Quote: This American will be sending your Christmas present around Monday.... <img src="/~robkam2/images/graemlins/default/smirk.gif" alt="" />
And this Australian will be sending you yours on Monday too.
This post pretty much sums up my point of view on a variety of boards where Amerca-bashing is the norm - over at Lonely Planet, the Newsweek board, Icered (when it was around) and others.
I think its very unfair, and driven by the current overwhelming political climate outside your country (I have never seen so much anti-American / anti-war graphitti ever as when I returned here). As I said, it paints a wrong picture of extremism, based upon wrong facts.
As for Michael Moore.... I think he is quite funny, in the same way PJ O'Rouke is funny - they both have obvious agendas, but you can separate the politics from it and still find it satirically amusing. I think Moore has it dead wrong when talking about the evil of capitalism, and he borders on advocating a controlled economy. Otherwise, its funny.