Will you be writing with us again, NotWedge? If so, then the only characters really at issue would be Tayden and TC.
Personally, I don't think Tayden's been gone enough for us to remove him from the stories quite yet. TC, on the other hand, has been given ample opportunity to rejoin and, thus, write or remove his character. When I told Avatar that Lochlan was still with the EPS, he laughed and asked me, "You mean you haven't killed him off yet?!" I think TC would be wondering something similar, especially seeing as how he was familiar with the old rules we kept over at Athanon and the DCMB concerning posters and time gone from stories. However, now that we're writing more organized (see also "better") stories, I don't think a random ignoring of the problem (like we did in TOMB with BisonSix, HourGirl, and Jonah'sWhale at different points in that team's history) will work quite as well as it did in the past. Tobias can be easily be written out of the story in a variety of ways, yet why do we keep him around? In case Grimm wants to use Amuck again? In case we need to use a joke about getting "real" Chinese food in a hurry? No offense, but I've yet to hear a decent reason for anyone wanting to keep the TC character around. I say we write him out.
But, as I'm no longer an active poster, I doubt my opinion really matters that much...