Am I ever NOT serious?
Well...okay...yeah, most of the time, you're right. I'm not.

But, seriously, I wasn't around for the debacle (or, was I, and I simply ignored it? I sincerely don't remember) of the Psi-Unit. However, from what I have heard about it, I thought it was a group consensus that the MBL were the focus, and main team of La Perdita. And, therefore, the Psi-unit were killed off, seeing as their function had become obsolete when the Revolutionaries claimed the island as their home.
But, hey, thanks. This is the kind of clarification I'm talking about. But, I have to ask, if you were so against it, why didn't you "bring them back to life", or, "that never happened"-the-post? It is all fiction, after all.
Just curious...