A lot of people in many countries view Americans as ignorant warmongerers. I've seen this time and time again, no matter where I've been - Australia, Europea, China, Japan.

I received Michael Moore's Dude Where's My Country? for Christmas, and he seemed to join the America-bashing club: I thought he was being very unfair in the beginning for treating Americans as dumb xenophobes the majority of whom couldn't say where Great Britain was on a world map.

Moore comes back at the end though, and sets out some interesting stats on Americans:

57% of Americans think that abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

86% of the American public "agree with the goals of the Civil Rights movement".

83% of Americans say they are in agreement with the goals of the environmental movement.

94% of Americans want safety regulations on hand gun ownership.

8 in 10 Americans believe in universal health care.

62% want to send less non-violent crims to gaol

85% of Americans support equal opportunity rights in the workplace for gays and lesbians

58% of Americans thought unions were a good thing.(Even I think they're a necessary counterbalance.)

Moore obtains his stats from objective sources.

I find this quite a relief. You see, like Arabs and Muslims, I think a lot of press coverage of Americans is very biased, and displays the worst traits of the extremists amongst them.

Americans aren't a bunch of redneck, faggot hating, Christian fundie, ignorant cowboy fuckwads, and I think more people in other countries should realise this.

I can't tell you

Pimping my site, again.
