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#244055 2003-12-27 12:28 AM
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A lot of people in many countries view Americans as ignorant warmongerers. I've seen this time and time again, no matter where I've been - Australia, Europea, China, Japan.

I received Michael Moore's Dude Where's My Country? for Christmas, and he seemed to join the America-bashing club: I thought he was being very unfair in the beginning for treating Americans as dumb xenophobes the majority of whom couldn't say where Great Britain was on a world map.

Moore comes back at the end though, and sets out some interesting stats on Americans:

57% of Americans think that abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

86% of the American public "agree with the goals of the Civil Rights movement".

83% of Americans say they are in agreement with the goals of the environmental movement.

94% of Americans want safety regulations on hand gun ownership.

8 in 10 Americans believe in universal health care.

62% want to send less non-violent crims to gaol

85% of Americans support equal opportunity rights in the workplace for gays and lesbians

58% of Americans thought unions were a good thing.(Even I think they're a necessary counterbalance.)

Moore obtains his stats from objective sources.

I find this quite a relief. You see, like Arabs and Muslims, I think a lot of press coverage of Americans is very biased, and displays the worst traits of the extremists amongst them.

Americans aren't a bunch of redneck, faggot hating, Christian fundie, ignorant cowboy fuckwads, and I think more people in other countries should realise this.

I can't tell you

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Gee, thanks.

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Yeah....what Jaburg said......uhhh Thanks.

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some of us are ignorant fuckwads. and we do got a shitload of redneck christian fundies. Some cowboys too I think.

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Yep. I think the inference was that America is a "liberal" nation. Despite the attempts to turn the word into some slur and people who hold these beleifs as some lunatic fringe.

I'm just amazed that this thread hasn't degenerated into a Moore-bash fest as of yet.

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Likes: 2 need to bash Moore everytime he speaks he does it for himself....

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This American will be sending your Christmas present around Monday....

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This American will be sending your Christmas present around Monday.... <img src="/~robkam2/images/graemlins/default/smirk.gif" alt="" />

And this Australian will be sending you yours on Monday too.

This post pretty much sums up my point of view on a variety of boards where Amerca-bashing is the norm - over at Lonely Planet, the Newsweek board, Icered (when it was around) and others.

I think its very unfair, and driven by the current overwhelming political climate outside your country (I have never seen so much anti-American / anti-war graphitti ever as when I returned here). As I said, it paints a wrong picture of extremism, based upon wrong facts.

As for Michael Moore.... I think he is quite funny, in the same way PJ O'Rouke is funny - they both have obvious agendas, but you can separate the politics from it and still find it satirically amusing. I think Moore has it dead wrong when talking about the evil of capitalism, and he borders on advocating a controlled economy. Otherwise, its funny.

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I find this quite a relief. You see, like Arabs and Muslims, I think a lot of press coverage of Americans is very biased, and displays the worst traits of the extremists amongst them.

Americans aren't a bunch of redneck, faggot hating, Christian fundie, ignorant cowboy fuckwads, and I think more people in other countries should realise this.

stereotypes are stereotypes.

americans have the john wayne look and feel applied. frenchmen are snobby and cowardly gigglers. the japanese are staunchily suicidal with an inferiority complex. aussies hunt crocidles with their pocket knives. the irish are drunk, the british strain tea through busted teeth. etc, etc.

bring those up to any respective countrymen, and they'll quickly debate your morals for attacking their homeland... while slowly agreeing to the conceptions of the other countries. (except you guys, of course...)

people want to apply stereotypes to countries (or people) simply because they can. it makes things quicker and easier, neatly wrapping up any questionable loose ends. and because they naturally focus on only the negative, it helps raise yourself up above the rest.

its a school-grounds pissing contest, and one that wont end anytime soon.


I received Michael Moore's Dude Where's My Country? for Christmas, and he seemed to join the America-bashing club: I thought he was being very unfair in the beginning for treating Americans as dumb xenophobes the majority of whom couldn't say where Great Britain was on a world map.

michael moore is justa guy. i dont understand why people get so worked up about what he does -- he's a political satirist. its his job to make silly comments about people who can do more than he can. he's not out to sabbotage the bush administration any more than he was out to sabbotage the clinton administration (and he lambasted both). if he targets one more than the other, its simply cuz it gets him more airtime.

despite his "holier than thou" facade, he's agenda-filled like everyone else on the planet. he's very smart and has really well backed resources, plus he's great at bringing home the apparent "everymans" view (at least the ones people want to hear), but... thats it.


Despite the attempts to turn the word into some slur and people who hold these beleifs as some lunatic fringe. I'm just amazed that this thread hasn't degenerated into a Moore-bash fest as of yet.

which normally holds until someone spreads around the bait.

like that.

