a bartender.

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I have a reoccuring dream about corpses. It's gross and disturbing.

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Doog the MIGHTY
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I had this really fucked up dream where my ex-fiance wanted to get back with me. So we met at a college and there was a riot, so we went and talked by the gym, but then I saw everyone fall down and get back up. Then I saw a plane drop a bomb on the school so I grabbed my ex and threw her into one locker and myself into another one. And then everyone got fire bombed, but it turned out the fire bomb was a supernatural Phoenix entity, and since part of its flame touched my ex, myself, and some total asshole (don't know where he came from, but I know its the jerk guy from Final Destination) without killing us, we absorbed some of its abilities.

So we could fly now, but I sucked at it. Anyways the Phoenix begins to hunt us all down, first the asshole, then me and my ex.It kills the asshole, but it doesn't kill my ex or I. But it touches us and reabsorbs its power, but it still wants to kill us.

So it goes after us and kills other people, but since we hide in lockers it doesn't kill us. So it keeps hunting us and killing innocent people until we figure out the only way it will stop is if we're dead so we kill ourselves to save other people.

Then my body floats out and I see all the other people that the Phoenix killed with no pants on and vericose vein asses and one of the dead guys asks for $10 for the coroner and the dream ends.

On a side note, I believe this post will be the thread killer.

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No Rob doesn't delete threads.....Krissy does......and he has no power in this forum.

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I'm MXY!

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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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I'm the God of Hellfire.

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Ah, PJP is a TKE...we got them around my campus.

Name: Jeremy Kossak

Age: 23. 24 in January, damn time is flying.

Sex: Male and currently single [DOH!]

Location: Chicagoland, Illinios.

Occupation: Studying to be a Math Teacher with a minor in Psych. Currently packing to go back to school.

Interests: Anything that's fun. I go to bars, I drink, I make with the social and have a great time doing so. I like movies though I don't have much of a collection ($$$), my money goes to my other interest: Comics. I watch TV for the news, cartoons, Smallville, and if anything else decent is on, otherwise it stays off. I tried to get outside more this failed. I'm also trying to expand my music collection. My all time favs are Bob Seger and Bruce Springsteen (saw him live!).

If you were a fruit what would you be? A banana, or an orange. [eh?] [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

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I didn't know you were local Sacman. Where do you go to school?

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Real Name: Stephen E. Foxworthy (no relation to the redneck comedian of the same name - that I know of...)
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 7/18/83 (I just turned 20)
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
Current Residence: Bourbonnais, IL
Nationality: Caucasian (got a bit of Scottish, Irish, English, and Cherokee blood flowin' through them veins)
Marital Status: Single with prospects ( [cool] )
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 259 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond(e)
Occupation: For two more days, I'll be working as a cashier at a local Borders bookstore. Then, once I head back to school, I'll be a student as well as an actor at a murder mystery dinner theater.
Education: Next Wednesday marks the beginning of my junior year at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, IL where I am a philosophy/religion major with minors in both theatre and Greek. I've considered going to graduate school or seminary after earning my B.A., but haven't decided where or if I'll go.
Hobbies: Comics, writing (here and there), philosophy, theology, and acting.
Religion: I'm a Christian, having been raised in the Protestant faith under the denomination of the Church of the Nazarene.
Politics: I'm a moderate conservative with controversial ideas about economics (that is to say, I hate capitalism. Now, that's not to say that I'm either a socialist or a communist, but I think there must be a better way of doing things. Personally, I don't know why anyone would've wanted to get rid of the barter system, truth be told...).
Relationships: Only relationship I've ever really had last two months and has been over for more than a year. I figure I'm gonna be single for a while, anyway. I mean, you gotta stick with what you're good at!
Favorite Films: I have way too many to keep track. Right now, I'd have to say either Chicago or Pirates of the Caribbean.
Favorite Books: Once again, there are many. However, personal favorites include Robert Lewis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity, and Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities.
Favorite Comics: At present, I'm much more into the writings of Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore, while also picking up the occasional Warren Ellis or Grant Morrison. I just finished Sandman: Season of Mists and thought it was very well done. Some excellent work, indeed.
Favorite Sports: Not really an athletic kinda guy. I'm more into the arts than I am into sports. I like watching the Super Bowl, though... only I like it because of the commercials... [gulp!]
Favorite TV Shows: I've not really made it a point to watch TV since NBC cancelled The Pretender, but every now and again, I'll catch some episodes of one of the three Law & Order series, all of which I greatly enjoy.
Favorite Music: I'm what you'd call "ecclectic". I like a little bit of everything. My MP3 list has a variety of styles ranging from rap to country to rock to latin to disco to oldies to polka to techno, et cetera, et cetera... ad infinitum.
Favorite Foods/Restaurants: I am a lover of almost all cuisines, but I have always been partial to Mexican or seafood. That having been said, my favorite restaurants are Carabba's (a great Italian place), Red Lobster, and the Greek Islands (a Greek restaurant, natch), with the occasional visit to a Mexican place called La Hacienda.

