Real Name: Brian Thomas Haughwout
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 2/10/80
Age: 23
Hometown: Cherry Hill, NJ
Current Residence: Cherry Hill, NJ
Nationality: Irish-American with Dutch & Slavic
Marital Status: Chronically Single -- 98.9% purity scores don't happy to guys who score with the ladies...
Height: 5'-11 1/2"
Weight: 240 lbs
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Hair Color: Auburn, with goatee action!
Occupation: Student
Education: returning student: Fine Arts/Illustration, Anthropology minor (Rowan University -- former Archaeology/Celtic Studies double at UC Berkeley)
Religion: practicing Roman Catholic
Politics: Desperately Republican
Favorite Movies: Transformers The Movie, Lord of the Rings
Favorite TV Shows: Cartoons & cable news
Favorite Music: Hair metal and classic rock
Favorite Food: Meat -- vegetables are for sissies
Personal Heroes: Optimus Prime, Ronald Reagan
Hobbies: Illustration, history, sleep, roleplaying
Pets: 13-year old terrier mutt, Charlie-Girl