terrible podcaster 15000+ posts
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You know, these here rules are a nifty idea. But inevitably, there are gonna be differences of opinion... Quote:
1.) One character per writer in the main story. Period.
How did I know it would come to that? One character? Do you mean we can only have one active team member, or do supporting characters just no longer mean anything to anyone? :
I can understand all the other rules, and they're good ones. And to be perfectly honest with you, yeah, I've got a little bit of selfish motive here. I happen to have created two very good characters here (some of the best characterization I've done yet, thanks to some help from some of you), and now I'm gonna have to let one of 'em be relegated to some hellish reserve status or put on some damned JSA-esque F-Troop? Or even worse just dropped into literary limbo?
I honestly think I've demonstrated by now that I can play ball in the context of the issue at large without 'weighing down' the story with my own subplots (which, when they are introduced, are generally unobtrusive and fairly self-contained, or else have a constructive impact on the general plot). When I've used multiple characters as in this past issue, they were both important participants without either having to be the 'star' of the story. I just don't see what the major malfunction is here.
All I'm saying is that both Phil and Leslie have become valuable characters in this continuity - as evidenced by the number of people willing to write one or both of them - and I would be very disappointed if I had to get rid of one of them just to satisfy 'the rules'. I just wanna tell stories with you guys, and I'd prefer to bring both my characters along for the ride. I'd at least like to try and negotiate this, if that's not too much trouble.
Other than that, I think your ideas for new rules are very well thought out. They free us from potential entanglements, whether it's the tendency of asshole writers such as myself to lord it over the story with our own subplots or the tendency of other individuals to BSAMS this universe by dragging in pointless details from the distant past (or other continuities that happened to be by the same writers) and then nitpicking about them. But if you really wanna do this democracy thing, and you really want this to work as a team, then I suggest you put each of these up to a vote, since you're gathering our opinions. Granted, three people's opinions are going to be a lot more balanced than the opinions of one (even though Grimm is Pro ), but IMO they're still not representative enough to call gospel until everyone else has at least had their say. In that case, thank yo ufor making these a proposal rather than coming in and saying THESE ARE THE RULES... in which case there would be absolute mayhem. (Not that I mind a little mayhem, but in this case that might not be so hot.)
Anyhoo, I think we're off to a good start, but I'd be lying if I said I agreed with you guys on all the details. Sorry, but you know me. So let's talk it over a bit more first, please. 