This gives us a clean-break from all of the old storylines (as tied up in #14)
Like the Priest/Danny plot, the evil MBL plot, The Left Hand/Mandelovian plot, the Grimm/Collins plot... without mentioning things we have yet to see like Mick wedding and more.
There is no clean breack, LUCKILY. The universe did not ended in issue 14, and will not restart with 15. Vanguard is still the same, metas are still hated in most of the world.
It's true that a big load of stuff (unresolved plots) have been cleared away, but that was mostly the stuff of a poster that has left the board. The stuff of who is still writing is still intact, and in need of being put to fruition.
Last edited by The Eurostar; 2004-01-03 7:06 AM.