name: None of your fucking Business. Spread it around too much diring the early days on the 'net. Besides, it has always been my opinion that you're not talking to the "real" me unless you're face to face with me (or on a telephone), so you don't need to know my real name and use it in an argument. Here, you're dealing with "First National Bastard", not who I am in real life. Get it?
birthdate: July 27, 1983. (Do your own fucking math)
status: single, straight male. recovering misogynist.
eyes: Hazel?
hair: long, brown with grey streaks... sometimes a beard, sometimes just a goatee and rediculous set of 70s sideburns.
location: Central Virginia. Halfway between DC and Richmond, VA
Race: White boy with ink injected into skin at certian places... with some irish, some indian, and some black back in the generations.
habits: chain smoker. Alcoholic who don't drink anymore. Hit on any female that moves.
profession: Paid bitch. Poorly paid bitch.
ideal profession: radio... or mortician.
why current profession: bills.
Tattoos: 7 and an arm. In order... Rose w/tribal (right forearm) Snake wrapped around skull and crossbones (right forearm), Black and Red Superman symbol (right ankle) Spider (left side of neck) Green Lantern symbol (Silver age... between shoulderblades) Ankh (right side of neck) Great seal of the Klingon Empire (left ankle) Grim Reaper, surrounded by flames, with a tombstone to the side reading "Not Dead Yet" that has a hand thrusting it's way up through the ground... (Left Atm, from wrist to elbow)
Religion... N/A
Politics: Liberal w/conservative leanings.
tv shows: Family Guy, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Anything on TV Land, MASH, Monkees, Titus
movies: Cannibal: The Musical, Back to the Future trilogy, Citizen Kane, Godfather 1 and 2,
music: Country from 1927-1990, Rock from 1954-1994, 60s and 70s Soul/Funk, Late 80s-Early 90s rap, some classical, the Melvins.
Oh, and by the way... I'm a comic geek, am hopelessly and unashamedly a NASCAR Freak, and have worn no shoes but Converse Chuck Taylors since 1997.