quote:Originally posted by Batwoman: ]How true is that. And to think, I tuned in on Superbowl Sunday season 1 because there was nothing else on, and by the end of the next week's episode, I was like a drug addict in need of a fix. You should have seen me scour the web looking for everything I could on the episodes I missed. I finally got caught up by the end of that season though.
I live really close to Bristol, but still in IL. In fact, I was just there last month. :)
I live in IL part of the time, and WI the other part. I got hooked to Alias the second season premiere. The season finale happened right during finales week, and aired during quiet hours in the dorm. The housefellow had to tell us to all shut up, because the 5 of us watching it were screaming at the TV "That's not true!! That's impossible!!" sounding suspiciously like Luke Skywalker in whine mode. And once I know someone else watches it, this look tends to pass over my face, and I ask "Have you SEEN the finale?" I freely admit to being a fangirl, but with that I have become rather obbsessive.