an adventurous weekend gone by. ... maybe one day, i'll learn to actually not drink anymore. i type that, of course, with the wryest of smiles, cuz we all know it aint gonna happen. but friday started off with an alcoholic blitz. actually, friday evening i had to stay at work a bit late. but that just meant that i was dying even moreso to blast my brain with alcohol's sweet, sweet nurturing ways.

'round 8 pm, i met alexis, lq, and roxy at east la. we don't go there much anymore, cuz they fucked all around with their menu and their legendary margaritas, but they're still pretty good. i kicked down 3 strawberry margaritas in like an hour's time. revolutionary feeling, that tequilla. but, even harder core is the brain freeze effect, which has the issue of temporarily knocking me out. its nutty.

by 10 or 11, we stumbled to my apartment for additional drinking and hanging out and making fun of one another, now with the accompanyment of jamilet. we also met up with one of my new favorite best friends in this lower east end of hoboken ... wings to go.

despite my rampant and disturbing inability to succesfully defeat anything ranking higher than "mild," i loves me some buffalo wings. and, truthfully, no one really does them like this place. cluck u is good. hooters aint bad (though the ambience is truly where my heart is). but these friggin wings are great. and its like 50 wings for $20 or something insane like that. thus, i've ordered from there 70 or 80 times in the past 2 weeks. it rules.

our drunken rampage continued on through the night and finally split off around 1 or 2. i don't yet have a suitable beer pong table, so we were really cutting ourselves short, unfortunately.

patience, my pets... patience...