
Real Name: Stephen E. Foxworthy (no relation to the redneck comedian of the same name - that I know of...)
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 7/18/83 (I just turned 20)
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
Current Residence: Bourbonnais, IL
Nationality: Caucasian (got a bit of Scottish, Irish, English, and Cherokee blood flowin' through them veins)
Marital Status: Single with prospects ( [cool] )
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 259 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond(e)
Occupation: For two more days, I'll be working as a cashier at a local Borders bookstore. Then, once I head back to school, I'll be a student as well as an actor at a murder mystery dinner theater.
Education: Next Wednesday marks the beginning of my junior year at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, IL where I am a philosophy/religion major with minors in both theatre and Greek. I've considered going to graduate school or seminary after earning my B.A., but haven't decided where or if I'll go.
Hobbies: Comics, writing (here and there), philosophy, theology, and acting.
Religion: I'm a Christian, having been raised in the Protestant faith under the denomination of the Church of the Nazarene.
Politics: I'm a moderate conservative with controversial ideas about economics (that is to say, I hate capitalism. Now, that's not to say that I'm either a socialist or a communist, but I think there must be a better way of doing things. Personally, I don't know why anyone would've wanted to get rid of the barter system, truth be told...).
Relationships: Only relationship I've ever really had last two months and has been over for more than a year. I figure I'm gonna be single for a while, anyway. I mean, you gotta stick with what you're good at!
Favorite Films: I have way too many to keep track. Right now, I'd have to say either Chicago or Pirates of the Caribbean.
Favorite Books: Once again, there are many. However, personal favorites include Robert Lewis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity, and Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities.
Favorite Comics: At present, I'm much more into the writings of Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore, while also picking up the occasional Warren Ellis or Grant Morrison. I just finished Sandman: Season of Mists and thought it was very well done. Some excellent work, indeed.
Favorite Sports: Not really an athletic kinda guy. I'm more into the arts than I am into sports. I like watching the Super Bowl, though... only I like it because of the commercials... [gulp!]
Favorite TV Shows: I've not really made it a point to watch TV since NBC cancelled The Pretender, but every now and again, I'll catch some episodes of one of the three Law & Order series, all of which I greatly enjoy.
Favorite Music: I'm what you'd call "ecclectic". I like a little bit of everything. My MP3 list has a variety of styles ranging from rap to country to rock to latin to disco to oldies to polka to techno, et cetera, et cetera... ad infinitum.
Favorite Foods/Restaurants: I am a lover of almost all cuisines, but I have always been partial to Mexican or seafood. That having been said, my favorite restaurants are Carabba's (a great Italian place), Red Lobster, and the Greek Islands (a Greek restaurant, natch), with the occasional visit to a Mexican place called La Hacienda.