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ZOD doesn't need approval from some kangaroo lawyer or his bearded wallaby!

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aussies hunt crocidles with their pocket knives

What? That's outrageous! Everyone knows we do it with toothpicks!

Hunt crocodiles, I mean.

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I have nothing against the american people, it's their goverment I'm concerned about

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and the Mad Cows!

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Don't go taking the honour for the MJad Cows. We had the YEARS before you lot !!!

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I have nothing against the american people, it's their goverment I'm concerned about

The government is made up of American People... ZOD is curious! If someone works for the US government they are no longer American people? Hmmmm...?

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I hope that the actions of the US goverment (alot of the things Moore writes about) are not the will of the american majority. Why would you want to bankrupt yourself ?
I don't find that individuals, like politicians, are "people" , no

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and please,please dont think Moore is representitive of most Americans...i gotta believe the majority of us are honest people....

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Moore's no worse than Hannity, Coulter or Limbaugh. Politics aside, Bowling for Columbine is a great documentary.

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JQ said:
Moore's no worse than Hannity, Coulter or Limbaugh. Politics aside, Bowling for Columbine is a great documentary.

I'm eagerly awaiting Farenheit 9/11 myself. Just to see the reaction to whatever "evidence" moore may present such as some of the 9/11 hijackers being alive, the Bin laden/Bush connections, the lawsuit by the 9/11 families and all that other good stuff that most people I talk to know NOTHING about.

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Have any of you even seen the documentary? No? Movies without comic book characters too confusing? Yes?

Seriously, without being too nitpicky with these "lies", can any of you say the documentary is bad? I don't think the lies, or "tricky editing techniques" that Moore uses subtracts from the message of the film.

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whomod said:
all that other good stuff that most people I talk to know NOTHING about.

Maybe nobody else knows them because, like a lot of Moore's "facts," they are half-truths and fabrications?

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You mean to tell me that all the purported 9/11 hijackers died on 9/11?

You mean to tell me that the families of the 9/11 victims aern't suing and being opposed by the Bush Administration??

Man! Anything that doesn't fit what you want to be true gets shelved under "falsehoods" I suppose.

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You think some of the hijackers survived the crash?

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britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
You think some of the hijackers survived the crash?

Some of the so-called hijackers (or accused hijackers) have been proven to still be alive. In one guys case, he died before 9/11/01!

Need links?

Just type" 9/11 hijackers still alive" into any search engine.

But is it so unreasonable to think a hijacker might have lived thru the crash? I think so. Then why isn't it also unreasonable to think that Atta's passport survived the carnage and was conveniently found intact a few blocks away from the WTC site!

Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-08 6:14 AM.
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are there any real news sources basides conspiracy theorists sites?

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britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
are there any real news sources basides conspiracy theorists sites?

Those sites I posted, I beleive have all the links to the BBC and ABC etc. etc.

as so..

Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-08 6:24 AM.
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ok i remember seeing the one guys story on MSNBC, so whats moores take bwecause some of the identities were confused there is a coverup?

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britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
ok i remember seeing the one guys story on MSNBC, so whats moores take bwecause some of the identities were confused there is a coverup?

Well, that's the question. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Still, i at least expect him to recap some of the points he covered in his latest book, Dude, where's my Country.

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The sad part is after the lying he did in the columbine pic he's prewtty much lost all credibility so even if he were to uncover something itd be blown off......

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A few years ago I went to a series of lectures at Gresham College, which had been organised by The American Embassy in London. These took place just prior to, and immediately after, the last American election, so it was an interesting time for the US.

One of the speakers from the Embassy, who would have represented the outgoing Clinton Administration, said that it looked as though the Bush Government was going to take a more isolationist stance and take less involvement in International affairs. Whether this is true or not, we'll never know, because the events of September 11th changed everything.

One of the talks at Gresham was about America's cultural contribution to the world. At the end of the lectures they always throw the floor open to public comment and questions. On that day it was more comments than questions and it soon became obvious that the people in the audience thought of America as a cultural void. The comments became increasingly catty and the people who were making them took less and less care to disguise their contempt for US culture.

I was sitting there, thinking about all the totally cool music and film and literature that has come out of the States and has enriched my life and contributed to making me the person that I am. I couldn't understand how the people who were sitting around me had forgotten this wealth of music and art that has flourished in America and mus certainly be in all their homes in one form or another.

I felt embarrassed to be a part of that audience because of their open hostility to the speaker and what she represented. I didn't speak up, because I go to these lectures to listen to what people have to say and save shooting my mouth off for the pub, but with hindsight I wish that I had said something, if only to redress the balance.

I think this is when stereotypes become dangerous - when they become so fixed in people's minds that we no longer look beyond them, either because it does not occur to us to do so, or because it is easier not to.

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