Real Name: Kimberly Marie Elkins Gender: Female Birthdate: 12/18/73 Age: 29 Hometown: Chicago, IL (Marquette Park to be exact) Current Residence: La Grange, IL Nationality: English, Irish, Scottish, Lithuanian, German, maybe some Native American Marital Status: Single, no kids (want kids eventually) Height: 5'5" Weight: I'll tell you when I hit goal weight. I am down 54 lbs since April after gastric bypass surgery Eye Color: Blue/Gray Hair Color: now auburn with highlights, naturally dark brown/black Occupation: Registered Nurse/Case manager in mental health for the VA system Education: BA from Lake Forest College in biology and psychology, ADN from Moraine Valley Community College Religion: Raised Roman Catholic, now non-practicing, but consider myself Christian and spiritual Politics: Lean more to the republican side Favorite things: anything purple, Eeyore and Wonder Woman Tattoos: Eeyore tattoo on Left shoulder blade Peircings: 6 earrings in left ear, 3 in right Favorite TV Show: Alais Favorite Music: Country, top 40, but will listen to almost anything Pets: 2 cats, Splotch and Hazel, 3 goldfishQUOTE]