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Last edited by First Amongst Daves; 2013-10-12 4:01 PM. Reason: Identity theft risk mitigation
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PS - I'm the one on the left in the photo.

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Hey Chewy, I have a friend that went to olivet for a couple years, I think. One day when both of us had a day off, after she left there (if I remember correctly), we went down there to hang out. heh

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Originally posted by Dave:
PS - I'm the one on the left in the photo.

heh I thought you were the one on the right. [wink]

btw, she's a cutie. :)

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He tastes of America
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He tastes of America
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Name: Terrance Kennedy the 69th (yeah, that's it...)

Gender: Male

Birthdate: June 25, 1982

Current Residence: Palo Alto, CA

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: African-American/Other

Marital Status: Single

Height: 6'

Weight: 200lbs.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black/Brown/Red

Occupation: Full-time Student

Education: Undergraduate, Stanford U.

Hobbies: Comics, Film, Music, Photography, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Martial Arts, Writing, Literature, Mythology, Astrology, Science & Technology, Theatre, Wrestling, Cursing, Making New Words, Making New Friends (awwwwww...), and the Ladies.

Languages: English, Ebonics, Spanish, Latin and Pig Latin, and Beginning Chinese and Japanese.

Religion: Born Christian, raised by a Catholic and Baptist. Now mostly Buddhist. Ain't that a trip?

Politics: Blah.

Relationships: You kiddin' me? I don't have the time to establish a lasting relationship with some girl Besides, I live in the richest area of all of America. No one would date my poor ass!

Favorite Films: The Blues Brothers, Fight Club, The Adv. of Baron Munchausen, ESB, LotR trilogy, Conan the Barbarian, Back to the Future, Akira, just to name a few.

Favorite Books: LotR, Dune series, Hyperion, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, The Sun Also Rises, Fight Club, St. Augustine Confessions, The Odyssey, The Illiad; there's more.

Favorite Comics: Powers, Savage Dragon, Babyhead, Private Beach, Ultimates, Ultimate SpiderMan, 90's Spectre, Sandman, 300, Watchmen, Batman: Year One, Tom Strong, Tom Strong's Terrific Tales, Akira, Way of the Rat.

Favorite Sports: Basketball, Football, Martial Arts, Swimming, Hide the Cheese, Find the Hoo Hoo.

Favorite Music: Rock, Metal, Blues, Jazz, Hip Hop, Old-School Punk, Porno soundtracks.

Favorite Foods: Italian, Mexican, Jamaican, Hawaiian, American.

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Originally posted by Batwoman:
Originally posted by Dave:
PS - I'm the one on the left in the photo.

heh I thought you were the one on the right. [wink]

btw, she's a cutie. :)

Thanks Amy. :)

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