Well, personally, I want Danny as leader, Grimm as field/combat leader, and Phil as recon-operative. Other than that, I don't have much opinion on who's in charge on the team.

As for my character's acceptance of Phil.....Ozzy hasn't been with the team long enough to know, or, care who Phil is, and what he's done in the past. The connections between Baxter and Smith is defined by how I, or others, write them together. Other than that, what do you want us to do? Vote Phil off the team? This is a business, and, I'm pretty sure the only person Smith would have to be confessing to is Madame X....being she writes the checks, and all. I don't know. Am I missing the point?

As for my last post, it obviously takes place before Danny's, and, during the period of the entire day.

Oh, and to everyone, I apologize if I've been more of an ass than usual, lately...