Hmmm...I'll use Rex's little template here:

Name: Klinton

Sex: Male

Age: 27 (January 9, 1978...which makes me a Capricorn, born in the year of the snake).

Race: Dutch/Polish mix

Height: six foot even

Hometown: I was born in Calgary. I've lived all over Alberta (in Letbridge, Raymond and then Calgary again). I moved to Montreal a few years ago, and have been here ever since.

Job: I'm a full time student, and I work in a call center.

Movies: I think my favorites are cheesy 60's and 70's comedies.

Books: I read a pretty much everything. From physics texts to pulp fiction, I've always got a book on the go.

Comic Books: Just Catwoman and Wonder Woman (both of which I rarely read anymore...I just bag and file them for the collection).

Religion: I'm a Christian, no particular denomination (as many of you know, I have a huge issue with organized religions).

Relationships: I'm living with my boyfriend of several years. You couldn't ask for a better mate, seriously. I'm probably the luckiest guy on the planet.

Children: I want to adopt, preferably a daughter. That's not for a few years though (once we are both finished school, and settled).

TV: I really don't watch tv so much...But I've been buying the Alias DVDs, which I'm enjoying. I sometimes catch CSI (I just found out about this show a couple weeks back).

Music: Anything really. When I go to but on music though, it's usually classical or ambient. I really miss trance music...I'm fucking sick of house music in every club.

Politics: I guess I'm severely liberal, with heavy socialist leanings.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!