Ah, PJP is a TKE...we got them around my campus.

Name: Jeremy Kossak

Age: 23. 24 in January, damn time is flying.

Sex: Male and currently single [DOH!]

Location: Chicagoland, Illinios.

Occupation: Studying to be a Math Teacher with a minor in Psych. Currently packing to go back to school.

Interests: Anything that's fun. I go to bars, I drink, I make with the social and have a great time doing so. I like movies though I don't have much of a collection ($$$), my money goes to my other interest: Comics. I watch TV for the news, cartoons, Smallville, and if anything else decent is on, otherwise it stays off. I tried to get outside more this summer...it failed. I'm also trying to expand my music collection. My all time favs are Bob Seger and Bruce Springsteen (saw him live!).

If you were a fruit what would you be? A banana, or an orange. [eh?] [um....  uh huh! ...  ]