I think a little clarification might be in order. There seems to a little bit of miscommunication. What we are saying is that we need to clean up the clutter in the middle of the stories.

I think a ban on Interludes will help that. If the team is off in Oz battling the Wicked Witch and her flying monkeys, we don't need a post in the middle of it about Kit back in Perdita scratching his balls. It breaks up the flow of the story. It's something that we need to move away from.

This is not to say that we can't do character development in the main stories. We just shouldn't make the stories suffer because of it. As I've said before, and I think some of you agree, the beginnings and ends of stories are the best place for that sort of thing. The main purpose of the story has yet to get into gear or has been resolved by those points. Prologues and Epilogues will still be available for all of us to do whatever set ups or development we need in a place that doesn't affect the flow of the story.

As far as the relaunching of the stories with a new title and number, it is not about forgetting what happened before. It has to do with 1. That 14 wrapped up a lot of old business as well as introduced a lot of new faces, 2. it also brought in a new era as far as Vanguard's visiability in the world and possibly the world view on metas (though there will never be a full consensus), and 3. the name Vanguard will give more focus to the team atmosphere that we want to push over the more individual character driven one more than a title that no longer describes the team that is now assembled. The third reason is the one that I and Grimm are most concerned with. Vanguard as the name will be more of a signafier of the team spirit and attitude that we want to inject more of in the stories rather than self seriving posts that we've all been guilty of making. What's the name of the book that the Justice League appears in? The Justice Society? The Avengers? X-Men? The names of the teams appear because those books are about the TEAMS. That's why we feel Vanguard #1 would be a better title now than the old Hero Revolution.

I do think we need an Editor. One moderator not to go through and delete posts he or she doesn't like, but someone to make sure that the flow of the story isn't interrupted by interludes. "This doesn't fit, so I'm going to copy and paste it to it's own thread or a thread made specifically for this kinda thing." Not someone who can veto a story idea, but maybe someone who can remind us that "this guy was killed in Pro's last post, so I don't think that he'll be drinking moonshine and playing the spoons in the next post." Nothing intrusive. Just a referee type to keep the rules for us trouble makers.

I'm glad most of you haven't seen this as a "we'll take our toys and go home" assault upon you guys. We just wanted to make it clear that if we couldn't all talk this out and come to a majority conclusion that we were willing to apply these rules to ourselves in seperate stories with anyone who would talk it out. Since we're all conversing, there's no problem of that happening. This also isn't a take it or leave it proposal either. We are willing to work on rules that we all feel are enough to keep us from going wild, but not constricting enough to prevent us from writing.

I, personally, would also like to hear your ideas on what powers and limitations should we give an editor should one be elected.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."