
The Time Trust said:
I'm somewhat surprised (though not really) that there's been no discussion of the #7 guideline that I added -- I'm assuming by the silence that there's general agreement with it? In the past there was a great deal of argument on that point, so maybe everyone assumes it's been debated upon enough already?

What? No discussion?

I'm sorry....did you miss the top of the page?


Originally Posted by Prometheus:
How exactly does this apply to anything in our writing? I mean, the guidelines were built around pre-existing problems. Who has, at any point in this universe, changed any character permanently without someone's permission? And, how do you define "permanently" in this fictional universe?

I could very easily kill off Grimm in one sentence, and then, turn around, and bring him back to life in the next? So, how does this apply, generally?

And, even if someone DID change a character permanently (however that's suppose to happen), then, what would stop us from going "Umm, no, that didn't happen", and just ignore that entire instance?

Clarify please.

I would still like to hear what you have to say about this...