Me... South Park, Season three, and Dawson's Creek, season 2.
That's it For me.
LoEG is due out that day, too. I can't stand Moore's comics, so I wouldn't touch the movie with a 10 foot pole. But some of you fangeeks might be waiting for the movie.
quote:Originally posted by First National Bastard: LoEG is due out that day, too. I can't stand Moore's comics, so I wouldn't touch the movie with a 10 foot pole. But some of you fangeeks might be waiting for the movie.
If you hate Moore then the movie is probably your kinda thing.
Stuff that's already out that I haven't had a chance to pick up yet, but will: Firefly: the Complete Series
Upcoming stuff: LoEG- Love the book, probably will hate the flick, but haven't seen it yet. If it truly is bad, I'll just pan it on my website.
Escape From New York: Special Edition- Wasn't this set announced for release this month? Supposedly, MGM was finally gonna have it in stores sometime soon.
I liked the film version of LXG, but then again, I liked Broderick's Godzilla.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to picking up Buffy Season 5, 'cause that's probably the season that I missed the most episodes of, and it also contains Fool for Love, quite possibly one of my favorite episodes.
I thought Ryan O'Neil was in "Paper Moon" with Jodie Foster....
And, yes....I really dig "Taxi Driver"...though, I didn't understand it until I actually visited New York City. After about three hours there, it made complete sense.