so, at the point i acknowledged my non-recognition. it wasn't a rude thing, like that no one knew me. it was more of a case that no one had any idea what my costume was, despite my company being the ones who provided the cartoon. it was amusingly disappointing and became a joke on its own that i could use to mingle and hit on the hot ladies. or something like that.

eventually, i decided there was a remedy for such. booze. ahh, good ole, sweet n'tasty liquor. its the answer to, and cause of, every problem known to man, and certainly every problem known to rob. jon and i, together in our unappreciated disguises, headed over to the kegs. the kegs were in full gear, decked out with holiday spirit. their costumes: life nurishing fountains of happiness, a ruse i feel hook, line, and sinker for.

and thus, the drinking began. and continued. and continued. after several drinks, we were able to talk to flavia a bit. and sacha. and natasha. later in the night, even rita and norman and rebecca finally showed up to the party part. beer was helping. and beer was good.

strangely, beer had kidnapped our indian, non drinking colleague, kishore, who was now high as a kite after the second sip of his first cup.... which is not a stretch of the truth in the least, i assure you. now, our once somberly quiet and equally dormant computer techinition was loud, live, and in charge. he was talkin to strangers, flirting with girls, even fist pounding the president of the company. fist. pounding.

he was outta control. he was tellin everyone he loved them. he loved the job. he loved america. he loved baseball, the world series, his cell phone... whatever he saw, he loved. and shared this wonderful emotion with. everything could have gone horribly, but thankfully, they raise some happy drunks over there in india, so it was all justa love fest.

sorta like an indian hippie gone mad. at an office party. where everyone is dressed up in extreme costumes except, of course, the crazy drunken indian hippie.

i was able to observe the whole thing and sorta chuckle while discussing with others. i was even kickin back a few drinks while discussing with everyone else. sometimes, it was beer from the keg than jon and i were, essentially splitting on our own. other times it was some cans of beer that others had run out to get. still others, there were cups of white wine, since there are dozens of bottles of those. and hey, i couldn't just ignore all that red wine, too. so i had some of those.

and then i left.


and didn't tell anyone.

even me.