Nationality: Well, I´m a human, if you want details, I´m 100% Danish, it´s true, all my relatives and ancestors are all Danish!
Relationships: friends; a lot, Girlfriend, no! (I'm fucking pathetic!)
Work: I work for Velux, which is the leading company in the world when it comes to skylight windows (I know you'll say that you have some companies over there that are pretty good, but too bad, because most likely, Velux owns these companies, or they are fierce competitors) and a member of the Danish International Brigade (military strike/defense force)
Interests: Computers, reading/writing, films, comics, friends and women!
favourite film: Right now that's gotta be either of the following, Shawshank Redemption, X2 or Sin City
Favourite Show: FARSCAPE, Futurama and Justice League Unlimited
Favourite book: Terry Goodkind´s Wizard´s First Rule and Faith of the Fallen plus Raymond E. Feist´s Talon of the Silver hawk
Favourite comic: The Ultimates, Superman/Batman, Kingdom Come and Here is your life Scrooge Mcduck
Favourite food: if it tastes good, it´s my favourite
Greatest Strength: hmmmm? (but I am very optimistic)
Greatest Weakness: seriously, when it comes to women, I´m shy, very shy, so shy that it borders the unnatural!!
It´s true and it´s sad!
(I'm still almost as shy, but I'm working on it)
Favourite quote: No guts, no glory......a little contradictive with my weakness, I know!!!